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If I had to play one and only one modded version of Platinum, what would you guys suggest? I'm looking for a difficulty increase where the enemy NPCs use higher-leveled pokemon and more items, but ex-nay on the NPC-controlled legendaries. The game's plot is just fine the way it is, so there's no need to radically rewrite the script. Encountering Nationaldex pokemon prematurely is fine, but in no way necessary.

So, what's out there? Thanks!


Perfect Platinum is pretty much exactly what you just described, but it's also one of the few prestigious hack projects of the game, anyway.

There's also Bloody Platinum (which was ahead of it's time, I feel), but it makes a lot of other changes, too.

Or you could just ask me to make you a custom one. I love learning how to improve my skills :)


Hm, I'll most def. look into it. Have you tried out Platinum Enhanced? The one where Barry starts out with a Beldum and you choose between 1 of the 3 pseudo-legendary dragons as your starter? I just started that one, but I'm not above jumping ship and starting the Perfect Platinum you suggested.

And by all means, make that mod of your own! Just be sure to make the Revives that gym leaders use actually WORK. I swear, I played an HG/SS mod where Morty spent like every other move trying to bring back his Gengar with nothing happening...



Thanks for that. I wanted to know if Revive worked as an item, but couldn't be bothered enough to actually try it. We edit everything with PPRE, so, unless we want to edit the code itself, we can't change that.

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