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Accessing the Pokesav save file


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I am new to using the pokesav (Platinum). I have used some of the individual codes (input through the AR), but would like to be able to edit a save file. My question is how are you able to access the save file from the game card? Any information would be helpful. Thanks.

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If you have hardware you can use to transfer the data from the unit to your machine, then you may edit the save file. If not then you might want to consider a homebrew card that you can use to put your roms in (like a "X in 1 cartridge" deal).

Pros; You can decide what you want to have with you and easily swap the games when you like it. You only need to carry 1 cartridge with you if you travel and still be able to play many games (depends on how big of a memory unit you get yourself to store games on).

Cons; Only legal by making backups using your own cartridge (check local laws in your country, it varies a bit). You can obviously not participate in public events like the Pokémon gatherings and such, using a homebrew card. I mean, you can but if you get caught they will probably kick you from the ground. :P

I myself use CycloDS for my backup purposes, I find it simple and easy to use.

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