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Posted (edited)

Hi, can I make several requests please? Please DM me or reply tot his message if you can do this. I would like to wi-fi trade for these please. Can you make the pokemon look as legitimate as possible. Im using Pokemon Black. All genders are male. My friend code is 2322 5347 6022. Can I trade you anything in return?

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Thanks in advance :)

Edited by GaGalicious
forgot something
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  AEROJAY said:
I want a new team. Make these Legit and Legal. Can you please just post the pkm file. NOTE: Some moves are gen IV moves only, such as roost, therefore it cant be my OT Info and has to be a D/P/PT/HG/SS OT and ID. well, here it goes:
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There will be more as i add on to my team.

Here you go.


somehow i have problem posting this. is it the forum down or something? i only want to edit the happiness factor, yet i have to delete the post and create a new one...

request a pkm file FAL2010 mew. i don't mind if there someone has a legit FAL2010 mew and convert in pkm file.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My preference is looking legit/legal, if possible. Thanks in advance.

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And finally, if you don't mind, one for lawls.

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Many thanks, again.

  ProdigalMadness said:
My preference is looking legit/legal, if possible. Thanks in advance.
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And finally, if you don't mind, one for lawls.

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Many thanks, again.

Just a quick question. Are you wanting them as eggs or just lvl 1 also Chandelure has not yet been released with its dream world ability I dont think so it would be Illegal.

  HuhWhatWhy said:
mine haven't done yet. in page 2.

if there is legit FAL2010, i am happy to take it though i can't offer much.

here a legit one its not naive nature tho.


Eggs, preferably. Though I'm not going to argue with someone doing code for a lvl 1 compared to an egg. :P

As to the legality, I don't plan on going on and cheating people out of games. Looking "real" is just a preference. Much rather have the pokemon as I'd like. :D


Pokemon: Entei

Held Item: Life Orb

Level: 100

Ability: Pressure

Nickname (If wanted): Lucifer

Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Brendan/08026

Trainer Gender (If specific): Male

Trainer ID (If specific): 08026

Secret ID (If specific): N/A

Pokemon Gender (If specific): none

Shiny (Yes or No): No

Egg (Yes or No): No

Nature: Adamant


Flare Blitz

Stone Edge

HP Grass


PP (max or normal): max

Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: No status

Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball

Battle Stats:

HP 434

Atk 361

Def 295

SpeAttk 306

SpeDef 273

Speed 328

IV Stats: hidden power grass

EV Stats: i dont know

Ribbons (If any):

Location/Date Met: Location Route 34, date: February 10th, 2010

Level Met At: 40

Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):

Happiness: N/A

Contest Stats: N/A

I can offer some events. PM me if you can do this.

  ProdigalMadness said:
Eggs, preferably. Though I'm not going to argue with someone doing code for a lvl 1 compared to an egg. :P

As to the legality, I don't plan on going on and cheating people out of games. Looking "real" is just a preference. Much rather have the pokemon as I'd like. :D

Give this code a try, activator is Select.

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  Brendanswagger said:
Pokemon: Entei

Held Item: Life Orb

Level: 100

Ability: Pressure

Nickname (If wanted): Lucifer

Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Brendan/08026

Trainer Gender (If specific): Male

Trainer ID (If specific): 08026

Secret ID (If specific): N/A

Pokemon Gender (If specific): none

Shiny (Yes or No): No

Egg (Yes or No): No

Nature: Adamant


Flare Blitz

Stone Edge

HP Grass


PP (max or normal): max

Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status: No status

Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball

Battle Stats:

HP 434

Atk 361

Def 295

SpeAttk 306

SpeDef 273

Speed 328

IV Stats: hidden power grass

EV Stats: i dont know

Ribbons (If any):

Location/Date Met: Location Route 34, date: February 10th, 2010

Level Met At: 40

Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):

Happiness: N/A

Contest Stats: N/A

I can offer some events. PM me if you can do this.

The battle stats are insanely unfair with over 1500 EVs also you didnt not specify what game this would be for.

  jasterj said:
Give this code a try, activator is Select.
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Every time I try to add it into the AR, it reads as "There is a problem with the codes you've entered"

Triple checked for any errors I did, and could't find anything. =/

  jasterj said:
The battle stats are insanely unfair with over 1500 EVs also you didnt not specify what game this would be for.

I know thats why i want it like that =P

but i want that for Heartgold.


I made a request on page 2 but I'm not completely sure if I'm in the right section. Can someone please check my requests and tell me if they're possible in this section? Thanks :)


I usually raise my own Pokemon, but imposter Ditto hasn't been released yet via the Dream World. I greatly appreciate anyone taking the time to fulfill this request.

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  ProdigalMadness said:
My preference is looking legit/legal, if possible. Thanks in advance.
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And finally, if you don't mind, one for lawls.

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Many thanks, again.

Here you go. They appear in Box 4, slots 1-7. Just so you know, the Chandelure and Ditto are illegal since they haven't been released onto the Dream World yet.

Ok, all of them appear as Egg's except Ditto. Just walk for like 10 steps and they will hatch, that will allow you to decide where you want them to hatch. Try not to have them all hatch in Victory Road at the same time or day.

Press L+R and the eggs will appear. If they appear as Bad Eggs, let me know and I will fix it. Don't Hatch them if they are bad Eggs.

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i would like eggs of the folowing:

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I thought pokesaving eggs will be easier, so yeah…

It’d be appreciated if you make them and trade over wifi please.:D

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if there’s any problem let me know please.

Thanks for taking your time.. ☺


I need 3 LEGAL pokemon. It's been nearly impossible to get them.

I need the PKM files, please and thank you.

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  Froliks said:
I need 3 LEGAL pokemon. It's been nearly impossible to get them.

I need the PKM files, please and thank you.

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Here you go. Enjoy, made using PokeGen.

Posted (edited)

ALL LEVEL 50, No shinies. OT is Nate (Male). No eggs, no nicknames. Thank you. Also, Hydreigon doesn't work. I think it's dark pulse, could you maybe remove dark pulse, then test it?

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Edited by Froliks
  Froliks said:
ALL LEVEL 50, No shinies. OT is Nate (Male). No eggs, no nicknames. Thank you. Also, Hydreigon doesn't work. I think it's dark pulse, could you maybe remove dark pulse, then test it?
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Hey there. Okay, here you go. As for Hydreigon, I can't test it online since my wifi isn't working at the moment. However, if you can give me your secret ID and your trainer ID then I can give you an egg to hatch the Hydreigon and it should appear more legal. Other than that, maybe someone else could help you out with it. I've uploaded it again and changed some things around like IV's and things, try it again and see if it works.

Now, as for Politoed, I'm pretty sure it is legal, but not 100%. I didn't give it the full IV's you were after because it didn't seem legal so I reduced some of them.

Ninetales....I'm definitely not sure about. I don't know if it will work online. But try it and let me know.

Jellicent should be legal too.

Enjoy them


Action replay code please.

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