wraith89 Posted May 4, 2011 Posted May 4, 2011 PrometheusIntroduction: A new RMT... except, this one is twisted. It covers a controversial theme, actually, but due to my rather unfavourable view of revolutionaries, this team will be it. Surprisingly, it did quite well, better than I expected. It doesn't always work, but it's a rather "balanced" team. The name Prometheus comes from the Greek titan who stole fire from Olympus to give to the common man, where fire here represents knowledge. Objective of this team: This team was meant to be put in sharp contrast with my other team, Divine Rights, so I made one just for fun. I didn't want to do another Tar + Chomp + Excadrill everyone and their mother has, but wanted to make some sort of an evil team. I guess I'll try to make another hated Pokemon, CLOYSTER, sweep. However, a problem seems to be I work everyone else just fine, but Cloyster never seems to come out, if at all, unless it's my last Pokemon. Hmmm. Of course, I like my monarchy team better... only because it has more of my favourites than this one does. However, it's always cool making an antagonist team. Other Notes: This team was designed for Pokemon Online, a battle simulator for Generation II/III/IV/V Pokemon metagame. Since I do not possess this game none of this will be playable on Wifi. Nor do I have perfect IVs on anyone. Therefore, assume IVs are all 31 unless otherwise stated. Also assume they are all level 100. Like the monarchy team, this will also have a little history section. I didn't put it in yet, but when I get the time, I will, because you probably want to know who some of these people are. Any suggestions are more than welcome, as long as they can fit in the revolutionary themes. People I haven't covered such as Che Guavara or Martin Luther King Jr., heck even the icon of the French Republic Marianne can all be suggested some way or another. I so want to use Hydreigon or something Former Members Reveal hidden contents [sprite]461[/sprite] Weishaupt (Weavile) (M) @ Focus Sash Trait: Pressure EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Fake Out - Counter - Ice Shard - Taunt A lead Pokemon I ran back in DP ages. It works like a charm, but I have to predict right, or else I mess up. Basically I Fake Out stuff so they flinch, and getting rid of their Focus Sash. Unless it was Dragonite with Inner Focus, of course, which I would have to Ice Shard once or twice. I don't see lead Lucarios these days, but both of their abilities = no flinch. They may try Close Combating right away, and so this is all a game of prediction. Taunt stops stuff like Swampert from setting up Stealth Rocks while Counter eats Earthquakes, but Surfs will be a bother. I originally tried Pickpocket to see how this works, but since Weavile isn't taking any hits well, it feels unneeded and whatnot. He's basically an anti-lead, but maybe Sneasel is better for this because he doesn't get flinched? I don't know. L'Ouverture (Eelektross) (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Levitate EVs: 120 HP / 172 Def / 216 SDef Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd) - Volt Switch - Roar - Dragon Tail - Thunder Wave Purely utility Pokemon. I know, it's a weird spread, and an even more bizarre of a moveset, but this guy does work as a switch in to most stuff because he has no weaknesses. Unfortunately, this is 122 speed here, but with negative priority moves, I don't really see a problem. I'm just here to raise his bulk as much as possible on both sides, and by doing this, I can parashuffle with Thunder Wave and start phazing with either Dragon Tail or Roar. Why double phazing? People are going to catch up and start Taunting him once they realise what he is up to, turning him into a setup bait. Unless Dragon Tail misses (for some reason it misses more than 10% of the time >_>) it's pretty much a way to say DENIED. Well, if it's someone with Substitute AND Taunt, gg. Volt Switch is there so Eelektross can switch out. Problem is, this guy really IS set up bait for Ground Pokemon, though phazing can alleviate the problem. This set works well with Spikes and SR spread across the field. I ran a similar set with Nidoqueen, except it was Roar/Dragon Tail/Stealth Rocks/Toxic Spikes, but since Nidoqueen is a royal, she does not fit in this team. [sprite]373[/sprite] Paine (Salamence) (M) @ Life Orb Trait: Intimidate EVs: 232 Atk / 24 SAtk / 252 Spd Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef) - Dragon Dance - Outrage - Fire Blast - Earthquake Yeah, I kinda had Salamence as the main Pokemon in the team before just because he was like a rival to Dragonite. Anyways, it's a simple set with a simple idea. Early game, start spamming Fire Blasts, and late game, Dragon Dance up and start Outraging everything. He's scarier than Dragonite in general because of his higher Attack and Speed, but less bulkier and is prone to get shredded apart by a capable revenger, so he is best saved late game where all of those guys are GONE. Life Orb recoil/possible sandstorm damage/etc all contribute to his downfall. The Roster [hgsssprite]068[/hgsssprite] Spartacus (Machamp) (M) @ Lum Berry Trait: No Guard EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 172 SDef Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - DynamicPunch - Stone Edge - Payback - Bullet Punch I'm being a jerk using Machamp and I know it. Early on, this puts people in a checkmate position. They don't know what to do! This guy is the single Pokemon that KOs the most Pokemon in OU, and therefore, arguably the most dangerous Pokemon. Dynamicpunch is just ugly because it's his STAB move and is guaranteed to cause Confusion. Stone Edge hits fliers like Zapdos, who is no match for Machamp. The EVs were old school, as I'm still stuck there. This allows Machamp to survive an LO Psychic from Timid Azelf (whoa!) and OHKO back with Payback. Focus Sash? Pfft, say hi to Bullet Punch! Of course, there is the possibility people are carrying Slowbro or Spiritomb or Reuniclus, but other than that, this guy is scary and pretty annoying to face in general. Hitler (Ferrothorn) (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Iron Barbs EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 192 SDef Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd) - Power Whip - Thunder Wave - Spikes - Leech Seed MidoriNeko hates this guy. I know, you're all thinking HITLER? What are you smoking? Meh, I'll explain later, and asides from that, this is a team full of revolutionaries and such. Power Whip is my STAB move, which always misses, but whatever. I originally had Gyro Ball over Thunder Wave, but once I took Eelektross out, someone had to have Thunder Wave for paralysis and whatnot. Spikes is useful for setting up, and though I barely find the time to do it, when I do, it is useful. Leech Seed is very very helpful, further increasing Ferrothorn's longevity and messing with stall Pokemon like Suicune and Milotic in general. It's also handy to catch a Scizor switch-in this way. The EVs I remember was there to take 3 Hidden Power Fires from Giratina-O in the rain during the early stages of the Gen V testing phase or something, but I'm keeping it because I just don't like 252/252 spreads. If I know who to bring Ferrothorn into, he becomes an annoying thing to face, and he helps the team very well because he has resistance to Electric moves, but adds another Fighting weak Pokemon. [hgsssprite]073[/hgsssprite] Lenin (Tentacruel) (M) @ Black Sludge Trait: Liquid Ooze EVs: 120 HP / 136 Def / 16 SAtk / 60 SDef / 176 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Rapid Spin - Toxic Spikes - Hex - Scald Tentacruel is my spinner here, and he also has the bonus of being able to eat Toxic Spikes upon switch-in. Rapid Spin is for spinning away stuff like Stealth Rocks, Toxic Spikes is the utility set up move, and then I have two attacking moves. Scald is Tentacruel's STAB of choice as it also burns Pokemon if it's lucky. I don't want to end up burning Conkeldurr or Heracross though, but generally, it is useful. Yeah, you may be wondering, Hex? While Hex is weak and all, remember who switches into spinners in general. GHOSTS. If they are status'd by either Toxic Spikes (most cannot due to Levitate) or gets burned by a Scald upon switching in, Hex is a 200 base power attack which will hurt. I also used it against paralysed Latios doing catastrophic damage to them, while surviving a Thunderbolt (Psyshock will OHKO however). Now, before you say EWWWW (I know you are doing it), I tailored the set so it can outpace + 95ers like Gliscor. Remember Tentacruel has that base 100 speed. I'm considering changing it so that it can take hits like it used to. In fact, I'm taking 44% from Banded Scizor's Superpower, which hurts, so I may revert back to 252 HP/120 Def/136 SpDef Calm or something, but this was the same Tentacruel I used during testing times, since nobody expects a fast Tentacruel. This is one of the best spinners out there, along with the all-purpose utility Pokemon Forretress. [hgsssprite]143[/hgsssprite] Mao Zedong (Snorlax) (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Thick Fat EVs: 188 HP / 104 Def / 216 SDef Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - Curse - Body Slam - Crunch - Rest So I felt I was Zapdos weak (I don't like that thing), and I couldn't put in Blissey, and I think of Tyranitar more like a king than a revolutionary, so I put in FATMAN. Snorlax is always an excellent choice to put in if you want an offensive tank, and with Curse, setting up physical defence should not be a problem. Body Slam is for STAB and paralysis chance of 30% (which never works) and Crunch hits stuff like those annoying new stuff like Reuniclus and whatnot. After a few Curses Snorlax survives stuff like Banded Superpower from Scizor and can hurt with STAB Body Slam. Once he is in the orange health zone, Rest up like a jerk and take hits all he wants. The lack of Sleep Talk, however, hurts, but he is able to take special hits all day long and turn stuff like Roar-less Zapdos into set up bait. I'm generally scared of Rhyperior or Tyranitar, however, but those two can be dealt with by other Pokemon. Washington (Braviary) (M) @ Choice Scarf Trait: Defiant EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Return - Superpower - Brave Bird - U-turn And the Americans will yell at me for putting one of their Founding Fathers in the same vein as the other revolutionaries, but whether you like it or not the American Revolution was no different from any other revolutions. A lot of details regarding revolutions are often marginalised to justify cruel bloodshed and the American Revolution was no exception. At any rate, this is my STAR SPANGLED BANNER BIRD OF JUSTICE!! With this spread, Braviary will outpace + base 130s and hurt a lot with his STAB Return or Brave Bird. I wanted Rock Slide but I didn't feel it was needed because STAB Return hurts the targets I need to hit bigger than Rock Slide anyways. That is, unless I'm running Sheer Force or something. Oops, I have Defiant, which is Dream World. It should probably be off, but it was funny turning a Gyarados's Intimidate into a + 1 instead of a - 1. I'll run Sheer Force instead, and may run Rock Slide someplace, but I don't know where in particular. Anyways, STAB Brave Bird HURTS. Period. This is how most of the fighters will go down. Superpower hurts other stuff and has good coverage in general, while U-turn is for the annoying "hey I came in and now I'll leave like a troll! U mad bro?" I REALLY wanted to run Adamant on this guy, but base 80 speed isn't going high enough without a boost. At least I gained a bit more survivability in return, but really, I don't know what else to do. Anyways, he is the revenger here and this takes care of my Fighting weakness, somewhat... except he cannot switch in directly to stuff like Stone Edge. Sigh. [hgsssprite]091[/hgsssprite] Robespierre (Cloyster) (M) @ Lum Berry Trait: Skill Link EVs: 252 Atk / 44 SAtk / 212 Spd Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef) - Shell Smash - Hydro Pump - Icicle Spear - Rock Blast Of course, I'll go with the guy I hate in history, Robespierre, to become the star of this show. Adding an extra electric and fighting weakness, Cloyster will surely be the doom of my own team....... but not before it dooms yours! We all know how much of a jerk Shell Smash Cloyster is. Lum Berry denies any priority status attacks that Pranksters normally has and Cloyster will continue the sweep uninterrupted. At + 2 Atk/SpA/Speed, Cloyster is going to clean up everything in the end that does not resist his barrage, unless of course I MISS (and that always happens). Regardless, the deal is, I'm outpacing ScarfChomp after a + 2, Icicle Spear will be my main force of STAB, Rock Blast takes down stuff that hate rock like Volcarona (unless I MISS) and Hydro Pump can severely damage things like Skarmory or stuff with high defence and low Special Defence (unless of course I MISS). Other than that, everyone hates Cloyster, but I never got around to using him because everyone else was doing the job and beating the other guy's team before he even showed his face. Sigh. Overall, I get scared of fighters usually, who could probably shred this team apart. I had an electric and fighting weakness in general, and at first, an Ice weakness. I kept trying to cycle through different Pokemon and this is what I have so far. At least I have Snorlax to check on Zapdos now, but other than that, that added a fighting weakness. I can play around these if I play correctly, however. Though Tentacruel is resistant to Fighting, something like a Choice Band Scizor does 44% to Tentacruel with Superpower. I can regain HP if that thing forced a switch on Ferrothorn who Leech Seeded it though, which works. Aside from that, I'm rather concerned about that hole, and so I put a Braviary to revenge them too. I feel like I need a Ghost. I was going to even try out DisableGar to give him another chance to redeem himself, but I just don't know where to fit him in. Again, I'm not entirely sure how this will work, but keeping true to a theme and making a usable team is difficult. At least I try I have a feeling this team will get people to don their Phrygian Cap and pull a revolution on me ;;; Suggestions Made Get a ghost, particularly Spiritomb or Gengar. Something, but where to put it? This thread is now Tbird Notepad Form: Reveal hidden contents YAY SPOILER LADDERS! Prometheus V2 Reveal hidden contents Spartacus (Machamp) (M) @ Lum Berry Trait: No Guard EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 172 SDef Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - DynamicPunch - Stone Edge - Payback - Bullet Punch Hitler (Ferrothorn) (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Iron Barbs EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 192 SDef Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd) - Power Whip - Thunder Wave - Spikes - Leech Seed Lenin (Tentacruel) (M) @ Black Sludge Trait: Liquid Ooze EVs: 120 HP / 136 Def / 16 SAtk / 60 SDef / 176 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Rapid Spin - Toxic Spikes - Hex - Scald Mao Zedong (Snorlax) (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Thick Fat EVs: 188 HP / 104 Def / 216 SDef Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - Curse - Body Slam - Crunch - Rest Washington (Braviary) (M) @ Choice Scarf Trait: Defiant EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Return - Superpower - Brave Bird - U-turn Robespierre (Cloyster) (M) @ Lum Berry Trait: Skill Link EVs: 252 Atk / 44 SAtk / 212 Spd Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef) - Shell Smash - Hydro Pump - Icicle Spear - Rock Blast Prometheus V1 Reveal hidden contents Weishaupt (Weavile) (M) @ Focus Sash Trait: Pressure EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Fake Out - Counter - Ice Shard - Taunt Spartacus (Machamp) (M) @ Lum Berry Trait: No Guard EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 172 SDef Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - DynamicPunch - Stone Edge - Payback - Bullet Punch Robespierre (Cloyster) (M) @ Lum Berry Trait: Skill Link EVs: 252 Atk / 44 SAtk / 212 Spd Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef) - Shell Smash - Hydro Pump - Icicle Spear - Rock Blast L'Ouveture (Eelektross) (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Levitate EVs: 120 HP / 172 Def / 216 SDef Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd) - Volt Switch - Roar - Dragon Tail - Thunder Wave Hitler (Ferrothorn) (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Iron Barbs EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 192 SDef Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd) - Power Whip - Gyro Ball - Spikes - Leech Seed Paine (Salamence) (M) @ Life Orb Trait: Intimidate EVs: 232 Atk / 24 SAtk / 252 Spd Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef) - Dragon Dance - Outrage - Fire Blast - Earthquake
Tbird Posted May 4, 2011 Posted May 4, 2011 While fighting is your biggest hole here, I feel that's making you susceptible to a bigger threat; Mix mence and DD nite. The fighting weakness is where Technitop will come into play. TechniTop / intimiTop is a great partner for the aforementioned dragons, as it removes terrakion / Excadrill. So if you see hitmontop those dragons might not be far in the wings, which also means you might find yourself up against heatran / scizor. this team does look scizor weak, also. So my suggestion is actually to get a scarf chomp in over braviary. You can cover that fighting weakness quite well with tentacruel, but what the fighting weakness leads to is the problem, if that makes any sense. The only problem with this is that you lose the ground immunity to support tentacruel; though the thunder immunity is quite nice, as you have something to switch into Thunderbro's Twave should you come across the Wave/change thunderbro lead. If we look at the Conk' weakness instead, then I feel I'll have to suggest gliscor again. I'm not going to have to sell you his points again, but in conjunction with this team he's providing tentacruel (and indeed the whole team) with a lot more in the way of support than braviary at present. IMO, braviary is the weak link here though I haven't seen how you play him. I'm not sure who revolutionaries are But, Garchomp and Gliscor both have a somewhat dark image to them, so it's always worth a try On the cloyster note, I feel your best bet would be to switch it in on a dragon. If you don't force a switch you will be able to set up on them I feel (so long as it isn't a lati) IE, switch it in on an outrage off of a non boosted Mence if you can. Hell, I'd imagine you could easily set up on Scarfchomp. They are forced into a bad place once you bring cloyster into their dragons, as there's nothing they can safely do. You might want to double switch to check for Ferrorthorn, just to test the waters. But that could cost your set up window, just use your initiative there I guess. Blissey I'd imagine you could set up on quite easily. I have no idea how this team can currently touch ferrorthorn or scizor, and I'm not sure how to cover these two without changing your dynamics. Gliscor would appear to be your best bet against these two, or even hydreigon but that's just moar fighting weakness so maybe not him . Heatran's another guy that I'd imagine would give you some trouble, also. I'd hope Tentacruel could cover that, however. A final point, you mentioned sub disable Gar. It would help you set up on reun if you could disable its focus blast. It would completely negate most of your fighting weakness, also. If you do go that route, run Shadow ball and HP fire to cover ferrothorn and scizor (if they switch in as you sub), however, a better route for scizor if he BPs your sub would be to disable his BP and have Cloyster set up on him. I don't think spiritomb would add any benefit here at all. I'm not going to question your sets at all you know them better than most and I can't see how I'd begin to improve. So there's my help for what ever use it is
wraith89 Posted May 4, 2011 Author Posted May 4, 2011 Oh I definitely considered replacing Cloyster with Salamence (see former members). In fact, I'm going that route and it seems to be the best. I believe I did face you with the rendition WITH Salamence before actually. Not to mention, it's Fire Blast that nails Ferrothorns. It's just that... Cloyster is too fun I'm WELL aware of Braviary being the weak link actually. But this is to fit a theme, and though it hasn't done anything spectacular so far, but it hasn't been all that bad either. Ferrothorn is quite covered by Machamp and Braviary though. I haven't ran into trouble so far, aside from stupid Iron Barbs. I don't let Machamp just get KOd after being set up as lead. Ferrothorn eats Thunderbro. I know it's weird and it does sound weird actually, aside from Taunt of course, which I have been multiple times, until they realise they can't do anything back to Ferrothorn, and if it switches into a Seed/Wave, it's all golden. However, I do have to watch out for occasional Hammer Arms or something stupid like HP Fire. Snorlax deals with him better though. In fact, I faced a Thunderbro yesterday, wasn't much trouble. I dealt with Scizor by playing around with it. I kept switching in Tentacruel because Ferrothorn invites Scizor in, and so I Leech Seed upon the switch and Superpower does 44% to Tenta, while I heal up and I can either set up TSpikes or Scald it. I can show you though, but it's all a matter of playing. The fact most Scizors are banded gives me an even bigger advantage; that lack of versatility messes it up and I play around it. But of course in general, it looks like trouble, I agree. No Gliscor, he's VLAD THE IMPALER. Screw Scarfchomp, I'm gonna be everyone else. OKAY OKAY FINE >_>
Tbird Posted May 4, 2011 Posted May 4, 2011 Heh you can use gliscor again and make it a female revolutionary But honestly, fighting weakness would be checked, tentacrue's Ground and Electric weakness would be covered perfectly and you wouldn't even have to consider running taunt as you are far from stall weak.
wraith89 Posted May 4, 2011 Author Posted May 4, 2011 I don't really know female revolutionaries, nor would I want to use one. Evil WOMEN D:< If anything, she'll fit to be a female desert monarch moar (Bramimund) :B You do bring up a point though. I can't rely on my strategies to work forever; I need a safer counter for stuff like Scizor. I know yesterday was just careful playing, and didn't account for the real danger stuff like that can pose. Aside from that, it makes sense to put Salamence as the main Pokemon to be a rival for the Divine Rights team's Dragonite. I remember I named Salamence Washington originally even, but I just wanted to put a Braviary in. I KNOW, according to METAGAMISTS I am using something SUB-PAR THAT DOES NOT DESERVE ANY USAGE, but you know what I say to them? "Let them eat cake!" Oh whoops- wrong line. Hang on. James VI & I... rebel Guy Fawkes. :O:O Hey Birdy, suggest something that can represent him
Tbird Posted May 4, 2011 Posted May 4, 2011 Gliscor Erm I would guess something that's a fire type. Fire/ghost (seeing as he's dead) . Are there any effigy styled pokemon? Or ones that were tortured... (I guess spiritomb, kinda).
wraith89 Posted May 4, 2011 Author Posted May 4, 2011 Now I suffer from something called 6ps (6 Pokemon Syndrome). Just like my Divine Rights team. Sigh. Okay, I had an evil Mean Look Sub Disable Gengar in the planning, except it takes an extra turn to set all that up. Whoops. >_> Spiritomb was locked away for mischief... works kinda well actually. I just hope this can all work though, but I'm not holding my breath. Let's put Will-o-Wisp so he's actually burning stuff-oh wait he's supposed to get burned. Never mind. (Needz moar gunpowderz) Effigy Pokemon... I'm gonna think about it. And no Chandelure, I already have one in the other team. This is hard. Victini would work as a revolutionary symbol actually. In fact, I think his whole premise was based on it. Too bad I don't like using that guy. Just imagine Choice Scarf + V-Generate. Yikes! Oh I know why Braviary is the weak link. Cuz he's AMERICAN! HUR HUR :B (I really like eagles though ) Heh, I'm thinking the Fighting weakness makes sense. Fighters are "good guys" and the revolutionaries are bad guys and er... never mind. Good teams shouldn't suffer from such things! But at least I can play around all of it. I think the problem is rather... stuff that look better on paper, aren't actually all that great in practice. Likewise, stuff that looks like "it's SCIZOR WEAK" or something, can play around that weakness if done right. I don't know, call me weird, but that's how it has been so far. All right, more thoughts. Actually, I'm gonna create some Pokemon into both factions, and see which ones synchronise the best as a team.
Tbird Posted May 4, 2011 Posted May 4, 2011 I do like the sound of Victini actually. I think that could work really well if you play it right. I mean, it's got Celebi bulk, so it should be able to do something awesome. Personally, I've never had much joy, though.
Immerse Posted May 4, 2011 Posted May 4, 2011 Hate victini, though it's shiny is amazing I love your teams there always something different and not of the norm, i also like the fact you like to tie it to historical events/people makes for a better read tbh :L Im not very good at rating teams but i would defiantly get that Bravairy out, it can be powerfull but i think it just falls short of the 'Good enough to use again' line :L i wouldn't know what to replace with it though. -Is still a nub - And well it isn't like i can improve on what you nor what Tbird has said, two masters at work, i'll leave you alone now
wraith89 Posted May 4, 2011 Author Posted May 4, 2011 Ha well... if I can get Luvdisc or Pidgeot to work, Braviary can too. Actually, scratch that, the last two were done by pure luck but my general rule is, if anything can provide for a team or has adequate support from a team, in theory it should work. Adding questionable Pokemon to a team is always a challenge from me. I want to get rid of him but I don't want to get rid of him. Oh the dilemma! What can I say? I'm a history nut... I think. I added paintings to the other team too :B
Immerse Posted May 5, 2011 Posted May 5, 2011 wraith89 said: Ha well... if I can get Luvdisc or Pidgeot to work, Braviary can too.Actually, scratch that, the last two were done by pure luck but my general rule is, if anything can provide for a team or has adequate support from a team, in theory it should work. Adding questionable Pokemon to a team is always a challenge from me. I want to get rid of him but I don't want to get rid of him. Oh the dilemma! What can I say? I'm a history nut... I think. I added paintings to the other team too :B LOL! That warstory (The Luvdisc one) was the 1st one i read when i joined the forum i couldn't believe it i was laughing the whole way through and i thought it was that amazing i got my mate to read it Also thats a good rule tbh No pokemon should be exempt from a team unless they can not provide what is needed Drama drama drama.... It's good to know about history after all it is what made us today, without past events there couldn't be any present or future events
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