david23 Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 (edited) Hello, PokemonWordBlog is very engaged and he can't update the thread, Can one moderator delete the over thread? Bene, ciao a tutti Come scritto sopra Pokemonwordblog è impegnato e non può seguire la traduzione, ha chiesto a malfurion di sostituirlo ma lui adesso ha diversi problemi di connessione quindi la traduzione va un pò a rilento... Chiunque volesse aiutare nella traduzione è ben accetto (basta non fare copia e incolla da google translate che non ha senso). Ricordo di salvare i file in UTF-8 e non ANSI Inviate i file a me via mp qui o su central o via mail a davidcomo@live.it melo-hk non ha molto tempo per montare la rom, allora io raccolgo i files e li controllo e poi vedrò se montarla io o farlo fare a qualcuno del team. File da tradurre: https://github.com/Koolayde/Pokemon-Black-White-Story-Translation-Files/tree/master/0000/ I file da tradurre della storia sono questi: 23 1/2 47 52 57 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 108 115 118 122 124 125 126 128 129 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 145 146 147 148 149 152 153 154 158 159 166 169 173 175 da finire 189 199 201 203 204 205 206 208 210 213 218 220 221 222 236 243 244 247 258 259 264 270 271 272 274 276 279 281 282 283 284 286 1/2 287 291 292 294 298 299 300 301 302 1/2 303 313 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 345 347 1/2 348 363 1/2 364 367 368 369 1/2 370 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 1/2 382 1/2 387 392 ultima riga 408 412 414 416 417 421 424 1/2 425 426 1/2 427 435 1/2 446 447 448 449 450 452 453 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 466 1/2 468 470 1/2 471 1/2 quelli con scritto 1/2 sono fatti a metà, quindi li sistemeremo io e naxx, c'è già da fare con gli altri comunque Aggiornamento: rilasciate le rom v3!!! DOWNLOAD PATCH NERO v3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VZ6VYJGB DOWNLOAD PATCH BIANCO v3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P6S287LH Se vi dice che il file non è temporaneamente disponibile ricaricate la pagina Cartella di mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?dpsxwz7ddc7mp Patch disponibili nella cartella di mediafire. Come patchare la rom: 1) scaricare la patch ed estrarre la cartella 2) Copia la tua rom nella stessa cartella di Xdelta e Xdelta GUI 3) Apri X Delta GUI 4) Su select patch seleziona la patch 5) Su select rom seleziona la tua ROM 6) Premi Apply patc e attendi che il bordo del bottone diventi da arancione ad azzurro 7) Troverai una rom chiamata (Nomedellarom)_patchata 8) è la rom patchata Crediti per questa patch: David23 JJ.metal Naxx zahrino (prova) CDD (prova) .:°Black°:. (traduttore per la prossima patch) Ho tolto chi non ha più tradotto, aggiornerò con chi si è aggiunto all'uscita della prossima patch. NOVITA': -Italiano o inglese v7 con i menu italiani come lingue disponibili -Correzione di tutti i bug segnalati (spero siano stati corretti tutti) -Progressi nella traduzione della storia -Aggiornati i files inglesi screen: Edited January 7, 2011 by david23
melo-hk Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Ecco un elenco di tutti i files Testi Fissi 000 (Standard words) 001 (Standard words and phrases) 002 (Fighting texts) 003 (VS Recorder) 004 (Delete Sava Data) 005 (Problems Saving Data) 006 (Fighting, learning new moves, things about items, HMs, TMs etc.) 007 (Wi-Fi and Wireless Main Text) 008 (Battle Videos) 009 (Exiting Game) 010 (Name, Playing Time etc.) 011 (Yes and No) 012 (Boxes) 013 (Standard phrases) 014 (Partly - Trainer Names) 015 (Partly - Attacks in Battles) 016 (Partly - Battle text) 017 (Battle text) 018 (Battle text) 019 (Saving stuff) 020 (Wireless stuff) 021 (Araragi's Poké Ball info) 022 (Wi-Fi and Online things) 023 (C-Gear) 024 (Wi-Fi stuff) 025 (Kinds of Pokémon: Angry, Sweet etc.) 026 (Adding Friends/Friend codes) 027 (Some random words) 028 (Connecting errors) 029 (No data words) 030 (Options) 031 (Wireless stuff) 032 (Congratulations) 035 (In-Game interface) 036 (Hall of Fame/Completing Game) 037 (Running to a Pokécenter when all Pokémon are fainted) 038 (Partly - Bulletin Boards texts) 039 (Yes and No) 040 (Random words) 042 (Yes and No) 043 (Some random words/hobbies) 044 (Intro of the Game/Talking with Professor Araragi) 046 (Back) 047 (Back) 048 (Random words) 049 (Random words) 051 (Random words) 052 (Random words and phrases) 053 (Partly - Description of Items) 054 (Partly - Item names) 055 (Bag words) 058 (Yes and no) 059 (Mail) 060 (Mail) 061 (Kinds of Information) 062 (Partly - Information to choose) 064 (Yes and no) 065 (Mic test) 067 (C-Gear Missions and Rewards) 069 (Yes and no) 070 (Names of Pokémon) 071 (Random words and phrases) 072 (PokéShifter) 073 (Partly - Items) 074 (Random phrases) 075 (Join a Group, Become Leader) 076 (Random words) 079 (Musical Hall) 080 (Partly - Mystery Gift) 081 (Random words and phrases) 082 (Communication Errors) 083 (Random words) 084 (Battle Box) 085 (Hall of Fame) 087 (Game Sync) 088 (Mic) 091 (Random words) 092 (Regios) 093 (Random words) 094 (Random words) 095 (Random words) 096 (Random words) 113 (Random words) 115 (Random words) 117 (Curse) 118 (Random words) 138 (PokéDex?) 139 (Yes, no, quit) 140 (Cancel, Accept, Go Back) 157 (Random words) 158 (PC Operations) 159 (PokéDex) 160 (C-Gear Powers) 166 (Kind of Battles) 167 (Rules for Battles) 168 (Badges, Playing Time etc.) 169 (Quit) 171 (Talking about Boy and Girl) 172 (Evolving Pokémon) 173 (Bag, Trainer Card words etc.) 176 (Names of most important persons in-game) 177 (Credits) 179 (Main Menu) 180 (Attack, Defence etc.) 181 (Press the Start Button) 185 (Flying Text/Info) 187 (Trainer Card) 189 (Partly - Trainer Battle Text) 190 (Partly - Trainer names) 191 (All kinds of Pokémon trainers) 193 (Talking with Mom via Live Caster) 194 (Live Caster Call?) 195 (Talking) 198 (Some names) 199 (Pokémon types: Fire, Grass etc.) 200 (Random words) 202 (Random words) 205 (Talking) 207 (Geonet) 208 (Partly - GTS) 212 t/m 231 (Places and Countries) 233 (Yes and no) 234 (Partly - Random words) 271 (PokéDex) Testi della storia 000 (Partly - Talking with Maid) 001 (Achievement, Completing the National PokéDex) 002 (Talking) 004 (Random talk) 005 (Toy) 007 (Partly - Black City talk) 008 (Item Descriptions) 009 (Partly) 010 (Quit) 011 (Part of Story and signs) 012 (Talking with and about Gyms) 013 (Tips) 014 (Random talking) 015 (C-Gear) 016 (Random talking) 017 (Adverts) 018 (Global Trade Station) 020 (Part of Story) 021 (Gym talk) 023 (Gym talk) 030 (Quit) 033 (Signs) 034 (Gym talk) 035 (Part of Story) 036 (Part of Story) 037 (Part of Story) 038 (Hiun City Ice Cream) 039 (Game Freak) 040 (Random talk) 041 (Liberty Garden Island) 042 (Yes and No) 043 (Part of Story) 044 (Quit) 045 (Talking about Evoluation Stones) 046 (Random talk) 047 (Yes, No, Quit) 048 (Art Gallery) 056 (Part of Story) 059 (Pokémon Massage) 061 (Part of Story) 064 (Badges) 066 (Random talk) 067 (Part of Story) 068 (Raimon City Gym) 069 (Part of Story) 071 (Lines) 072 (Isshu Underground Map) 073 (Isshu Underground Map) 074 (Isshu Underground Map) 075 (Isshu Underground Map) 076 (Isshu Underground Map) 077 (Isshu Underground Map) 078 (Isshu Underground Map) 079 (Isshu Underground Map and Platform for Kanawa Town) 080 (Test) 095 (Part of Story) 096 (Talking about Bulletin Boards) 103 (Hodomoe Pokémon Gym Leader) 113 (Fukiyose Pokémon Gym Leader) 119 (Sekka Pokémon Gym Leader) 137 (Victory Road) 158 (Saving Games) 168 (Quit) 237 (Dark Cave) 242 (Dark Cave) 260 (Hatching Eggs and giving names) 261 (Elevator) 280 (HM Moves) 283 (Receiving and Finding Items) 314 (Accessing PC's) 347 (Pokémon Center healing and Union Room) 349 (Part of Story) 351 (Part of Story, Getting Running shoes) 352 (Bulletin Board/Newticker talk) 369 (Random talk) 411 (Black City and White Forest) 415 (The Wonder Bridge) 420 (Random talk) 421 (Quit) 423 (Shop talk) 424 (Shop talk) 428 (Part of Story) 429 (Part of Story) 430 (First part of story) 431 (Part of story) 433 (Part of story) 434 (Text on Cheren's computer) 435 (Part of story) 436 (Part of Story) 437 (Part of Story) 438 (Talking) 439 (Talking) 440 (Talking) 441 (Talking) 442 (Talking) 443 (Talking) 444 (Talking) 445 (Talking) 446 (Quit) 451 (Talking) 452 (Talking) 454 (Talking) 455 (Talking) 456 (Partly - Still Japanese parts) 457 (Small sentence) 461 (Words) 463 (Union Room talk) 464 (Vending Machine) 465 (Route 17) 466 (Random talk) 467 (Black City) 470 (Wi-Fi) 471 (Wi-Fi and Online Battles) Cercasi aiutanti!!
J.J. Metal Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Ecco un elenco di tutti i files Testi Fissi 000 (Standard words) 001 (Standard words and phrases) 002 (Fighting texts) 003 (VS Recorder) 004 (Delete Sava Data) 005 (Problems Saving Data) 006 (Fighting, learning new moves, things about items, HMs, TMs etc.) 007 (Wi-Fi and Wireless Main Text) 008 (Battle Videos) 009 (Exiting Game) 010 (Name, Playing Time etc.) 011 (Yes and No) 012 (Boxes) 013 (Standard phrases) 014 (Partly - Trainer Names) 015 (Partly - Attacks in Battles) 016 (Partly - Battle text) 017 (Battle text) 018 (Battle text) 019 (Saving stuff) 020 (Wireless stuff) 021 (Araragi's Poké Ball info) 022 (Wi-Fi and Online things) 023 (C-Gear) 024 (Wi-Fi stuff) 025 (Kinds of Pokémon: Angry, Sweet etc.) 026 (Adding Friends/Friend codes) 027 (Some random words) 028 (Connecting errors) 029 (No data words) 030 (Options) 031 (Wireless stuff) 032 (Congratulations) 035 (In-Game interface) 036 (Hall of Fame/Completing Game) 037 (Running to a Pokécenter when all Pokémon are fainted) 038 (Partly - Bulletin Boards texts) 039 (Yes and No) 040 (Random words) 042 (Yes and No) 043 (Some random words/hobbies) 044 (Intro of the Game/Talking with Professor Araragi) 046 (Back) 047 (Back) 048 (Random words) 049 (Random words) 051 (Random words) 052 (Random words and phrases) 053 (Partly - Description of Items) 054 (Partly - Item names) 055 (Bag words) 058 (Yes and no) 059 (Mail) 060 (Mail) 061 (Kinds of Information) 062 (Partly - Information to choose) 064 (Yes and no) 065 (Mic test) 067 (C-Gear Missions and Rewards) 069 (Yes and no) 070 (Names of Pokémon) 071 (Random words and phrases) 072 (PokéShifter) 073 (Partly - Items) 074 (Random phrases) 075 (Join a Group, Become Leader) 076 (Random words) 079 (Musical Hall) 080 (Partly - Mystery Gift) 081 (Random words and phrases) 082 (Communication Errors) 083 (Random words) 084 (Battle Box) 085 (Hall of Fame) 087 (Game Sync) 088 (Mic) 091 (Random words) 092 (Regios) 093 (Random words) 094 (Random words) 095 (Random words) 096 (Random words) 113 (Random words) 115 (Random words) 117 (Curse) 118 (Random words) 138 (PokéDex?) 139 (Yes, no, quit) 140 (Cancel, Accept, Go Back) 157 (Random words) 158 (PC Operations) 159 (PokéDex) 160 (C-Gear Powers) 166 (Kind of Battles) 167 (Rules for Battles) 168 (Badges, Playing Time etc.) 169 (Quit) 171 (Talking about Boy and Girl) 172 (Evolving Pokémon) 173 (Bag, Trainer Card words etc.) 176 (Names of most important persons in-game) 177 (Credits) 179 (Main Menu) 180 (Attack, Defence etc.) 181 (Press the Start Button) 185 (Flying Text/Info) 187 (Trainer Card) 189 (Partly - Trainer Battle Text) 190 (Partly - Trainer names) 191 (All kinds of Pokémon trainers) 193 (Talking with Mom via Live Caster) 194 (Live Caster Call?) 195 (Talking) 198 (Some names) 199 (Pokémon types: Fire, Grass etc.) 200 (Random words) 202 (Random words) 205 (Talking) 207 (Geonet) 208 (Partly - GTS) 212 t/m 231 (Places and Countries) 233 (Yes and no) 234 (Partly - Random words) 271 (PokéDex) Testi della storia 000 (Partly - Talking with Maid) 001 (Achievement, Completing the National PokéDex) 002 (Talking) 004 (Random talk) 005 (Toy) 007 (Partly - Black City talk) 008 (Item Descriptions) 009 (Partly) 010 (Quit) 011 (Part of Story and signs) 012 (Talking with and about Gyms) 013 (Tips) 014 (Random talking) 015 (C-Gear) 016 (Random talking) 017 (Adverts) 018 (Global Trade Station) 020 (Part of Story) 021 (Gym talk) 023 (Gym talk) 030 (Quit) 033 (Signs) 034 (Gym talk) 035 (Part of Story) 036 (Part of Story) 037 (Part of Story) 038 (Hiun City Ice Cream) 039 (Game Freak) 040 (Random talk) 041 (Liberty Garden Island) 042 (Yes and No) 043 (Part of Story) 044 (Quit) 045 (Talking about Evoluation Stones) 046 (Random talk) 047 (Yes, No, Quit) 048 (Art Gallery) 056 (Part of Story) 059 (Pokémon Massage) 061 (Part of Story) 064 (Badges) 066 (Random talk) 067 (Part of Story) 068 (Raimon City Gym) 069 (Part of Story) 071 (Lines) 072 (Isshu Underground Map) 073 (Isshu Underground Map) 074 (Isshu Underground Map) 075 (Isshu Underground Map) 076 (Isshu Underground Map) 077 (Isshu Underground Map) 078 (Isshu Underground Map) 079 (Isshu Underground Map and Platform for Kanawa Town) 080 (Test) 095 (Part of Story) 096 (Talking about Bulletin Boards) 103 (Hodomoe Pokémon Gym Leader) 113 (Fukiyose Pokémon Gym Leader) 119 (Sekka Pokémon Gym Leader) 137 (Victory Road) 158 (Saving Games) 168 (Quit) 237 (Dark Cave) 242 (Dark Cave) 260 (Hatching Eggs and giving names) 261 (Elevator) 280 (HM Moves) 283 (Receiving and Finding Items) 314 (Accessing PC's) 347 (Pokémon Center healing and Union Room) 349 (Part of Story) 351 (Part of Story, Getting Running shoes) 352 (Bulletin Board/Newticker talk) 369 (Random talk) 411 (Black City and White Forest) 415 (The Wonder Bridge) 420 (Random talk) 421 (Quit) 423 (Shop talk) 424 (Shop talk) 428 (Part of Story) 429 (Part of Story) 430 (First part of story) 431 (Part of story) 433 (Part of story) 434 (Text on Cheren's computer) 435 (Part of story) 436 (Part of Story) 437 (Part of Story) 438 (Talking) 439 (Talking) 440 (Talking) 441 (Talking) 442 (Talking) 443 (Talking) 444 (Talking) 445 (Talking) 446 (Quit) 451 (Talking) 452 (Talking) 454 (Talking) 455 (Talking) 456 (Partly - Still Japanese parts) 457 (Small sentence) 461 (Words) 463 (Union Room talk) 464 (Vending Machine) 465 (Route 17) 466 (Random talk) 467 (Black City) 470 (Wi-Fi) 471 (Wi-Fi and Online Battles) Cercasi aiutanti!! Tutti quei file del menu sono già stati tradotti/corretti? Per i file della storia c'è già la lista nel primo post ^^
J.J. Metal Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Vedo che ne mancano alcuni, tipo 33, 34, 235-270 ecc...
melo-hk Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 David devi mettere la patc di bianco pure su mediafire
david23 Posted November 28, 2010 Author Posted November 28, 2010 David devi mettere la patc di bianco pure su mediafire non riesco a scaricarla, è da un'ora che è temporaneamente non disponibile... te l'ho scritto nella mail anche... ok coi tuoi link mediafire
Super_Simo Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Ragazzi io apro la cartella della patch di Nero clicco su xDelta GUI come Patch seleziono: V1-Nero_Italiano.patch e come rom: p0k3m0n 874ck by 347fur10n.nds che è jap postata da malfurion. Clicco su Apply Patch e mi da errore come mai?? EDIT: Ci ho provato con Bianco e il gioco full eng ma mi da lo stesso errore
melo-hk Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Forse capisco devi mettere la rom nella stessa cartella di xdelta e Xdelta GUI
max2348 Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Bisognerebbe applicarla su una rom non patchata vero?
Super_Simo Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Grazie melo adesso va vediamo se va sull'R4 EDIT: Non va provo a cambiare la rom e mettere quella jap e non quella full eng.
melo-hk Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Devi avere Wood se non lo hai scarica questo RIMOSSO ed avvialo come se fosse una rom e da qui avii pokemon
david23 Posted November 28, 2010 Author Posted November 28, 2010 scusate qualcuno mi spiega come posso dare una mano???GRAZIEEEEEEE! http://github.com/projectpokemon/Pokemon-Black-White-Story-Translation-Files/tree/master/0000/ ci sono i file in inglese, guarda la lista e traducine uno non ancora fatto
Super_Simo Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Ho il wood ultimate generation dove partono tutti i giochi e poi ho l'R4 orginale io
Super_Simo Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Va! Dovete patchare quella jap non quella eng
melo-hk Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Devi disattivare il reset in game avvii wood premi start fai impostazioni (setup) premi R fino ad arrivare alla scheda patches fai soft-reset e metti Disabilita
melo-hk Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Va! Dovete patchare quella jap non quella eng Questo è dato x scontato senno ovvio che crasha
melo-hk Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Finchè non sistemiamo mandali a me melo_pc@hotmail.it sono io a montare la rom
J.J. Metal Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 C'è un errore nel file 158. Invece di 180 frasi ce ne sono 179 ed è sfasato tutto. Io proporrei di lasciare perdere questa patch e di metterci giù per sistemare tutto. Non credete? Facciamo così: Io mi occupo di sistemare TUTTO il menu (tutti i 272 file) confrontando la versione eng, ok? Voi intanto andate avanti con la storia, al resto penso io. Nel caso avessi bisogno di una mano sarò io a chiederla ^^
melo-hk Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 è una beta quindi i bug ci sono è la rom resta se vuoi sistemare il bug fai pure ma non è un problema ^.^ Comunque siccome tutti possono partecipare non puoi riservarti dei files
david23 Posted November 28, 2010 Author Posted November 28, 2010 è una beta quindi i bug ci sono è la rom resta se vuoi sistemare il bug fai pure ma non è un problema ^.^ Comunque siccome tutti possono partecipare non puoi riservarti dei files ne abbiamo abbastanza da fare con la storia, per me è meglio se i menu li fa una persona sola, così se tornasse malfurion perdiamo meno tempo...
J.J. Metal Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Ok, ma con i file della storia siamo ancora al 60%, manca ancora un vasto 40%. Mentre gli altri si concentrano su quelli, io posso fare tutti quelli del menu. Io non parlo a vanvera, se dico che farò una cosa la faccio ^^
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