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Posted (edited)

I don't know how many of you would actually be interested in this, but I thought it would be fun to note how lucky or unlucky we are with Honey Tree Pokemon. I know that there are a few of you out there actually hunting for Munchlax off the trees instead of breeding one, and with that 1% chance of finding one, you'll probably be looking for a while (Just like me).

July 3rd, 2009 (Platinum)

Attempt 1 -

Fuego Ironworks: Burmy

Route 210 (South): None

Route 211: Burmy

Route 215: Combee

July 4th, 2009 (Platinum)

Attempt 1 -

Fuego Ironworks: Wurmple

Route 210 (South): Combee

Route 211: Combee

Route 215: None

Attempt 2 -

Fuego Ironworks: Aipom

Route 210 (South): Cherubi

Route 211: Cherubi

Route 215: Burmy

Edited by DanteKoriyu
  DanteKoriyu said:
1% chance of finding one, you'll probably be looking for a while.

Actually, its a lot more complex then that. Serebii says its 1% but its not. Its far more complex (I dont fully understand it) all I know its amazingly difficult to obtain and its one of the many pokemon that I want to strangle because they're so hard to get. SCV would best be able to explain the munchlax clause I believe.

  pokemonfan said:
Actually, its a lot more complex then that. Serebii says its 1% but its not. Its far more complex (I dont fully understand it) all I know its amazingly difficult to obtain and its one of the many pokemon that I want to strangle because they're so hard to get. SCV would best be able to explain the munchlax clause I believe.

I fully understand that it is only 1% (basically 0.01% if you slather the same tree that didn't have one immediately after the battle) chance on 4 trees decided by your TID and SID, unless even Bulbapedia's huge in depth guide on Honey Tree calculations is wrong. But I doubt that seeing how SCV and Sabresite practically wrote that article as far as I know.


  dragonmaster005 said:
Well i have been pretty lucky, i have caught a few of female combees, a few aipoms, like 2 heracross, plenty of wurmple, silicoon, and 2 446.png

That's not even fair....

I've caught all of the honey tree exclusive Pokemon except for Munchlax...and its been MONTHS. Not that I've been trying just for Muchlax for months, but I restarted my game to recapture all the Pokemon, and I was slathering every tree to get all the exclusives. And within that time, I haven't even seen a Munchlax. Once the calculator came out and I had caught everything else, I've only focused on those 4 trees, and still no luck.

Is there some way to abuse the RNG on this like there is on what seems like everything else? lol

  DanteKoriyu said:
That's not even fair....

I've caught all of the honey tree exclusive Pokemon except for Munchlax...and its been MONTHS. Not that I've been trying just for Muchlax for months, but I restarted my game to recapture all the Pokemon, and I was slathering every tree to get all the exclusives. And within that time, I haven't even seen a Munchlax. Once the calculator came out and I had caught everything else, I've only focused on those 4 trees, and still no luck.

Is there some way to abuse the RNG on this like there is on what seems like everything else? lol

Why don't you just try to get one from the GTS then? I got one from there... but it was named "BUTT MUNCH". GRRRR...

I don't know. Some people are lucky, other people are not. Look at me. All I've found were a bunch of Silcoons and a single hermaphrodite Burmy (a male Burmy that evolved into Wormadam... yeah, don't ask... I screwed something up and...)

Posted (edited)
  wraith89 said:
Why don't you just try to get one from the GTS then? I got one from there... but it was named "BUTT MUNCH". GRRRR...

I don't know. Some people are lucky, other people are not. Look at me. All I've found were a bunch of Silcoons and a single hermaphrodite Burmy (a male Burmy that evolved into Wormadam... yeah, don't ask... I screwed something up and...)

No, I could easily breed one of my, like 8, Snorlax on my other saves? ...is Snorlax plural in it of itself, or ...nevermind. But I'm trying to capture all the Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex in game, with out trading. Obviously this excludes the other starters, the Glameow, Misdreavus, Murkrow and Stunky lines, of which I traded from another game and then breed them to have that games OT. As of right now, all that us left is Munchlax and Snorlax. -.- And they just have to be the pains in the arse.

I know you said not to ask... but that is just a little strange. More so than a hermaphroditic Azumarill, since the gender shift to Marill is 1:3 to 1:1, they occasionally change sex, but your Burmy hast done the impossible. lol

July 4th, 2009 (Platinum)

Attempt 1 -

Fuego Ironworks: Wurmple

Route 210 (South): Combee

Route 211: Combee

Route 215: None


Edited by DanteKoriyu
  wraith89 said:
Why don't you just try to get one from the GTS then? I got one from there... but it was named "BUTT MUNCH". GRRRR...

I don't know. Some people are lucky, other people are not. Look at me. All I've found were a bunch of Silcoons and a single hermaphrodite Burmy (a male Burmy that evolved into Wormadam... yeah, don't ask... I screwed something up and...)

Was it still a male when it changed into Wormadam? :tongue:

  DanteKoriyu said:
That's not even fair....

I've caught all of the honey tree exclusive Pokemon except for Munchlax...and its been MONTHS. Not that I've been trying just for Muchlax for months, but I restarted my game to recapture all the Pokemon, and I was slathering every tree to get all the exclusives. And within that time, I haven't even seen a Munchlax. Once the calculator came out and I had caught everything else, I've only focused on those 4 trees, and still no luck.

Is there some way to abuse the RNG on this like there is on what seems like everything else? lol

Did you find your SID or use a random one? Also you need to make sure you change which tree you slather every time. But you are probably doing that since you said its 0.01% if you slather the same tree twice in a row.

Posted (edited)

I used my SID. There was no way I was using a random one and only having half of the right trees.

Feel free to tell me if there is a mistake somewhere in my method. These are kinda like my rules..

  • I always slather all 4 trees.
  • I check all trees before I begin slathering, but...
  • If a tree doesn't have a Pokemon on it, I slather it right away.
  • If all trees have Pokemon, I slather a non Munchlax tree before returning to slather the others.

July 4th, 2009 (Platinum)

Attempt 2 -

Fuego Ironworks: Aipom

Route 210 (South): Cherubi

Route 211: Cherubi

Route 215: Burmy

Attempt 3 -

Fuego Ironworks: Aipom

Route 210 (South): Burmy

Route 211: None

Route 215: Heracross

Edited by DanteKoriyu

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