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  ShinTheAbsol said:
First off, I'd like to thank Bond and everyone else who has took the time to contribute to the distributions (both past and present).

Also I'd like to thank kaphotics for your work as well. Good luck with everything that life brings your way dood.

Now I just have a bit of an issue with the distributions on the 1st server (2nd is fine). I managed to get almost everything listed, but I'm having trouble getting Exeggcute, Jolteon, Pansage, Swablu and Jolly Victini (was able to get Adamant though). I tried this with both Black and White on 2 different DS's and I get the same results everytime with not getting the ones listed above. Also you have Altaria's game sprite instead of Swablu on the first page by the way.. I hope this can be fixed at some point.

Thanks again for everything!

I would also 2nd this issue. Same exact scenario.

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Yep i got him, got everything off sever 2, having a lot of trouble with sever 1, but its prob just coz a lot of people are downloading off it.

  Virtius said:
5th it. Also has anyone else not been able to get the shiny Tirtouga from server 2?

I was able to get it yesterday (and everything else on the 2nd server) but it could just be that too many people are on the server at once.


there's no issue whatsoever with the distribution, everything is going out normally.

also, i changed the pkms.rar file. it's now organized into 4th and 5th gen folders. i was expecting people to be able to differentiate between 4th and 5th gen pkms by file size since everything is saved as a party pokemon. that seems to not be the case though, so everything is divided for ease of use.

everything will switch out in approximately 2 weeks.


Wee.. got everything now except for that Jolteon, which funny enough, is my favorite. Heh. Thanks BOND infi kolb, and whomever else that contributed.


Wow, thank you guys, it's awesome! The only one I couldn't get is Scraggy, don't know why, probably it isn't meant to be mine. Patiently waiting for next distribution.


I, too, am only RNGing shinies if I personally think that they look good.

I would never RNG a shiny Scizor, for example. :D

I sent some new Pokés to Bond today.

If interest exists, I might breed a Body Slam Togepi on the weekend.


this is amazing, thanks so much ^^

also cant receive from the first server as well, but ill try again later when theres less people on

again this is truly appreciated, I've been wanting to raise a few of these for a bit now

Posted (edited)

It's been forever since I posted on this thread, so I guess it's time to contribute again. No cool DW abilities, but some nice Pokemon nonetheless.

-Minccino, Jolly, 31/31/31/30/31/31, Technician (Premier Ball)

-Rufflet, Jolly, 31/31/31/30/31/31, Sheer Force (Great Ball)

-Tynamo, Adamant, 31/31/31/30/31/31 (Dusk Ball)

-Vanillite, Modest, 31/22/31/30/31/31 (HP Fire 70) (Dive Ball)

-Deino, Timid, shiny, 31/17/31/31/31/31, Dark Pulse

(I know there have been a couple of Timid Deino on this thread already, but bond's wasn't shiny and had its location data ruined by Pokegen while infi's didn't have Dark Pulse IIRC)

Also, are we missing any legends besides Zekrom and Tornadus?

MagicPKM 05.17.11..zip

MagicPKM 05.17.11..zipFetching info...

Edited by Magicsgame
  Magicsgame said:
It's been forever since I posted on this thread, so I guess it's time to contribute again. No cool DW abilities, but some nice Pokemon nonetheless.

-Minccino, Jolly, 31/31/31/30/31/31, Technician (Premier Ball)

-Rufflet, Jolly, 31/31/31/30/31/31, Sheer Force (Great Ball)

-Tynamo, Adamant, 31/31/31/30/31/31 (Dusk Ball)

-Vanillite, Modest, 31/22/31/30/31/31 (HP Fire 70) (Dive Ball)

-Deino, Timid, shiny, 31/17/31/31/31/31, Dark Pulse

(I know there have been a couple of Timid Deino on this thread already, but bond's wasn't shiny and had its location data ruined by Pokegen while infi's didn't have Dark Pulse IIRC)

Also, are we missing any legends besides Zekrom and Tornadus?

I know this may be a stupid "no duh" question, but are they legit?

  Magicsgame said:

Also, are we missing any legends besides Zekrom and Tornadus?

I've already sent a Jolly, Timid and Naive Tornadus to Bond.

  ghardy said:
is there a link to download the pkm files for the pokemon currently being distributed ?

Yes, if you actually look in the thread carefully, instead of depending on other people.

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