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That was a rumor, now it's a reality. Zoroark comes in Europe during the Pokemon Day. (Snarl Zoroark)

In Italy, Holland, Germany and France. No more precision for the moment if it's local or wi-fi (I guess local).

This event start in Italy 18-19June in the attraction park "Mirabilandia"

(In Holland "Walibi Holland" 28-29august .) Cancelled?

In Germany, during German Pokemon Day Tour (last link)

And France 20June-20august in "Game", "Micromania" and some Video Game store. (Second link, not from me but legit. [Thanks Sirnizz])

Or during Japan Expo 30June-3July in Paris.

Zoroark - @Nothing - Quirky

Lv50 - ID06011 - OT ETE2010/SMR2010

- Agility

- Embargo

- Punishment

- Snarl

And in Korea!

BEXCO Busan Exhibition Centre - June 26th, 2011 8:30 a.m. until 6 pm

SETEC - July 3rd, 2011 8:30 a.m. until 6 pm


PS: The Nintendo's stand in Japan Expo can also get Karrablast and Shelmet.

Edited by Djidane
1- Correction / 2- Add Korea + edit title.

I have seen official confirmation of the Italian event distribution, but the news article you linked to simply says that the Pokemon Day event is planned for the stated dates in Holland and Germany... it doesn't say specifically that the Zoroark will be distributed there. I am unable to find official confirmation of this. Please let me know when/if you see confirmation.

The picture of the advertisement for the French Zoroark seems to be legitimate.


Hello everyone i just registered to confirm that the French Event Zoroark is totally true, as i live in France and it's my photo, on my desk of the advertisement so don't worry.

I will be able to give it for the community. as soon as i get my hand on it.. tomorow or the 21.


Yes it's sounds not really legit, I suppose it. (for Holland and Germany). This site isn't the best to announce an event heh ...

I'll try to confirm when I have some informations.

I confirm for french event. And thanks to Sirnizz to let me use her pic. ^^


Hi, i've just called the nearest "Game" shop and they didn't receive the cartridge to give away the pokemon yet.

Guess i'll have to try again tomorow.

  Sunain said:
While not necessarily 'Europe', South Korea has announced the distribution of Snarl Zoroark.

It appears it will distributed at TCG tournaments in Seoul.

BEXCO Busan Exhibition Centre - June 26th, 2011 8:30 a.m. until 6 pm

SETEC - July 3rd, 2011 8:30 a.m. until 6 pm


I currently live in Canada but I am visiting my family in S.Korea for summer July and August.

So, during that time if there are any events, if event place is not far away, I will try to get every single BW event pokes.

However, it could be that Nigoli can awesomely(not a word) somehow get S.Korea events. So yeah.

BTW I am getting that Korean Zoroark almost at the end of July. Not in champion ship tornament but at my hometown.

If u go to official wesbite ( I can read korean) there is gonna be another distribution at the end of july. I am guessing all stats are same as champion ship one.

Nevertheless I am getting it and I am hoping to put it up in this thread or the event contri. thread. If someone gets it be4 me, I guess I will keep just for myself.


Shelmet and Karrablast - England

It has been announced that 'The Pokémon Adventure Camp' will be a feature at this years GuilFest which takes place on July 15th, 2011 to July 17th, 2011 at Stoke Park, Guildford in Surrey, United Kingdom. Players of Pokémon Black and White can receive Shelmet and Karrablast which will be distributed at the event.

Sources: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/articles/1111/ & http://www.entertainment-focus.com/

Zoroark, Schnuthelm & Laukaps - Switzerland

Participating Softridge video game store locations will distribute Zoroark, Schnuthelm & Laukaps in Switzerland. No distribution dates were announced.

Source: http://www.softridge.ch/i17/hol-dir-zoroark.html

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everybody somebody would have Karrablast and shelmet event distributed in England to the " camp risk " is also Zoroark / Karrablast / shelmet distributed in Swiss ?? thanks

  • 4 weeks later...

Since the Pokemon Day Tour has begun in Germany, I've begun to doubt the SO2011 OT once again.

I'd like to ask for any kind of a solid positive confirmation that this was, indeed, the OT for the events in Switzerland.


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It seems, that the Snarl Zoroark will also be available to download in Austria now. Not sure if it will be the same as the German one with OT SMR2011, but probabely it will be because Austria normally has the same events as Germany (if Austria gets the events at all ....)

The download can be made in LIBRO stores all over Austria. The ending date is not mentioned.

Here is the link to the official LIBRO website: http://www.libro.at/pokemon-zoroark/

Maybe we have somebody here in the forum from Austria who could download and contribute?

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