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I looked and I seem to be the only one having this issue...

When I load an event card (i.e. the new Spring Reshiram) into the new mystery gift section of pokegen, everything appears to work fine, and (aside from separate PC issues with code manager) I entered the code into my AR and booted the game. So far, so good. Upon activating the code in-game, however, the code does not appear to work (it should have the guy at the pokemon center that gives me the gift) and it renders me unable to open the menu to do anything (open bag, see party, save, etc).

To me, this seems like either a problem with the code pokegen gives me or my AR. I'm willing to accept that it's my AR if this does seem to be just my problem.:bidoof:

Software/Hardware in use: Pokegen, AR code manager, AR DSi, DS Lite console, Pokemon White Version (US). OS: Win 7 x64

EDIT: Right now I'm trying the wonder card editor to see if it's a bad card or something.

Also, I just remembered that I also recently used the same process for my Pearl version and it worked fine...


You have great timing. A new version was literally JUST uploaded to address the problems with Mystery Gift codes. As a note, however, only the used card IDs code should ever have caused any freezing.


That could have been it with the card ID's, but I guess I'll request the thread closed now that there is a new version.

Thanks Codr for the great program BTW!

Posted (edited)

I hadn't noticed any problems... should I re-activate the Wonder Cards I'd used? Or should they be ok, since they seem to have worked like they should?

Also, how do you use the "flag" for shiny with Wonder Cards? Is that something in Pokegen, or just when making your own Wonder Cards? If PokeGen, how?

Actually, on a similar note, can an Egg that is set to Shiny still hatch Shiny? Those I've tried came out non-shiny... Is that a PID or Secret OT issue?

It's since I'm trying to make a couple Pokemon for a friend, so I'm making them, generating them on my game, then trading them to him where he hatches them.

Edited by jariesuicune
additional info
  jariesuicune said:
I hadn't noticed any problems... should I re-activate the Wonder Cards I'd used? Or should they be ok, since they seem to have worked like they should?

The used IDs code should've frozen the game since it's been available. The card codes should only have been non-functional since 3.0.2. That's likely why you had no problems.

Also, how do you use the "flag" for shiny with Wonder Cards? Is that something in Pokegen, or just when making your own Wonder Cards? If PokeGen, how?

PokeGen doesn't allow modification of cards in any way. It only reads the data from the files. There's a value in the cards that indicates whether or not the generated Pokemon can be shiny or will be shiny.


Oh, I see. So I'd have to use an editor to add the Shiny value. Ok.

And, I guess it's off-topic, (and you may have missed it a moment ago), but what about hatching eggs that have Shiny marked? I've been looking around, and haven't found anything about it.

I'd assume it's a PID or Secret OT issue, but I'm still hoping it's possible.

I'm generating the eggs, then trading them to be hatched.

  jariesuicune said:
And, I guess it's off-topic, (and you may have missed it a moment ago), but what about hatching eggs that have Shiny marked? I've been looking around, and haven't found anything about it.

I don't recall how eggs work. I'm pretty sure the PID is changed when they're hatched, which means any PID-related settings (such as shininess) you set in PokeGen aren't going to be relevant, if true.


I figured as much, since that's what the outcome suggested. Ah well. Hm, I wonder if it's possible, since I think there has been one Event Egg that was guaranteed Shiny... but I don't remember, that could just be a mixed memory. -_-;

Once again, thanks for your time and help Codr! ^_^

  • 2 weeks later...

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