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Tutorial: Editing Battle Frontier/Tower Pokemon

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This is a tutorial for those who have fully edited Pokemon, but still want the battle frontier or tower to function well. (If you added Fakemon, for example.) I don't know if people actually need this, but I just wanted to share my knowledge.

First of all, extract the Narc that contains the data of the Pokemon. In Platinum, it's pl_btdpm.


Open the .narc file in CrystalTile2, and extract a random file. (I extracted file 661):


After extracting the file, close everything. Then open the extracted file in CrystalTile2.


We now have the data of 1 Pokemon. Note: This is not the Pokemon species, but just 1 moveset of a Pokemon.


The first four numbers are the Pokemon species. If we calculate the species, we'll see:

27 01 = 127 = 295 = Exploud

We flip the number, then convert it to decimal. After that, we find the Pokedex number.


The next sixteen numbers are the moves. We can see that:

07 01 = 107 = 263 = Facade

59 00 = 59 = 89 = Earthquake

A3 01 = 1A3 = 419 = Avalanche

F2 00 = F2 = 242 = Crunch

This moveset fits Exploud perfectly well. To find the number of a move, this list will help.


The next two numbers are probably the EV spreads. (4HP/252ATK/252SPEED, for example.) I don't have a list of them, sorry.


The next two numbers tell the nature. 03 = Adamant, which makes sense.

Here's a list:

00 = Hardy (Neutral)

01 = Lonely (+ ATK, -DEF)

02 = Brave (+ ATK, -SPE)

03 = Adamant (+ ATK, -SPA)

04 = Naughty (+ ATK, -SPD)

05 = Bold (+ DEF, -ATK)

06 = Docile (Neutral)

07 = Relaxed (+DEF, -SPE)

08 = Impish (+DEF, -SPA)

09 = Lax (+DEF, -SPD)

0A = Timid (+SPE, -ATK)

0B = Hasty (+SPE, -DEF)

0C = Serious (Neutral)

0D = Jolly (+SPE, -SPA)

0E = Naive (+SPE, -SPD)

0F = Modest (+SPA, -ATK)

10 = Mild (+SPA, -DEF)

11 = Quiet (+SPA, -SPE)

12 = Bashful (Neutral)

13 = Rash (+SPA, -SPD)

14 = Calm (+SPD, -ATK)

15 = Gentle (+SPD, -DEF)

16 = Sassy (+SPD, -SPE)

17 = Careful (+SPD, -SPA)

18 = Quirky (Neutral)


The next four numbers is the held item. Converting this gives us:

0E 01 = 10E = 270 = Life Orb

Here's a list to find the item numbers.

The final four numbers are always 00 00. This marks the end of a Pokemon.

Ta-daah! So now we know we have an adamant life orb Exploud with 4 great moves.


Q: I want to quickly find all Exploud sets instead of searching every file! What should I do?

A: Search for 00 00 + your Pokemon hex number in the narc file. In your case, you should look for:

00 00 27 01

Q: Does this work on all battle frontier facilities?

A: Yes. Every facility reads this data for their Pokemon.

Q: Can I edit the Diamond/Pearl battle tower using this method?

A: Yes, just extract btdmp.narc and use those files.

Q: Does this work in the HGSS Battle Frontier too?

A: Yes, although I don't know which narc holds the frontier data there.


Do you have any corrections / comments / questions? Post them and I'll try to provide an answer.

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