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Did a quick search, but I don't seem to see a solution anywhere.

I've decided to start up a new file on my Pokemon Pearl (already made a back-up of my main file) and tried to do a few edits on PokeGen.

The problem is PokeGen makes a .bak file of the .sav and then closes. It doesn't save any of the changes either. I thought the problem was my Pearl so I tried several different roms and for all of them I would tell it to save the file and it would close down on me. Why is it doing this?

It's Pokemon Pearl Japanese edition btw.

And yes, I did check and it did say that the target game was set to Diamond/Pearl automatic so I don't think that's the problem.

  evandixon said:
Is there a .dmp file anywhere? If so, upload it. If not...

-What OS are you on?

-What are you using to load the ROM (which emulator/flashcart)?

-What changes did you make?

No dmp from the looks of it.

I'm in Windows 7, I'm using uh. These carts seem identical. It's the R4i 3DS Revolution from r4ids.cn, but the saves are from my actual Japanese copy and the others are from about 3 different versions I saw on a site.

The change I made was I simply added 100 to all of my item counts and just added 10 levels to my Piplup and put it into my party.

Before this, I was trying to add Mystery Gifts on the 1st time I tried it, but I don't know what was the cause so the final time all I did was edit my bag count and the Piplup.

  evandixon said:
Try fewer changes between saving. If that doesn't work, upload the original save file so the developer can take a look at it if he has time.

I'm confused. The final change I tried was just changing the Piplup's level and that made it close and not do any changes.

  Bond697 said:
i'm guessing the r4 added garbage to your save or something that pokegen didn't like. i just did the exact same thing with a copy of pearl j and it works fine.

The problem I see though is that hasn't happened to Gold/Silver/Black/Black2/White/White2/WhiteJapan/BlackJapan .savs that I've either pulled from the carts or from the roms that were used on the r4. Why would it only do this to the Pearl games and on both the cart .sav and every rom I downloaded .sav? I haven't tried it on Diamond or Platinum.

Edit: Actually I recall using my English Pearl cart and editing the .sav a few days ago and didn't do this. So from all of the Pokemon games I've tried, All English .savs work and all Japanese .savs worked except every Japanese .sav for Pearl Japanese Edition.

As I said I have not tried this on Diamond or on Platinum on either English or Japanese.

Edit #2: I just tried it on my japanese Platinum .sav and it didn't close and worked fine. Problem is I would really like this to work on Pearl.


Same problem with Pokemon Platinum. Im using Win7 and Desmu 0.9.9. Pokegen's working fine with Pokemon White, HeartGold & Black 2. Everytime I saved my edit in Platinum, in my states folder, there is a file like this: "PokeGen.dmp", and also like this: "Pokemon Platinum.ds1.bak". I know that .bak file is the pokegen edit file, but I dont know what .dmp file is?


yeah, i was right the first time. there are errors with the save that the r4 wrote. either change software on the card to something better, dump and write a real pearl card with the r4, or use desmume to make the saves. crashing isn;t the best thing pokegen could do given a broken save, but this isn't a pokegen bug.

  Bond697 said:
yeah, i was right the first time. there are errors with the save that the r4 wrote. either change software on the card to something better, dump and write a real pearl card with the r4, or use desmume to make the saves. crashing isn;t the best thing pokegen could do given a broken save, but this isn't a pokegen bug.

But why is it only doing it on every Pokemon Pearl and Diamond save I make and not on Platinum, Gold, Silver, Black, White, Black 2, or White 2? Both English and Japanese versions I might add.


(Codr and Bond697 are going to kill me for saying this.)

You could try to see if Pokesav DP properly edits your save. I saved and it didn't crash. But depending on your cart it might make the save not load.

Also, be sure you're using Wood R4 if you're not.

  Meguri said:
But why is it only doing it on every Pokemon Pearl and Diamond save I make and not on Platinum, Gold, Silver, Black, White, Black 2, or White 2? Both English and Japanese versions I might add.

it doesn't matter. that save you gave me is broken. the footer on the "big block" in the save is empty, among other issues. try making a new one or something. the save is 100% definitely broken. maybe find a new rom, a later dump. i don't know.

e: pokegen is properly editing the save. it gets stuck when it tries to.. repair the save after making changes.

  evandixon said:
(Codr and Bond697 are going to kill me for saying this.)

You could try to see if Pokesav DP properly edits your save. I saved and it didn't crash. But depending on your cart it might make the save not load.

Also, be sure you're using Wood R4 if you're not.

  Bond697 said:
it doesn't matter. that save you gave me is broken. the footer on the "big block" in the save is empty, among other issues. try making a new one or something. the save is 100% definitely broken. maybe find a new rom, a later dump. i don't know.

e: pokegen is properly editing the save. it gets stuck when it tries to.. repair the save after making changes.

To just make sure, I changed my Save-Game Manager and I updated my R4 with the latest Wood R4 download. I then quickly made a new save and then tried to simply changed my starter's level to 1 right after getting it. Pokegen still crashed. I don't know what to do anymore.


that's a save state, not a saved game. i saved game would end in .dsv or .sav. also, either you're not using english pearl or the state is broken, because pokegen can't identify it. this is also not a pokegen bug.

what version of desmume are you using?

  Meguri said:
To just make sure, I changed my Save-Game Manager and I updated my R4 with the latest Wood R4 download. I then quickly made a new save and then tried to simply changed my starter's level to 1 right after getting it. Pokegen still crashed. I don't know what to do anymore.

post the new save. i'll guarantee you it's broken like the last one.

  Bond697 said:
post the new save. i'll guarantee you it's broken like the last one.

But what would cause it now? I changed everything. I'm not using the same Save-Game Manager or version of the firmware I was originally using anymore.

I just want to know why this is happening and a way to fix it. Once again this is only happening to every thing Pearl and Diamond version I have tried so far and no other Pokemon version.


i honestly don't know. it could be that the firmware/software on your flash card has an issue with patching dp to work. try this:

start a new game in desmume. play up to the point the game would crash. save your game in desmume. export the save as a .sav file from desmume and run it on your r4. play for a minute or whatever and then save again. see if pokegen works at that point.

  Bond697 said:
i honestly don't know. it could be that the firmware/software on your flash card has an issue with patching dp to work. try this:

start a new game in desmume. play up to the point the game would crash. save your game in desmume. export the save as a .sav file from desmume and run it on your r4. play for a minute or whatever and then save again. see if pokegen works at that point.

Weird... it works. So pretty much for Diamond and Pearl I need to make a new game directly on DeSmuME. At least it helps on the roms themselves. Too bad my actual Pearl US/J and Diamond J cart saves aren't able to be edited still.

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