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Note one: Just as a foreword This team has not been tested properly, I've had maybe 8 - 10~ battles with it. Reason being PO PP server died (and there wasn't loads of traffic to begin with) and I'm too lazy to remake the team in Shoddy battle

Note two: In regards to HMI - a new coinage I thought I'd try for "help me improve." A partial excuse for my laziness.

Reason for the thread: I am so bored today ... as you can see from my overly vivacious pictures and all that jazz... and also the reason for this part of the thread.

/ Waffling.

Reason for making the team: Boredom and failure in other tiers, so decided to come back to UU and try something cool.

Aim: To get dear old Mesprit to sweep *Azelf Laughs*. You know the one. The pixie that got forgotten for being in the middle ground. It's a cool pokémon with a great move pool, nice bulk *Uxie Laughs* and solid offence *Azelf laugh moar*. Screw both of you ¬¬.

Theme: The initial theme was to use emotional pokes. I thought this would be an apt theme given that Mesprit is the 'Being of Emotion.' Alas, Emotional pokes are hard to find and actually use so the theme went to pot but the name stuck. At a stretch of the imagination you could probably see the emotion I'm trying to portray ... If not you suck :P.

Here's a sneak-peak


The jealous one - The forgotten one - The spiteful one - The Forgiving one - The 'shoulder to cry on' - The vengeful one

^ ^ Allocated names too Cliché for ya? Me too, but it looks cool ^ ^

The Lead


Firma (Nidoking) (M) @ Focus Sash

Trait: Poison Point

EVs: 40 HP / 216 Spd / 252 SAtk

Mild Nature (+SAtk, -Def)

- Stealth Rock

- Taunt

- Earth Power

- Sucker Punch

The first thing I knew I needed for the team was Stealth rock support, reason being as I'm sure you all know Mesprit isn't the type that can get perfect clean OHKOs on folk and SR is requirement for most of these. As far as leads go, Nidoking certainly isn't a bad option. Being able to out speed all but Miltank and Dugtrio, it can taunt all leads that set up rocks, and hurt them all with EP (EP over EQ as most of these leads are physically defensive, so EP hits that little bit harder. Similarly, Arcanine leads will merely intimidate the EQ, so EP will still be stronger). Being able to stop and net kills over the likes of Kabutops and qwilfish is lovely. The latter not being able to get the rain up is a lovely bonus. Arcanine falls to EP and weird bulk leads such as Uxie are forced to attack and get hurt by sucker punch as I taunt them. One concern is alakazam, however with EP and sucker punch I am able to soundly kill him, with good prediction I can kill Subzam with my sash in tact. Ambipom is generally going to beat the crap out of me. In which case a switch to mismagius on the fake out and sub on the Taunt/U turn - if it's Uturn I am generally ok, if it's taunt I bring in Primeape to smack the crap out of the next switch in (or scout... depending on how confident I am.)




Juliet (Mismagius) (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP / 76 Def / 180 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Thunder Wave

- Will-O-Wisp

- Substitute

- Pain Split

The next thoughts were quite simple really, I need someone that can will-o-wisp and thunder wave... Preferable both on the same set to save space. I need both of these as Mesprit doesn't get a reliable recovery move of its own and well be physically vulnerable, so will o wisp helps on that front, Secondly Mesprit is by no means the fastest poke going, so dishing around Twave through the opposition will really help with sweep ability. Sub split helps Mismagius' own survivability. Similarly, if the opponant is running their own Chansey I am provided all but THE BEST recovery move ever; and considering who my sweeper is, I will be seeing a lot of Blissey. I chose Mismagius over Rotom as she has More special defence (and HP I believe) whilst being able to access the same moves that I would run with Rotom.

On the EV front, Max HP is a given considering Mismagius' role and base HP, The idea of her is to come in and cripple stuff, not wait around and take a hit; so enough speed to cripple most physical sweepers was needed. I outspeed all Neutral speed 110 ( such as spex espeon), Positive speed 95's (the key pokémon I wanted to outspeed), the pokemon such as houndoom and drapion, both of who'm can do really funky stuff to Mesprit. Houndoom will take Twave, while drapion gets crippled by Will o wisp. Outside of those two lesser physical threats such as arcanine, band-lee, Leafeon, heracross, spiritomb, blaziken, toxicroak and a general list of who's-who UU metagame threats all take a crippling one way or the other. On the special side Moltres gets readily crippled by Twave.

On balance, I have found magius to be a better wall than chansey; and with chansey being prone to drawing in the physically enclined folks, Magius always finds a way to come in and cripple.


Physical Pimp Slapper


Alf (Azumarill) (M) @ Choice Band

Trait: Huge Power

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Aqua Jet

- Return

- Superpower

- Waterfall

So with a lot of threats already dealt with it was time to tackle the next list of pain's in the ass... Specifically? Steel types. And how better to eliminate them than spamming this beast of a powerhouse. He hits hard and fast and acts as a secondary revenge killer with stab CB Aqua jet. With very respectable base defences of 100/80/80, Azumarill doesn't find it too hard to come in, and with the weak strength of most steal attacks can readily come in on them and threaten them. Once Azumarill is in it is very hard to find an easy switch in due to his sheer power output.; so anything that is coming in is going to take a hell of a beating for showing its face.

Aqua jet - That's pretty much the reason one uses Azumarill, the attack's damn near lethal coming off of CB huge power ...With STAB.

Return provides great coverage with water types; however this isn't used much considering the speed of the gues I will be hitting with it. This is more used for anticipated switches to toxicroak/ water type/ venusaur.

Super Power NAILS steels; the reason I am using Azumarill.

Waterfall is there for Spiritomb; highly powered KICK YOU IN THE FACE attack to get rid of one of my main threats.




Needs moar egg like features.

Joy (Chansey) (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 Def / 4 Spd / 252 SDef

Hardy Nature

- Seismic Toss

- Wish

- Toxic

- Heal Bell

Chansey is your generic "I need a special wall ... what shall I do" and thus she got her place on the team. The reason I use her first and foremost, however, is for wish and Heal bell. Wish is for when I bring out Mesprit too early, so wish is kind of like my fall back there for if I mess up. Heal Bell is pretty vital for the team really. Mismagius can't function as I want her to when paralyzed, Azumarill and Primeape are close to worthless if burnt and Mesprit does NOT want to be poisoned. Seismic toss is your standard I need to hurt stuff attack on Chansey, and with a lack Gengar in UU Toxic + Seismic toss does provide lovely coverage. Toxic is really just there for bulky waters, as Mismagius doesn't really weaken them a whole; most are slow and don't care about para, and are all but exclusively special attacks so burn isn't a hindrance at any stretch (in fact makes things a whole lot worse with Milotic), but toxic will notably hurt them :).


Revenge Killer


Sanchez (Primeape) (M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Vital Spirit

EVs: 64 HP / 252 Atk / 192 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Stone Edge/ Ice Punch

- Close Combat

- Punishment/ Earthquake

- U-turn

This guy I KNEW needed to be on the team. As the Theme was emotion it was just too perfect to pass up on the angriest S.O.B this side of Issu. Primeape, while not hitting as hard as some his fighting brethren, is certainly faster than them and has a unique ability to fighters in "Vital Spirit", allowing him to come in on Yawn and other such sleep inducing attacks. He is really my Plan B guy. When things aren't playing how I want them too, due to scarf-lee/ziken or other such pains in the ass, I bring this guy out and the world is right once again. He is also my secondary Steel destroyer. With the allocated speed he can revenge most scarfed pokes in UU, just falling short of getting the revenge on Moltres (however putting 24 more EVs in Speed remedies this if Moltres becomes a nuisance). U turn is for scouting on the turn after one of my pokemon have died/ or just in general. CC is your standard needed stab ... and it hits a hell of hard. Stone edge has been chosen over ice punch as there is one Altaria but a whole slew of other guys that get hit harder Stone Edge. Punishment beats the holy hell out of guys spamming set up moves. However I may change Punishment to EQ for the lovely coverage of EdgeQuake.


The Sweepedy Sweep Sweeper


Nova (Mesprit) @ Leftovers

Trait: Levitate

EVs: 64 HP / 20 Def / 240 Spd / 184 SAtk

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Calm Mind

- Psychic

- Thunderbolt

- Substitute

The set is WEIRD, Ok, WEIRD. I know :P. The EVs are in need of some tweaking ... but I'm not quite sure how to go about doing this. Probably needs an overhaul. Anyway, after Twave and Will-o-wisp has been aptly dished out, and after the opponent has taken considerable beating from Azumarill and the gang, I bring out the ... magnificent Mesprit.

The EVs are there to minimise the hit from Spiritomb who effectively walls the set, whilst remaining as offensive as possible. I put the speed to get the jump on base 70s (I believe)(Hitmontop and a few others). However getting the jump on 70's really isn't anything to shout home about so this is why the EVs may need tweaking. The rest was thrown into Special attack with a modest nature to get the most damage output possible. The set is fairly basic. Sub CM as much as I can and start smacking back with STAB psychic and Tbolt for coverage. I chose Tbolt over ice beam simply because Ice beam leaves me absolutely vulnerable to Houndoom any steal that decides to switch in... not to mention Slowbro.

Mesprit really starts killing when she gets to about +3... (a lot of set up I know), however, with physical folks being removed with Will o wisp, Speedy annoying folk cripple by Twave and counters (darks/steals) being aptly removed from the equation, it's not all that hard (so long as I don't rush the match).

Sub saves me from status, and also from Pursuiters who like to switch in, so that I can switch out as safely as possible.

In regards to the set, the moves are all but set in stone, however more efficient EV spreads are more than welcome.


So there's my team. It functions pretty well thus far. I do have a problem at the moment with SD Venusaur... So I need help on with that at the moment. I'm thinking running EdgeQuake Primeape will help on that front. If you can see anything else that's hurting me then holla playa ;).

On the rapid spin front - It's not really necessary on this team as stall gets broken by Nidokings absorbing abilities; SR leads are stopped cold most of the time and spikes are very rare to see any way - Plus SR doesn't hurt my team a whole lot anyway.

Thanks for checking this out; any help etcetera is welcomed so don't be shy now y'all ;)


Well, it turned out to be quite successful. It dies sometimes, it kills others. In general a useful Pokémon, but his role is just expendable enough to be used as Suicide bait if need be. A solid addition, but not critical.

And I'm only going to poke the things I know, so lemme see.

Finished checking.

Steelix says hi, on most of those Pokemon.

Milotic walls a decent portion of your team.

Venusaur is awesome.

Nasty Plot Mismagius spells your doom.

At a glance that's all I can think of, feel free to refute these points.


Thanks Buddy :D

Well, it turned out to be quite successful. It dies sometimes, it kills others. In general a useful Pokémon, but his role is just expendable enough to be used as Suicide bait if need be. A solid addition, but not critical.

And I'm only going to poke the things I know, so lemme see.

Finished checking.

Steelix says hi, on most of those Pokemon.

Milotic walls a decent portion of your team.

Venusaur is awesome.

Nasty Plot Mismagius spells your doom.

At a glance that's all I can think of, feel free to refute these points.

Steelix takes a hell of a beating from Azumarill, and can't do too much in return; though if they're packing A magius spiritomb to go with the steelix that can be problematic. So, commonly I'll slam a waterfall into steelix first to test the waters (Pun not intended, but kept on reflection). Water spells win win in either scenario. In the worst case scenario; will o wisp + subsplit can do quite nicely to none roar variants, roar variants take a wisp, however, so they won't be hurting too much anyway.

Milotic can be a problem; toxic + wish goes a long way to removing none rest talk variants, rest talkers are prime set up bait for Mesprit. (just got to watch out for the 1/3 chance of a toxic being selected; but again chansey helps due to heal bell + natural Cure.

Venusaur's a bitch - 'nuff said :/.

Magius again can't do much to blissey; but in return I'm not touching Magius either just got to wish away and hope for the best in that scenario. Once magius sub is busted (hopefully Primeape's U-turn can do this [bring him in on the turn that Sub/NP/CM is chosen]) Azumarill can Aqua jet for some heavy damage.

I meant Registeel, not steelix, lol whoops.

I just threw random UUs that I knew were good at it, lol.

Yeah registeel is a douche. But he can only really Twave/ Seismic toss. And explosion is predictable as hell. So while he'll provide initial problems (as any wall should) once I've busted through him it takes 2 turns to remove the Twave and pass a wish ... Ok 3 turns; point being 3/40 potential turns is nothing.

Keep throwing more problem pokes at me... I'm yet to make an actual threat list; and well... this is MOAR FUN.

Fine, let me go to smogon.






Spiritomb = big problem to Mesprit, so First port of call is to burn it with mismagius, bring in chansey and stall with wish; unless I can find an apt moment to bring in another guy (say Azumarill) and spam that high powered waterfall into it.

Arcanine. Completly depends on the set. The sets get hurt bad by nidoking; the morning glory set can get hurt bad by water fall from Azumarill. And most sets won't like getting paralysed by mismagius. And if worst comes to worst and Arcanine manages to take someone down an EQ from Ape will finish the deal.

Uxie = walled by chansey. Lead variants can't do anything against King; and take a sucker punch to do some damage. Expecting the switch after the first sucker punch switch to ape to get my scout on.

Clefable: most run SOME form of none attacking move, be it BD; Toxic; protect; wish. Come in on any of those moves with ape and GG them.

Lead Zam - I fire off an EP to get initial damage done/ break subs and follow up with a sucker punch. Basically; EP until my sash gets broken. Unless I get the feeling I can Sucker punch with the sash intact; in which case lead zam hasn't done anything. Most alakazam outside of leads are Sub+3's or trick scarfers; most likely they'll come in on magius and in anticipating the switch either hit trick or sub; in either case bring in ape and smack zam around with U turn And come in on the next turn with azumarill and kill it with aqua jet :D.


Well... here's a little bit from that Venusaur "sweep"...

[hgsssprite]184[/hgsssprite] v [hgsssprite]143[/hgsssprite]

Start of turn 11

The foe's Alf used Superpower!

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 255 HP! (48% of its health)

Snorlax fainted!

The foe's Alf's Attack fell!

The foe's Alf's Defense fell!

Wraith89 sent out Venusaur!

Pointed stones dug into Venusaur!

[hgsssprite]113[/hgsssprite] v [hgsssprite]003[/hgsssprite]

Start of turn 12

Tbird called Alf back!

Tbird sent out Joy! (Chansey)

Venusaur used Sleep Powder!

The foe's Joy fell asleep!

Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

[hgsssprite]429[/hgsssprite] v [hgsssprite]003[/hgsssprite]

Start of turn 13

Tbird called Joy back!

Tbird sent out Juliet! (Mismagius)

Venusaur used Swords Dance!

Venusaur's Attack sharply rose!

The foe's Juliet restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

[hgsssprite]429[/hgsssprite] v [hgsssprite]003[/hgsssprite]

Start of turn 14

The foe's Juliet used Will-O-Wisp!

Venusaur was burned!

Venusaur used Power Whip!

The foe's Juliet lost 66% of its health!

The foe's Juliet restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Venusaur is hurt by its burn!

[hgsssprite]429[/hgsssprite] v [hgsssprite]003[/hgsssprite]

Start of turn 15

The foe's Juliet used Pain Split!

The battlers shared their pain!

Venusaur used Power Whip!

The foe's Juliet lost 54% of its health!

The foe's Juliet fainted!

Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Venusaur is hurt by its burn!

Tbird sent out Nova! (Mesprit)

[hgsssprite]481[/hgsssprite] v [hgsssprite]003[/hgsssprite]

Start of turn 16

Venusaur used Sleep Powder!

The foe's Nova fell asleep!

The foe's Nova is fast asleep!

Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Venusaur is hurt by its burn!

[hgsssprite]113[/hgsssprite] v [hgsssprite]003[/hgsssprite]

Start of turn 17

Tbird called Nova back!

Tbird sent out Joy! (Chansey)

Venusaur used Swords Dance!

Venusaur's Attack sharply rose!

Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Venusaur is hurt by its burn!

[hgsssprite]113[/hgsssprite] v [hgsssprite]003[/hgsssprite]

Start of turn 18

Venusaur used Power Whip!

The foe's Joy lost 75% of its health!

The foe's Joy used Heal Bell!

A bell chimed!

Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Venusaur is hurt by its burn!

The foe's Joy restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Wraith89: WHOA

Wraith89: Power Whip has 16 PP?

Wraith89: SWEET :D

Tbird: Eek xD

Wraith89: xD

[hgsssprite]034[/hgsssprite] v [hgsssprite]003[/hgsssprite]

Start of turn 19

Tbird called Joy back!

Tbird sent out Firma! (Nidoking)

Venusaur used Power Whip!

The foe's Firma lost 86% of its health!

The foe's Firma fainted!

Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Venusaur is hurt by its burn!

Wraith89: HOLY MOLY

Tbird sent out Alf! (Azumarill)

[hgsssprite]184[/hgsssprite] v [hgsssprite]003[/hgsssprite]

Start of turn 20

The foe's Alf used Aqua Jet!

It's not very effective...

Venusaur lost 73 HP! (24% of its health)

Venusaur used Power Whip!

It's super effective!

Wraith89: TROLOLOL

The foe's Alf lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Alf fainted!

Venusaur restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Venusaur is hurt by its burn!

Venusaur fainted!

Tbird: Well

Tbird: I guess Venu is a problem

Wraith89: Now we know your Venusaur weakness :(

The thing is... Venusaur is unpredictable. You successfully burned Venusaur, but it still managed to completely decimate an otherwise unprepared team. Maybe because I KOd your revenger (Primeape) way too early, I took that chance and tore most of your team members into pieces. Venusaur won't always turn physical, granted. Registeel can "wall" it, but Venusaur will turn it into a set up fodder and SD up and eventually OHKO it with Earthquake when it is boosted up. Special versions I don't think you would have problems with, or even status platforms/subseeders/etc... I could say Steelix can somewhat wall that Venusaur, but it cannot do much to it other than Roar it out and whatnot. All I have to say is watch out for it... but if you have a fast psychic like Alakazam, I think it's a great way to revenge it. Blaziken can also beat it... but at worst you will speed tie with it (and say Venusaur goes first and Earthquakes the poor chicken...). Meganium can wall the physical ones I suppose... but it's going to be a set up fodder as Meganium can't do anything to it. Or... how about your favorite Moltres? 4x resistant to Grass, immune to Ground, and can OHKO the plant like barbecue! Granted, you should scout for what set Venusaur holds, because it can do many things :/


I love how you spammed 9001 bulbasaurs xD.

And at the time I didn't notice the 2 SDs; I floundered a lot there. I may just bring the old bird back in to the game, I thought I'd give her a little break is all :P.

Physical Venu has been a problem ever since people realised it could go physical, so I've never been much prepared for her. And with all the joy of Gen 5, I've not done enough gen 4 to see enough venu ... to counter venu... Gonna have to see if Primeape can do enough with EQ.


Moltres... I love her to death! Make her emotion... I don't know... anger? Arduous worker? Blah you think of something...

Venusaur was able to go physical since Gen I, actually... thanks to Swords Dance. Just that limited movepool hampered it... as it got EQ in Gen III (what?!) and relied on Sludge Bomb as physical STAB for that moment. Now it has the more useful Power Whip (albeit 80% accurate) which gets even stronger at Overgrow (forgot about that, did you?). But you know... the physical Venusaur pandemic can come to your advantage if you get yourself a physical wall. I still say Steelix is awesome (you've seen me use that tons of times...) but its greatest weakness is it cannot do anything against Venusaur or most other opponents (maybe aside from roaring them out). Yeah, my Moltres suggestion still stands. Though too overused in the underused environment... I care not. Still one of my favorite birds... and I'm sure it is yours too... but just don't scarf it... you have too many Choicers in your team...

Now that leaves you open to bulky waters... great.


I had a venusaur sweep, I love how growth is +2 in Sun.

Battle between 0660 and Hikaru started!

Rule: Unrated

Hikaru sent out Saur! (Venusaur)

0660 sent out Ninetales!

Ninetales's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

Start of turn 1

Hikaru called Saur back!

Hikaru sent out Poli! (Poliwrath)

Ninetales used Hypnosis!

The attack of Ninetales missed!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 2

0660 called Ninetales back!

0660 sent out Venusaur!

The foe's Poli used Hydro Pump!

It's not very effective...

Venusaur lost 34 HP! (11% of its health)

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 3

Hikaru called Poli back!

Hikaru sent out Arceus!

Venusaur used Growth!

Venusaur's Attack sharply rose!

Venusaur's Sp. Att. sharply rose!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 4

Venusaur used Sleep Powder!

The foe's Arceus fell asleep!

The foe's Arceus is fast asleep!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 5

Hikaru called Arceus back!

Hikaru sent out Forcin! (Zekuromu)

The foe's Forcin has TeraVoltage!

Venusaur used Growth!

Venusaur's Attack sharply rose!

Venusaur's Sp. Att. sharply rose!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 6

Venusaur used Sludge Bomb!

The foe's Forcin lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Forcin fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

Hikaru sent out Saur! (Venusaur)

Start of turn 7

Venusaur used Sludge Bomb!

The foe's Saur lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Saur fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

Hikaru sent out Midsu! (Jarooda)

Start of turn 8

Venusaur used Sludge Bomb!

It's super effective!

The foe's Midsu lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Midsu fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

Hikaru sent out Rinou! (Ononokusu)

Start of turn 9

Venusaur used SolarBeam!

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

The foe's Rinou lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Rinou fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

Hikaru sent out Arceus!

Start of turn 10

Venusaur used Growth!

Venusaur's Attack sharply rose!

Venusaur's Sp. Att. sharply rose!

The foe's Arceus is fast asleep!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 11

Venusaur used Sludge Bomb!

The foe's Arceus lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Arceus fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

Hikaru sent out Poli! (Poliwrath)

Start of turn 12

Venusaur used SolarBeam!

It's super effective!

The foe's Poli lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Poli fainted!

0660 won the battle!

0660: Thanks for the match.

Hikaru: I GOT PWND!

0660: gg


Let me see.. I'll see what I can find on UU, and I'll try to make a threat list up, that'll help me rate immensely.

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