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Hi, may i request a UT PCP with its wondercard which i can obtain from the green man plz.

i would like the ar code. For platinum us. i dont have pokesav so plz only post the code no files

thank you it would be much appreciated

i would like it to look legit and i would not like it to have pokerus. thank you

---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ----------

  MrConcert said:
Hi, may i request a UT PCP with its wondercard which i can obtain from the green man plz.

i would like the ar code. For platinum us. i dont have pokesav so plz only post the code no files

thank you it would be much appreciated

i would like it to look legit and i would not like it to have pokerus. thank you

can you make it like a simulation of the real event. with the wc and the green man.. i would like the pcp to look 100% legit.

  UnderXRay said:
whats UT PCP?

sorry a legit looking event pichu from the movie

---------- Post added at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 PM ----------

can you sepeate the wondercard from the pokemon in the codes plz


EDIT: i saw your new post, i will edit the code.

EDIT 2: here you go, the first code will give you the event wonder card in your mystery gift and the second code will place a man in green inside a pokemart, he will give you the event pichu, enjoy:

1st code - wondercard:

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code 2 - the pichu:

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tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.



---------- Post added at 03:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

can you also do a red and green anniversary pichu and edge of the night sky jirachi both with there wondercards but can you seperate them like

pichu + wondercard;


Night sky jirachi and wonder card


plz and thank you


yea sure but just so you know i will have to put the pichu egg inside a box because it dosnt have wondercard files (it dosnt have .pgt or .pcd).

EDIT: here you go, the first code will give you the jirachi + it's wonder card, and the second code will place the Red and Green Anniversary pichu at box 1 slot 1, enjoy:

1st code - jirachi + wonder card:

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2nd code - box 1 slot 1 event pichu:

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both codes were tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.

  UnderXRay said:
yea sure but just so you know i will have to put the pichu egg inside a box because it dosnt have wondercard files (it dosnt have .pgt or .pcd).


---------- Post added at 04:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

can i also have the shokotan pichu and wondercard i requested


if you look at the my previous posts you will see that i added the codes you whanted, and i saw your thread i couldnt find the NoKs you whanted and the regigigas that you wanted, the only one that i havent made you yet and i found was the movie arceus.

EDIT: here you go, this code will give you the arceus wonder card and will place a man in green inside a pokemart, he will give you the event arceus, enjoy:

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tested and worked on Platinum US, any problems/changes you whant me to fix/do tell me right here or pm me which way you prefer.

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this is a Palkia request

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Hey, 3BE. Here's your code.

For Pearl, L + R, and it'll go in Box 18, Slot 30.

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Any problems or mistakes? Tell me. Enjoy.


If it's not too much trouble. :]

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Hi can i request an ekikigan shaymin plz can it be not infected and be just like the orginal shaymin:smile: plz and thank you

---------- Post added at 06:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 AM ----------

  MrConcert said:
Hi can i request an ekikigan shaymin plz can it be not infected and be just like the orginal shaymin:smile: plz and thank you

oh and i have 1 more request can you make me palcity lucario, palcity manaphy, palcity mew and tanabata jirachi 2007 and tanabata jirachi 2008 i will be extrmly greatful as this woyld be my last request.

oh and caan you plz trade them over plz (my bro is borrowing my ar)

thank you

ps. i will post my fc when i find my ds.


  MrConcert said:
Hi can i request an ekikigan shaymin plz can it be not infected and be just like the orginal shaymin:smile: plz and thank you

---------- Post added at 06:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 AM ----------

oh and i have 1 more request can you make me palcity lucario, palcity manaphy, palcity mew and tanabata jirachi 2007 and tanabata jirachi 2008 i will be extrmly greatful as this woyld be my last request.

oh and caan you plz trade them over plz (my bro is borrowing my ar)

thank you

ok my fc is: 4468 9425 1031 whats your fc plz?

ps. i will post my fc when i find my ds.



If its not too much to ask, a TRU Darkrai please:

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Posted (edited)

A few more requests if it's not too much to ask.. (I put in the genders I wanted):

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Some of the Pokemon are same as prior requests, but I need different EV spreads and some of the requests were somewhat messed up (snorlax had levitate, etc.)

Edited by XxBlueCleric.xX
EV change
Posted (edited)

Grumps Grumpig@Leftovers [MALE]


EVs: 252hp / 126def / 126SpD / 6SpA

c a l m


~Energy Ball

~Focus Blast

~Dream Eater

IVs: 30hp / 21atk / 26def / 29spe / 31spa / 31spd


I'd like to be the OC. ^^ Also, could you trade me the Arceus I asked for too? When we connect, that is.

Edited by Enzo
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Posted (edited)

could i please have these pokemon

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Edited by sportsguy21

im sorry guys my router wasnt working yesterday, i will start making all the unfinished requests now.

@kikileb, im sorry but i couldnt find the UK regigigas.

---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 PM ----------

i have all your pokemon ready for trade, please pm me when you are ready.


I would like a trade for these, thank you.

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