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  PowerRaged said:
Movie victini has been out for a while.

The first server isnt working ._. and the 2nd server has all the same ones from before wtf

No one mentioned that the server have being updated.

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i have just about everything done that i wanted to get done, so i'll put this back up tomorrow with an actual list in the second post and stuff. i also want to add stuff to the first post for gen 5 gts stuff. so that will get done for tomorrow also.

  kaphotics said:
After this new set of distributions, I will no longer be contributing Pokemon to the GTS as I will no longer be playing.

Everything that I've submitted in the past will be rehosted, I'm sure ;)

What a pity that you stop playing! You were a pokemon luminary! Thanks for all you have done and distributed in the past.

  kaphotics said:
After this new set of distributions, I will no longer be contributing Pokemon to the GTS as I will no longer be playing.

Everything that I've submitted in the past will be rehosted, I'm sure ;)

Aww.. we will miss you and your contribution definitely! All the best for life!!

  kaphotics said:
After this new set of distributions, I will no longer be contributing Pokemon to the GTS as I will no longer be playing.

Everything that I've submitted in the past will be rehosted, I'm sure ;)

we are really goning to miss you and all the work you've done for us on so many sites!!!!


First server seems to be down for me. Anyone else?

Also does hyper gts currently work for sending 5th? If not what does work?


Nifty, some of my stuff made it up. Most recent set of stuff I sent to Bond:

Larvesta 31/15/30/31/30/30 Timid Morning Sun HP Rock 70 (already up)

Sigilyph 31/17/31/31/31/31 Bold Magic Guard Stored Power Psycho Shift Roost (already up)

Roggenrola 31/31/31/9/31/0 Brave Curse Shiny

Chimchar 30/31/30/31/31/31 Naive Blaze Fake Out Fire Punch Thunderpunch Encore HP Ice 70

Piplup 31/29/31/31/31/31 Modest Torrent Agility Yawn Shiny

Growlithe 31/31/31/31/31/31 Jolly Intimidate Close Combat Morning Sun

How big of a deal is shininess for everyone? There are few I prefer to the default, but I could easily just make all of my future RNGs shiny if that's what people want.


First of all I would like to give big thanks to bond and everyone else that contributed to this great thread, you people own! Really great collection, best on internet! Also kobo1d's contribution is great, really nice to see 5th gen RNG pokes :)

  kobo1d said:
How big of a deal is shininess for everyone? There are few I prefer to the default, but I could easily just make all of my future RNGs shiny if that's what people want.

Personally I like 'em shiny if it's not big trouble for you, they just seem perfect when they are 31/31/31/31/31/31 + shiny at the same time (not to mention how hard it is to get shinies without RNGing). Again, thank you for your contributions!


Hmmmm... for some reason I'm not getting any dream world pokemon.

Also thanks to everyone that helped and made this project.

Posted (edited)

First off, I'd like to thank Bond and everyone else who has took the time to contribute to the distributions (both past and present).

Also I'd like to thank kaphotics for your work as well. Good luck with everything that life brings your way dood.

Now I just have a bit of an issue with the distributions on the 1st server (2nd is fine). I managed to get almost everything listed, but I'm having trouble getting Exeggcute, Jolteon, Pansage, Swablu and Jolly Victini (was able to get Adamant though). I tried this with both Black and White on 2 different DS's and I get the same results everytime with not getting the ones listed above. Also you have Altaria's game sprite instead of Swablu on the first page by the way.. I hope this can be fixed at some point.

Thanks again for everything!

Edited by ShinTheAbsol
Fixed typo..

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