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Posted (edited)




Card Title: おたんじょうび おめでとう!!

Card Comment: ポケモンセンター に

来てくれて ありがとう!

おくりものは ゲームの中の

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Pokémon #531

Date Card Received: 2011.11.04

Guested edit: Gallery/Collection update on the way...

Edited by Guested
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)



Card Title: マスターボール プレゼント

Card Comment: ポケモンを あそんでくわて


おくりものは ポケモンセンタ-にいる

はいたついんから うけとってね!

Item Icon: Master Ball

Date Card Received: 2011.11.19

Guested edit: adding this soon!

Edited by Guested
Posted (edited)

Hello !!

I wander around just to say hi and give to you the WC of the french Darkrai T'r'Us in order to update the zip with all the 5g events.

Great forum by the way.

Best Wish to you.

Guested edit: Thanks! I'll check it out.

Edited by Guested
Posted (edited)


2011HVR Darkrai Toys "R" Us (FRA)

Card ID: 28

Card title: C'est Darkrai!

Date card received: 19th November, 2011

Pokémon icon: #491

Guested edit: Thanks, checking this one out as well. (Please attach file as an attachment to the post next time, and not an external website, thanks.

Edited by Guested


Collection archive updated


I've added the French Darkrai to the collection. German should be coming soon, and it's still possible that some other languages (such as English) are being distributed at some locations. Any info on that is appreciated, and as usual, please speak up if you see something wrong with recent additions. This one checks out against all the info I have.



Event List updated


    Thank You Shaymin (Japan, Dec 19 - Jan 5)
  • Swiss Darkrai (Zurich, Lucern, until Dec 31) (ENG, FRA, and GER distributions!)

I've updated the "upcoming" list on the first post to include these new events.

The Darkrai being distributed at Softridge stores in these two cities (and possibly also Geneva) in Switzerland is confirmed to being distributed in English, French, and German, so hopefully one of our users will be able to snag these. If they are identical to the distributions in France and Germany, then it's a great way for us to grab all of them at once, and if they aren't identical then it will be great to add them all to the collection.

Posted (edited)


Guested edit: Thanks, I'll check this out and add it later today.

Edited by Guested

I've added the Italian Darkrai distribution to the Events list.


Event List updated


While all contributions are appreciated, I'd like to encourage all contributors to try and snap a photo or two at the event sites for posterity, and also to back up event validity. If that cannot be done (which should be.... most DS systems have cameras now), at least try to provide more details on where you got the events, especially with there being so many questions recently on which languages are distributed at which locations in Europe.

Also, to verify whether the file has been properly extracted, I'd personally like to know what method was used to extract the pgf file. If you could provide this information when you contribute a file, it could make things go a lot smoother. Thanks.

Photos such as this:

  Reveal hidden contents

That all being said, I'm still working on verifying this Spanish Darkrai.

Posted (edited)

i share darkra of a hamburg, deutsch gamestop too all

srry 4 bad english

Guested edit: Thanks for contributing this, I'll check it out.

In the future, you can attach files to your posts rather than using an external site.

I'll assume this wasn't obtained personally?

Edited by Guested
Posted (edited)

I just registered to contribute the german Darkrai Wondercard file. I visited a Gamestop shop today and then dumped it via Pokesav BW 0.6c. Have fun with it.

Edit: Maybe you can use it to verify the Hamburg one above this post.

Guested edit: Thanks very much! I'll be doing a large update to the collection and the Gallery this weekend.

Edited by Guested
Posted (edited)

Card Title: Virtuoso Victini!

Card Comment:

Thank you for playing Pokémon!

Please pick up your gift from the

deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

Card Received: 12/3/2011

Card ID: 32

Nature: Random

OT: Movie14/Movie14

ID: 12031

Level: 50

Held Item: Fire Gem

Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon

Edit: I just picked up my Victini from the Pokémon Center on Black, and noticed that the OT color was red... So just like the WORLD11 Scrafty, this Victini's OT gender will be determined on the gender of the character that picked it up!


Straight out of the movie with the

move V-Create, this Victini will

bring victory after victory!


Edited by Nintendo1252
  MisterT said:
It seems that there have been some German Darkrai contributions already now. Anyway, I will go to Gamestop now and download it and contribute it as well, if it is needed.

I will also try it with my english game.

Please do! It always helps to have more to compare, and we still don't have an English Darkrai.



They probably had the calendar set incorrectly on the DS system that the distribution cartridge was in... :/

Good luck with your search! When I do the next update, I'll include the current German submissions. Then, when you get yours we can double-verify.

Posted (edited)

Hi, I'm new there (or not? :P). Anyway, first:

I'm from Portugal... I have the Wi-Fi Event Victini (of USA) in .pkm and .pgf // Enjoy!

The .pkm file is divided into a direct file (.pkm) and into a .zip with the .pgf file

Virtuoso Victini (I got the image below by myself)


Download .pkm: (Under in .pkm and .zip)

Nature in .pkm: Calm

Download .pgf: (Under in .zip)

Nature in .pgf: Random

OT: Movie14

Held item: Fire Gem (Fire Jewel)

Ball Caught With: Cherish Ball

ID: 12031 ('-')

Level: 50

Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon

Edited by Guested
Posted (edited)



Card Title: ポケモンセンタートウホク プレゼント

Card Comment: ポケモンセンターに 来てくれて


おくりものは ゲームの中の

配達員から 受け取ってね!

Icon: Pokémon #495

Date Card Received: 2011.12.4

Edited by Guested
Posted (edited)


Collection archive updated


Big thanks to everyone who has contributed an event recently! I've been busy so I haven't been able to add them as they come, but I've just added this backlog into the collection. Gallery pages have been updated as well.

The Italian Darkrai is still out there, but we now have all but that one.

Dates and locations for the Italian Darkrai can be found here.

Those of you who have obtained events I've uploaded here, but want to still submit them, please do so we can double-confirm.

As usual, if you find any errors or mistakes in the Gallery or collection, please say so.

I've also added the upcoming Korean Reshiram and Zekrom events to the list.


Event List updated


    Korean Movie Reshiram & Zekrom

Edited by Guested
  Guested said:
They probably had the calendar set incorrectly on the DS system that the distribution cartridge was in... :/

Good luck with your search! When I do the next update, I'll include the current German submissions. Then, when you get yours we can double-verify.

Maybe, although we tried it as well with my DS system which date is correct.

I will go to another Gamestop next weekend and download it there. Afaik, it should work there. I will upload the files here then to double-verify.

So no more language needed, correct? Maybe I should try it with an Italian game...

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