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I wonder.. (BW Textures)

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I wonder

If there's a way to find and decompress the X-transciever textures, the ones of the trainers when they're making video calls in BW, in order to replace them.

Im not sure how trainer edits would work without taking these into consideration.

Same for the crapload of textures which have the main characters appearing everywhere and posing in B2W2:


Any help would be appreciated ; )

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Thanks, seems I missed the thread. Time to start tinkering around.

Also, is there an informational thread about the original Black and White narc directories? Im currently focused on editing those first. (Xtransciever)

And even if I find them, what should I use to extract/decompress/insert?

Im thinking it might be a good idea to try and figure this out first before I start drawing new mugs.

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