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Nickname and OT causing errors, help would be greatly appreciated


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I was hoping anyone here could help me with a problem i'm having with some of my PokeGen pokemon. The error seems to be in the nickname which I don't remember setting, and a problem with my OT, which is completely Correct. Here's an image that may help you understand my problemnamingerror.png

here's a link in case the image doesn't show http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/namingerror.png/

Anyone know what I have to do to fix this?

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quoted from this guide - http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14026-Guide-How-to-generate-Gen-V-Pokmon-in-PokGen

Escape sequence

Since the escape sequence in nicknames doesn’t affect the overall legality of a Pokémon, I’m adding this part only for your interest.

The number of characters allowed when nicknaming a Pokémon is 11. Most names won’t reach this limit; the game automatically fills this void by adding, after the Pokémon’s name, an escape sequence, which is not displayed in-game. If the name’s length is exactly 10 characters (i.e. Roggenrola), there won’t be any escape sequence.

Here are the two elements found in the escape sequence’s structure:

\FFFF – Found after the last letter of the Pokémon’s name, and at the end of the escape sequence.

\0000 – Found between the two \FFFF.

How do we determine the length and structure of an escape sequence? In general, we can say that a name’s length is equal to x. The number of empty character slots is 11 - x; from now on we will call this value E, from ‘empty’.

The number of times that ‘\0000’ has to be repeated in the sequence is E - 2.

If E = 1, we’ve no escape sequence, as I’ve said above.

If E = 2, we will only have the two parts that start and end the sequence, with nothing between them -> \FFFF\FFFF (since 2 - 2 = 0, we have no ‘\0000’ at all)

If E = 3, we will have the two parts that start and end the sequence, plus ‘\0000’ repeated one time (3 - 2 = 1) -> \FFFF\0000\FFFF

If E = 4, we will have the two parts that start and end the sequence, plus ‘\0000’ repeated two times (4 - 2 = 2) -> \FFFF\0000\0000\FFFF

And so on.

the same rules apply to OT name but is only 8 characters long instead of 11

you can also refer to this thread for more information - http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15108-Escape-Sequence

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