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Posted (edited)


I just got DeSmuME a couple days ago to emulate Pokemon White.

As I am new to Emulators and even PokeGen (used PokeSav for my old AR codes)

I can't figure out to get PokeGen how to regonize my Save files and put it back in. (So far I haven't even got it to work yet)

I have tried to use Savestates, the battery file (which I have no idea what it is/how to use it), and backups but nothing is working. I would use AR codes but Save editing is much more reliable and theres a cap on AR codes.

Can someone help me? I would very much appreciate it. (I really need an explantion from start to finish)


Windows 7 Professional 32-bit

DeSmuME 0.9.7 x86

PokeGen 3.0.0b29

Edited by CobraKill
  evandixon said:
In DeSmuMe, Use File > Export Backup Memory. Load that file in Pokegen. After saving, use File > Import Backup Memory in the emulator.

Why bother when Desmume puts out a compatible file automatically...? Regardless, CobraKill should have searched first, because this has been answered MANY TIMES.

Edit: CobraKill, what's the file size of the .dsv file in the battery folder?


That's exactly the size it's supposed to be. Desmume has no settings that I've ever seen to modify the file format. The save file works in PokeGen, so I have no idea what you could possibly be complaining about.

You could also try posting the file in the event that there's somehow something wrong with PokeGen.


Here's my battery file in a zip. Should I post anything else

Like I said before PokeGen won't recognize my Battery file or .sav Backup files. It's blank where as all videos and threads it comes up and sees what Pokemon you have. After that I don't know how to put it back in (I might if I can save as a .dsv or something)

Pokemon White (U)&.zip

Pokemon White (U)&.zipFetching info...


If you go in-game, save, then immediately try loading the .dsv file with PokeGen, does this problem still occur? Better yet, does this exact save file you uploaded work perfectly in-game?

Edit: Because Desmume treats it as non-existent for me. Examination of the party data within the file shows that it's all in the wrong spot as well. I'd imagine other data is also misaligned. Desmume wouldn't do this alone.

Posted (edited)

Okay so how can I fix it? I have done clean reinstalls four or more times (I'm losing count)

I haven't loaded from save states. Basically I get past the Tour in the Pokemon center, export backup data (unless there's something else besides save states and this). Then open PokeGen and open the battery. It doesn't show any data. Open the .sav file. Again no data. At one point it was sort of working. It loaded the Pokemon. I did mine and saved but I couldn't open or convert it. It was broken I believe.

Edited by CobraKill
  CobraKill said:
export backup data

There's no reason to do this, but it isn't the problem.

Then open PokeGen and open the battery.

You're doing absolutely NOTHING between saving in-game and loading the battery folder's .dsv file in PokeGen? Because I don't believe you.

or convert it

Convert it with what? Why?

Aside from you doing something you shouldn't be that you conveniently aren't providing information about, the only other option I can think of is that you have a modified ROM. The kind of modification necessary to change save offsets is something I've never heard of anyone doing.

  • 5 years later...

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