mptje Posted October 26, 2010 Posted October 26, 2010 (edited) Hello everybody, I am currently working with my team on a Dutch version of Pokémon Black and White. I know there already is someone busy with this, but he's not far and it looks like he stopped translating. So, that's why we started! The files we have currently translated: Main text: Reveal hidden contents 000 (Standard words) 001 (Standard words and phrases) 002 (Fighting texts) 003 (VS Recorder) 004 (Delete Sava Data) 005 (Problems Saving Data) 006 (Fighting, learning new moves, things about items, HMs, TMs etc.) 007 (Wi-Fi and Wireless Main Text) 008 (Battle Videos) 009 (Exiting Game) 010 (Name, Playing Time etc.) 011 (Yes and No) 012 (Boxes) 013 (Standard phrases) 014 (Partly - Trainer Names) 015 (Partly - Attacks in Battles) 016 (Partly - Battle text) 017 (Battle text) 018 (Battle text) 019 (Saving stuff) 020 (Wireless stuff) 021 (Araragi's Poké Ball info) 022 (Wi-Fi and Online things) 023 (C-Gear) 024 (Wi-Fi stuff) 025 (Kinds of Pokémon: Angry, Sweet etc.) 026 (Adding Friends/Friend codes) 027 (Some random words) 028 (Connecting errors) 029 (No data words) 030 (Options) 031 (Wireless stuff) 032 (Congratulations) 035 (In-Game interface) 036 (Hall of Fame/Completing Game) 037 (Running to a Pokécenter when all Pokémon are fainted) 038 (Partly - Bulletin Boards texts) 039 (Yes and No) 040 (Random words) 042 (Yes and No) 043 (Some random words/hobbies) 044 (Intro of the Game/Talking with Professor Araragi) 046 (Back) 047 (Back) 048 (Random words) 049 (Random words) 051 (Random words) 052 (Random words and phrases) 053 (Partly - Description of Items) 054 (Partly - Item names) 055 (Bag words) 058 (Yes and no) 059 (Mail) 060 (Mail) 061 (Kinds of Information) 062 (Partly - Information to choose) 064 (Yes and no) 065 (Mic test) 067 (C-Gear Missions and Rewards) 069 (Yes and no) 070 (Names of Pokémon) 071 (Random words and phrases) 072 (PokéShifter) 073 (Partly - Items) 074 (Random phrases) 075 (Join a Group, Become Leader) 076 (Random words) 079 (Musical Hall) 080 (Partly - Mystery Gift) 081 (Random words and phrases) 082 (Communication Errors) 083 (Random words) 084 (Battle Box) 085 (Hall of Fame) 087 (Game Sync) 088 (Mic) 091 (Random words) 092 (Regios) 093 (Random words) 094 (Random words) 095 (Random words) 096 (Random words) 113 (Random words) 115 (Random words) 117 (Curse) 118 (Random words) 138 (PokéDex?) 139 (Yes, no, quit) 140 (Cancel, Accept, Go Back) 157 (Random words) 158 (PC Operations) 159 (PokéDex) 160 (C-Gear Powers) 166 (Kind of Battles) 167 (Rules for Battles) 168 (Badges, Playing Time etc.) 169 (Quit) 171 (Talking about Boy and Girl) 172 (Evolving Pokémon) 173 (Bag, Trainer Card words etc.) 176 (Names of most important persons in-game) 177 (Credits) 179 (Main Menu) 180 (Attack, Defence etc.) 181 (Press the Start Button) 185 (Flying Text/Info) 187 (Trainer Card) 189 (Partly - Trainer Battle Text) 190 (Partly - Trainer names) 191 (All kinds of Pokémon trainers) 193 (Talking with Mom via Live Caster) 194 (Live Caster Call?) 195 (Talking) 198 (Some names) 199 (Pokémon types: Fire, Grass etc.) 200 (Random words) 202 (Random words) 205 (Talking) 207 (Geonet) 208 (Partly - GTS) 212 t/m 231 (Places and Countries) 233 (Yes and no) 234 (Partly - Random words) 271 (PokéDex) Dialogues: Reveal hidden contents 000 (Partly - Talking with Maid) 001 (Achievement, Completing the National PokéDex) 002 (Talking) 004 (Random talk) 005 (Toy) 007 (Partly - Black City talk) 008 (Item Descriptions) 009 (Partly) 010 (Quit) 011 (Part of Story and signs) 012 (Talking with and about Gyms) 013 (Tips) 014 (Random talking) 015 (C-Gear) 016 (Random talking) 017 (Adverts) 018 (Global Trade Station) 020 (Part of Story) 021 (Gym talk) 023 (Gym talk) 030 (Quit) 033 (Signs) 034 (Gym talk) 035 (Part of Story) 036 (Part of Story) 037 (Part of Story) 038 (Hiun City Ice Cream) 039 (Game Freak) 040 (Random talk) 041 (Liberty Garden Island) 042 (Yes and No) 043 (Part of Story) 044 (Quit) 045 (Talking about Evoluation Stones) 046 (Random talk) 047 (Yes, No, Quit) 048 (Art Gallery) 056 (Part of Story) 059 (Pokémon Massage) 061 (Part of Story) 064 (Badges) 066 (Random talk) 067 (Part of Story) 068 (Raimon City Gym) 069 (Part of Story) 071 (Lines) 072 (Isshu Underground Map) 073 (Isshu Underground Map) 074 (Isshu Underground Map) 075 (Isshu Underground Map) 076 (Isshu Underground Map) 077 (Isshu Underground Map) 078 (Isshu Underground Map) 079 (Isshu Underground Map and Platform for Kanawa Town) 080 (Test) 095 (Part of Story) 096 (Talking about Bulletin Boards) 103 (Hodomoe Pokémon Gym Leader) 113 (Fukiyose Pokémon Gym Leader) 119 (Sekka Pokémon Gym Leader) 137 (Victory Road) 158 (Saving Games) 168 (Quit) 237 (Dark Cave) 242 (Dark Cave) 260 (Hatching Eggs and giving names) 261 (Elevator) 280 (HM Moves) 283 (Receiving and Finding Items) 314 (Accessing PC's) 347 (Pokémon Center healing and Union Room) 349 (Part of Story) 351 (Part of Story, Getting Running shoes) 352 (Bulletin Board/Newticker talk) 369 (Random talk) 411 (Black City and White Forest) 415 (The Wonder Bridge) 420 (Random talk) 421 (Quit) 423 (Shop talk) 424 (Shop talk) 428 (Part of Story) 429 (Part of Story) 430 (First part of story) 431 (Part of story) 433 (Part of story) 434 (Text on Cheren's computer) 435 (Part of story) 436 (Part of Story) 437 (Part of Story) 438 (Talking) 439 (Talking) 440 (Talking) 441 (Talking) 442 (Talking) 443 (Talking) 444 (Talking) 445 (Talking) 446 (Quit) 451 (Talking) 452 (Talking) 454 (Talking) 455 (Talking) 456 (Partly - Still Japanese parts) 457 (Small sentence) 461 (Words) 463 (Union Room talk) 464 (Vending Machine) 465 (Route 17) 466 (Random talk) 467 (Black City) 470 (Wi-Fi) 471 (Wi-Fi and Online Battles) Green = Finished (and tested) Red = Being worked on, not finished yet Also, behind each text file between the ( )'s is a description of the text file. Thanks for reading and supporting everybody! We will keep you up-to-date in this topic.. >Please don't forget to use the word ROM, Download or Piracy not too much!< >Talking in Dutch in this topic is allowed!< Our website is finally done! Check it out here: Credits: mptje - Translating almost every file, testing game Harmtaro - Translating some files and making Logo, testing game Dlaor - Translating some files jasperp - Testing game Kevin Richter - Translating some files Mathijs Romijn - Translating some files david23 - Adding logo in-game - For additional information - For the English translation of the game Kaarosu - For additional help/information And everybody else who helps and supports me!! Download V0.1 nu snel op onze website!! Edited December 1, 2010 by mptje
Userboy Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 hey i'm dutch too, if you need any help just say it i would like too Goodluck and keep it up did you translate the story / NPS stuff ? or are you already working on that ..:creep:
mptje Posted October 29, 2010 Author Posted October 29, 2010 Hey, I'm still working on the story. Btw, what's NPS? ;p Also I can have some help with the menu. Do you know how I can translate the menu? You know, the New Game button etc. Thanks for your comment! BTW, you may also talk Dutch in this topic. Dus je mag nederlands praten.
thomaskempe Posted October 31, 2010 Posted October 31, 2010 cool kan ik je helpen english: cool can i help you
mptje Posted October 31, 2010 Author Posted October 31, 2010 (edited) thomaskempe said: coolkan ik je helpen english: cool can i help you Natuurlijk. Heb je msn of skype? Edited November 1, 2010 by mptje
mathice Posted November 1, 2010 Posted November 1, 2010 Ik kan e.v.t helpen met Engels-Nederlands vertalen, Japans gaat 'm niet worden English: I could help you translating English-Dutch, I can't speak that good Japanese though.
mptje Posted November 2, 2010 Author Posted November 2, 2010 mathice said: Ik kan e.v.t helpen met Engels-Nederlands vertalen, Japans gaat 'm niet worden English: I could help you translating English-Dutch, I can't speak that good Japanese though. Dat zou fijn zijn! Heb je toevallig skype of msn?
Th king2555 Posted November 3, 2010 Posted November 3, 2010 hi, kan ik helpen met het vertalen van Engels Naar Nederlands? Want ik kan geen jappans.
Rayquaza93 Posted November 5, 2010 Posted November 5, 2010 hoi, ik wil ook heel graag helpen, ik heb Skype, met de naam Jackie, vg TR93
mptje Posted November 5, 2010 Author Posted November 5, 2010 Rayquaza93 said: hoi, ik wil ook heel graag helpen, ik heb Skype, met de naam Jackie, vg TR93 Ik kan jou niet vinden. Voeg mij maar toe dan op Skype. Zoek maar op: mptjedude. Dan moet ergens Martijn staan uit Nederland!
beschoenen Posted November 6, 2010 Posted November 6, 2010 hi im dutch and good with english i would love to help you people with the translation let me know if you need any help mvg. kevin
mptje Posted November 6, 2010 Author Posted November 6, 2010 beschoenen said: hi im dutch and good with englishi would love to help you people with the translation let me know if you need any help mvg. kevin Sure. Do you have MSN or Skype or something?
beschoenen Posted November 6, 2010 Posted November 6, 2010 you can add me to msn
mptje Posted November 6, 2010 Author Posted November 6, 2010 I have added you on MSN. Mine is!
jespiex456 Posted November 8, 2010 Posted November 8, 2010 I Would like to help you people to amke an dutch version of pokemon Black and White. I am dutch so there will be no problem. Can I join you? with the translation?
jespiex456 Posted November 8, 2010 Posted November 8, 2010 Thank you verry much! my MSN is
Machir Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 nog steeds hulp nodig??? ik heb eerder met een nederlandse vertaling van black en white geholpen alleen die ander had nooit tijd dus stopte ik.
turbeauke Posted November 21, 2010 Posted November 21, 2010 ik ben niet zo een goede pixel artist maar ik wil wel eens naar die titel screen plaatjes kijken ik voeg je wel toe op skype
mptje Posted November 22, 2010 Author Posted November 22, 2010 Sorry dat ik het de laatste tijd niet zo bijgehouden heb, maar nu ben ik weer druk bezig met het project!! Sorry I haven't updated for a while, but I'm busy working on the project again!! @jespiex456, sorry we don't need any more help right now @Machir nee hoor, we hebben genoeg mensen op het moment @turbeauke ik heb het titelscherm al 100% Nederlands, maar bedankt! Verwacht vanaf nu weer meer updates! Expect some more updates soon!
Lordilucas Posted December 1, 2010 Posted December 1, 2010 ik kan op de website de links niet aanklikken.
Th king2555 Posted December 1, 2010 Posted December 1, 2010 Hi Mptje, Het is nu 1 december. en ik kan het nog niet downloaden -.-
mptje Posted December 1, 2010 Author Posted December 1, 2010 Hij komt er vanavond aan! De dag is nog niet om hè!
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