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EDIT:I have all the IP and DNS settings in my 3DSs system settings correct to the best of my knowledge. I got the information from CMD/ipconfig. I have used the same IP address as my system settings in ShinyGTS. Here is a screenshot of ShinyGTS after several attempts to send a pokemon.


Main questions here...

1. Is port forwarding necessary if I am only sending to myself? I.e, not making public distributions.

2. Which format should the .pkm files be in? I have tried sending 136(pc)encrypted and 220(party)nonencrypted. (These are pokemon made in Pokegen.) Otherwise I have been trying pokemon from pkmdb.com. Should these not just work?

3. If I turn off my wifi internet on my laptop (which results in getting booted off GTS much less) will ShinyGTS still be able to send the pokemon over?

Basically, I'm sure that all of my settings are correct so when I hit 'Start GTS' and go into the GTS ingame, why do I not receive the pokemon I send?

I have posted more information below which may help you to help me :P

Edited by DarkSaiyanGirl

Hey RoC, thanks for the help. I'm double checking all my internet settings throughout the game and on my 3DS.

In System Settings for the DS, does Security setting need to be set to anything specific?

It currently works (as in, I can enter the GTS but still not recieving anything) with WPA2-PSK (AES), or does this not matter?

Also, am I unable to send Pokemon from anything earlier than Gen 4? Such as Bulbasaur, Mudkip etc.

When you say 'edit DNS settings to "point" to the computer', I assume you mean just have the DNS settings the same as in ipconfig in cmd? Which I am hoping I have done correctly.

Thanks again for replying. I hope this works.


Also, will I need to use a converter (i.e poketransfer) in order to get the .pkm file into the right format for Black/White?

If so, what is the correct format/size the file should be?

Indeed, I have many questions, help is appreciated, though I am still trying it out for myself just in case it works.


Just tried to send Glaceon (.pkm file downloaded from http://www.pkmdb.com/) and inbetween the myriad of communication errors and getting booted from WFC, I didn't receive the pokemon.

I'm certain all my IP/DNS settings are correct. There is nothing to be changed IN GAME (it refers you to system settings).

I think it might have something to do with the format? I can make pokemon on pokegen and when I go to save them, there are four formats they can be saved into; 136byte(PC) encrypted, 136byte(PC), 220byte(Party)encrypted, 220byte(Party).

Does the format have anything to do with compatibility?

Holy crap I wish I knew what the hell was going on.


Thanks Delta, trying it now with a Gigalith.

I find I get booted less if I turn off my internet on my laptop (I think it's connection is interfering?) but does this prevent ShinyGTS from being able to send the pokemon?


Okay that didn't work either.

Is port forwarding necessary for when I only want to send to myself?

I can't find a way to change internet settings IN GAME, it refers me to System settings, where I have already set the IP to what is in ipconfig.

Firewall is off, antivirus is off... "GTS initialisation on port 80 complete", apparently.

I'm at such a loss here.


So I got ShinyGTS to work with my 3DS on my Black Game.

Step 1. Close down any software that may want to use port 80. Skype or any other VoIP software on the machine that will run ShinyGTS

Step 2. Are you using a router? You probably are, that's how most people are connecting multiple devices to their internet connection. Get your LAN address This usually looks something like 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x. My router assigns in to my desktop. (Try to use the local ip not your external IP, because some modems have issues with your router sending a packet to your own IP.)

Step 3. Start ShinyGTS, and then type in your the computer's local IP address in the window where it says "File moved-http://www.whatismyip.com/faq/automation.asp" next to the "Get IP" button. Do not click Get IP, just type in your local IP here. In my case

Step 4. Hit "Start DNS", there should be 4 lines and the last line should read something like "*** DNS Server Initialized ***"

Step 5. Turn on your 3DS and go to system settings (Black and White needs to be configured in system settings, while Gen IV games need to be configured in the game itself). Go to Internet Settings > Connection Settings > Connection 1 > Change Settings > Right Arrow > DNS:

Step 5a. Set Auto-Obtain DNS to "No" and the "Detailed Setup" button should now be active.

Step 5b. Select "Detailed Setup"

Step 5c. Set Primary DNS to (or whatever your local ip is) and leave Secondary DNS as

Step 5d. Select OK and then Save.

Step 5e. When it asks you if you'd like to Test, select Test.

Step 5f. You ShinyDTS's DNS section should say a whole bunch of stuff like Incoming data from: Anyway it should be 9 lines. If you don't see this, then your DNS server is being blocked by something.

Step 5g. Select OK, and back, until you get back to the 3DS homescreen.

Step 6. Launch the game

Step 7. While the game is launching let's check the rest of the ShinyGTS's settings. Under Initial Setup, select "Generation V (Black & White)", GTS Mode: "Individual Pokemon Sending", Step 3 Browse to the Pokemon you want to send by clicking the "..." button.

Step 8. Hit "Start GTS", you should see two lines "Setting up the Generation V GTS Server" and "GTS Initialization on Port 80 complete". If you see anything else you have a program running on port 80. Exit that program and then restart ShinyGTS by hitting "Stop GTS" and then "Start GTS" again.

Step 9. In game, go to GTS lady and select Global Trade > GTS Trade > Trade. And then you should just receive your Pokemon right away. Select Quit to get back to the game.

Note on GTS sending Pokemon. I have always saved my Pokemon as Unencrypted PC 136 byte. And I went to the GTS with a full party. The Pokemon was then deposited into the first available spot in my PC. Not necessarily the box that you have active. It goes to the first empty spot.

Hope that helps.


I just reread your original post and here is the answer.

You are not pointing your game at the right DNS settings. If you are then you should see something like this: (Your 3DS should be talking to the internet all the time if you are on the home screen you should see a bunch of request come through)


And when you go to GTS, then you should see the GTS side say stuff about sending your Pokemon over like this:


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