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6 Screenshots

About This File

This event was distributed via Nintendo Zones at Pokemon Centers and Pokemon Store outlet in Japan.
This marks the first time Diancie is obtainable shiny.

 Species   Diancie 
 Nickname   (default, save lang) 
 OT   ポケセン 
 TID   12125 
 Distribution   Nintendo Zone 
 Location   a Pokémon Center 
 Dates   Dec 12 to Dec 31, 2015 
 PID   Shiny PID 
 Games   JP 3DS: ORAS 
  Cherish Ball Lv. 50  
 Nature   Random 
 Ability   Clear Body (1) 
 Item    Normal Gem 
  Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)
  Diamond Storm Diamond Storm   Moonblast Moonblast
  Reflect Reflect   Return Return
  WC ID 131: 「いろちがいのディアンシー プレゼント」's receiving text
 0x07 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in the game.
いろちがいのディアンシー プレゼント
ポケモンセンターから かんしゃを こめて
とっておきの プレゼント!
いままで だれも みたことのない
いろちがいのディアンシーを プレゼント!

What's New in Version .   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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Hi, sorry if this question doesn't go here,
I can inject this event in my original cartridge (ESP) ?, this was possible legitimately? i.e., a person from Spain could go to Japan and download all the events they made or there was some kind of limitation? do you know where i could look for information about these possible regional restrictions? thanks a lot! 😄



In Gen 6, you could start the game with any language. In most scenarios language isn’t a problem. Language is not an issue in this scenario.

Since you did the entire “a person going from Spain” spiel, perhaps you’re confusing language with 3DS region.

If you look at the summary image in the description, this is only for JP 3DS. 
(JP as in the region, not the language)

If I’m not mistaken, people in Spain most commonly have access to EU units. Thus, those units won’t be able to receive this event. 

  • Thanks 1


Ok I understand perfectly, but if I drag the .wc6 file to my game (EU Region😝), PKHex doesn't mark it as illegal, I understand it as if a user from Japan had sent it to me by exchange, this makes it legal in my game or am I wrong? Maybe it is not because my name appears as OT..🤔 I don't know if there is a way to get this pokemon

Thanks Slayer



  On 4/28/2022 at 1:09 PM, DaseR said:

but if I drag the .wc6 file to my game (EU Region😝), PKHex doesn't mark it as illegal


because region info itself isn't stored on the wonder card, so PKHeX can't check for it.

The event can have the wrong region (EU 3DS for example) but it would be incorrectly legal.


  On 4/28/2022 at 1:09 PM, DaseR said:

I understand it as if a user from Japan had sent it to me by exchange, this makes it legal in my game or am I wrong?


only if the 3DS region is JP, not EU.
And Not Handling OT is your name.
I think the geolocation list needs to be updated.

  • Thanks 1

Posted (edited)

Wow, I'm so out of date, I thought if a friend and I have 3DS from different regions, I could trade Pkmns locally because here it doesn't affect the pokemon having the classic ribbon, I didn't think this would affect.

could you please tell me if this is correct to see if I understood?

GEN V: Distribution event for JP region (local/wifi) not accessible for N3DS EU (not even being physically in that country).
GEN VI: Distribution event for JP region (Nintendo network / serial code) is not accessible for N3DS EU (even if you are physically in that country).

There is no way to have this pokemon legally on my console, i.e. I can only have as legitimate the ones that are from my region / the ones that accept All Regions, like this one Diancie, right?

Thank you very much

Edited by DaseR


  On 4/28/2022 at 6:57 PM, DaseR said:

GEN V: Distribution event for JP region (local/wifi) not accessible for N3DS EU (not even being physically in that country).


Incorrect reasoning. 
As background, Gen 5 only had differently language’d carts, no region.

people do use the language to double as a pseudo-region lock, but not always the case.

Wifi: language’d wonder cards were only distributed to games carts of the same language.

local: for most cases, language’d wonder cards were only distributed to games carts of the same language. it doesn’t matter if you’re physically there. The exceptions would be WORLDS events (like WORLD CROBAT).

  On 4/28/2022 at 6:57 PM, DaseR said:

GEN VI: Distribution event for JP region (Nintendo network / serial code) is not accessible for N3DS EU (even if you are physically in that country).


If you own a JP 3DS, you can be physically outside of Japan and still receive JP events under that criteria. 

Those specific look for what 3DS model you’re holding, as opposed to actual physical location.

Also, there are exceptions: HKTW events using Nintendo zone & serial code can be received by EU 3DS (language only English), as HKTW imports both JP and EU 3DS. So there are a limited amount of JP events that may be receivable on EU 3DS. This isn’t one of them.

  On 4/28/2022 at 6:57 PM, DaseR said:

There is no way to have this pokemon legally on my console, i.e. I can only have as legitimate the ones that are from my region / the ones that accept All Regions, like this one Diancie, right?


Someone can trade you a JP Diancie, there’s no issues there. Just make sure the region is JP, and Geolocation is updated under trainer tab.

if you want to redeem the event yourself, yes it has to be EU or Region Free (for Gen 6/7).

Anyhow, it you do you good to read the entirety of this: 


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