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Possibly Problem with MicroSD Card or R4


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I really wasn't quite sure what section to place this, because the problem could of occurred in the Flash Cart, or MicroSD Card, perhaps even both.

Just recently a problem occurred in either my Micro, or R4 ,(no duh:redface:) it started when i woke my DS up from sleep, it was already in the YSMenu, as i forgot to turn off at school, and when i tried opening a Rom, more specific Knights in Nightmare, but then a error message popped up saying:

"Error opening NDS file"

(something in the lines of that)

So i thought OK, i rebooted my DS then the message popped up saying:

"Couldn't find _system_.dat"

(something in the lines of that)

I started thinking O NO!:eek: So i plugged my MicroSD Card into the adapter, then into the computer, and now my computer doesn't even recognize my SD Card, only the adapter, i have tried rebooting the computer, blowing on the SD Card, Adapter, R4,Slot-1, even the area you insert the MicroSD Card Adapter, but of course no avail.:frown:

Much to my surprise there were some files in my Adapter, which are:



(My memory is quite vague at the moment)

Now I'm not so sure what to do,:confused: and please i hope I'm able to recover the files on the SD Card, i haven't updated the back ups recently, and losing all those files on my SD Card would be heart breaking, all those save files, and the R4Ysauto took ages installing, i would have to replay several games i was half done.:frown:

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