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Ergh... still having living nightmares with Mew from Emerald and Mewtwo in HeartGold...

Mewtwo seriously killed all 105 ultra balls I had on me. And she killed my only 6 Dusk balls I traded over.

And my 5 Timer balls.

...Did I forget to mention having 56 Level balls failed, too?

I restarted 15 times on Mewtwo.

Seriously, I hate it to this day, while she sits in my PC. Forever probably... Until I feel like raising her.

Finally caught that stupid thing with an Ultra.

Ho-Oh wasn't so bad, because I had my Ninetales handy and the idiot bird kept using Sacred Fire/Fire Blast which did nothing, and Extrasensory had extra-failed since it hardly did crap to my Ninetales~

...but that Mewtwo... D:

It was like... reliving GSC and FRLG all over again... Lv 70 stupid Mewtwo... Makes me angry just thinking about it. xD

  Galdr said:

...Did I forget to mention having 56 Level balls failed, too?

I restarted 15 times on Mewtwo.

Those level balls are equivalent to Ultra balls on MewTwo (i.e., the best case capture bonus is x2)


Hardest has to be a Lv1 Ho-oh due to it knowing gust >.< Or Mesprit... i've seen one Asleep with a tiny, non visible sliver of HP break out of atleast 40 ultra balls.. xD which led my friend break his ds accidently.

  • 3 months later...

Blasted Regice on Plat... the thing just didn´t want to get into the ultraball and STAY there, was driving me nuts ... finally he was a good boy and was caught ... now Mewtwo is doing the same on SS ... we should get more than just One master Ball (with out cheat)

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