Neo Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 (edited) Frontier Brains: Reveal hidden contents Battle Tycoon Palmer Battle Matron Argenta Factory Head Thorton Castle Valet Darach Arcade Star Dahlla Frontier Facilities Battle Tower: Reveal hidden contents Like in most of the pokemon games, the Battle Tower is fairly straightforward. Choose your battle, go through a 7 round battle to complete one streak, and move on. The Battle Tower in Platinum is no different than it is in D/P. The frontier brain is still Palmer like in D/P. Complete 20 rounds without losing and he will challenge you on your 21st round. He comes with a fairly strong team of Dragonite, Milotic, and Rhyperior. Dragonite uses a Dragon Dance combo to start, so take it out quickly with a strong dragon type or ice move. Milotic shouldn't pose much of a threat as long as you have an electric or grass move. Milotic likes to use Hypnosis to put your pokemon to sleep, so watch out for that. Rhyperior shouldn't be any problem since most pokemon are faster than it. A simple water or grass move will make short work of this pokemon. However if you continue and don't lose a round up to round 48, Palmer will challenge you again on round 49. He comes with a new team of Cresselia, Regigigas, and Heatran(yes you can use these pokemon in the Battle Frontier too). Cresselia has high defensive stats which is hard to get around. Get out a good steel type or strong dark type to make quick work of it. Regigigas isn't that strong at first with its Slow Start ability, but after 5 turns it becomes a strong opponent. Take it out before the 5 turns ends to end up with as little trouble as possible. Heatran's type Fire/Steel makes ground moves almost 1HKO it every time. A good pokemon to use here is Metagross since it has multiple resistances and can learn Earthquake. Also start with a fast pokemon like Crobat or Gengar to assess the opponent's team and get in some status effects like sleep or poison. Another solid addition is a strong special attacker(Gengar can double as one) or a strong physical attacker(Metagross works well here). However a special attacker is more utilized since special attack can't be lowered by many attacks, while physical attack can(i.e. Will-O-Wisp, Intimidate, Charm etc.) Battle Hall: Reveal hidden contents This new addition tests the strength of an individual pokemon on your team rather than the team itself. So here you'll want a pokemon that can tackle almost all of the 17 types with its 4 moves. The Battle Hall features the choice of battling whatever type pokemon you want. So you think it would be easy to choose an electric type and face flying as your opponent. Occasionally the game will throw you off by sending in dual types. For example Gligar/Gliscor are flying, but also ground type making it immune to electric attacks. You'll have to be prepared for that throughout your match. Also instead of the usual 7 win streak, the Battle Hall comes in 10 win streaks. Each type has 10 total ranks you can face against starting from rank 1. You must complete 10 rounds before exiting the premises. You also don't have to complete one type during one streak. You can hope around from a rank 5 match to another type match of rank 1. Unfortunately you must use the same pokemon throughout the entire time or your current streak will be lost(the game always makes it difficult, but adds a challenge). Oh if you aren't good at math there are a total of 170 rounds to beat. Don't worry since the pokemon are fairly easy game until you reach ranks 7-10. The frontier brain Argenta will first challenge you after your 59th win, making her the 60th match. Her pokemon's level matches your own so you'll be on even ground. She also comes with a random pokemon from any type so be prepared for the worst if anything. She'll challenge you a second time on your 170th win steak. It seems like a long way off, but its actually shorter and easier than the Battle Tower if you're trying to reach a 100 win steak respectively. Technically there is no actual pokemon to use here. Try to use something with a high base stat and multiple ranges of attack. Electivire is quite effective here, but it will need some training before taking on the later ranks. Pokemon with multiple resistances is also another strategy to look at, but its more recommended to focus more on attack based on the levels you'll find when battling trainers. Battle Factory: Reveal hidden contents The Battle Factory is the exact same thing in Emerald Version. You'll have the ability to use rental pokemon and use them in battle. This tests your knowledge to use different combinations on pokemon rather than your normal team. This can be quite challenging for a trainer new to the game, but a seasoned trainer will find it fun and interesting to use pokemon out of their comfort zone. The battle streaks here are the same as in Battle Tower, following 7 battles to complete one win streak. The frontier brain here is Thorton. He challenges you on your 21st match. Like Argenta, he uses any random pokemon each time you face him, so he'll use different pokemon every time you battle. Thorton will challenge you again if you don't lose up to your 49th. The same rules apply here as well. Seeing as all rentals will be different every time, stick to what you know best. If you're looking for some tips, I have a few that may help. - The chances of finding a rental pokemon used for status effects are rare, so stick to attacking pokemon. If you come across one with status inducing moves, ignore it. -Speedy pokemon are key. Always try to keep pokemon with a high base speed stat on your team. This can be helpful if you find yourself in a tight spot. -Diverse moves. Try to rent pokemon with a diverse move set. This pretty much means find pokemon with more than one type attack move. Some pokemon that may have multiple moves are Flygon and Alakazam, if you ever come across them. Battle Castle: Reveal hidden contents This unique addition to the Battle Frontier tests your ability to battle smart. You can use your own pokemon here, but unlike the other facilities your pokemon won't be healed between matches. Actually after every match you win, you'll receive CASTLE POINTS. Castle points are only to be spent in the Battle Castle facility. Using castle points you can choose to heal your pokemon, select items for use, or rank up. Ranking up allows more selections to be made for purchase. While these battle conditions are new and unfamiliar, the system isn't. You'll follow the standard 7 battle steak and face the frontier brain on rounds 21 and 49. On your 21st round, frontier brain Darach will confront you. His team is fairly easy to beat, the only think to take into account is your current status. That being your teams health, PP, and status afflictions(if any). Be sure you save up your castle points for healing in this occasion. He has an Empoleon, Staraptor, and Houndoom the first time around. He'll challenge you once again on round 49 except with a few changes. He'll swap two of his pokemon for the legendary Entei and a Gallade. This isn't much different from the Battle Tower except the ability to not be healed. So if you're confident with your Battle Tower team, use the same for Battle Castle. A strong ground type can wipe him out easy. Electivire once again fits the bill with the ability to learn Earthquake and its fairly high speed stat compared to his pokemon. Thunderpunch and Ice Punch/Cross Chop(egg or tutor move) can also come in handy every now and then. Battle Arcade: Reveal hidden contents The outcomes of battles are based purely on luck as a roulette decides the battle. When you are about to battle the screen changes to a random Draw point. These draws determine what kind of occurrence goes on in the battle. If you want something to happen, you'll have to quickly select what you want on the touch screen. It takes some time getting used to. There are multiple possibilities ranging from weather change, status afflictions, pokemon's stats being heightened or lowered, berry distribution, health outcome, switching pokemon with your opponent, or even nothing happening at all. Once again one thing stands the same, the streak and wins to face the frontier brain. Your 21st and 49th match will make you face the frontier brain. She has set pokemon here, so strategy can be used. Her first team will consist of Dusknoir, Medicham, and Ludicolo. The second match will hold Togekiss, Blaziken, and Zapdos. Some strategy can be used, but make sure her pokemon lose health every turn. The second time around is the same in strategy, except the roulette is sped up making things a bit more difficult. Since this facility is based on luck there isn't much I can help with here. I can only name a few tips you may be able to use: -Make sure the opponent's pokemon lose health every turn. -When the chance presents itself, try to get status afflictions on your opponent's pokemon/team. -Avoid weather effects unless it benefits your team -Avoid using Trick Room teams even though it is an available roulette option. -Pray that luck is on your side. Some info i researched on Mahalo and cheatsguru so credit to them Edited April 8, 2009 by fenzo666 Spoilerized
Eon-Rider Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Maybe you should try spacing out and organising the information a little better. All I see right now is a post with a lot of unreadable text because it is so cramped.
Ninja_Soldier_Raiden Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 using the no ban legends code works and get the plats easier
Turtlekid2 Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 So does any kind of hacking. I think this guide was for people who don't have AR/don't want to use hacks.
Greencat Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 You may want to add markup and delete the spaces you added to make it indent (I saw this in edit).
Neo Posted April 8, 2009 Author Posted April 8, 2009 Yea i know its a bit muddled and cluttered Ive anyone else wants to they can C/P and re-post it I dont mind
Ninja_Soldier_Raiden Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 7 Battle second 7 battle third 7 battle and then you get your first battle against the leader 21 Battle you has completed this is easy in the emerald version it was about 4 in a row of 7 ,28?
fenzo666 Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 Please use spoilers NeoDraven. I did it for you this time.
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