These are blank save files that include all of the Special Missions as well as all of the Extra Missions for EU, US and Japanese versions of the NDS Pokemon Ranger games.
There is no story progression you will have to beat the game first to be able to play the missions in the Ranger Net!
The saves on this page include the following missions:
Pokemon Ranger - Shadows of Almia
Recover the Manaphy Egg! (reward: Manaphy Egg)
Rescue Kidnapped Riolu! (reward: Riolu)
Liberate the Tower! (reward: Darkrai)
Dialga in Hia Valley!?
Palkia in Haruba Desert!?
For the Bride and Shaymin!
Pokemon Ranger - Guardian Signs
Protect The Blue Sphere (reward: Manaphy Egg)
Investigate the Odd Eruption (reward: Heatran)
Deoxys and the Odd Temple (reward: Deoxys)
Rescue the Lost Shaymin!
Find Giratina's Griseous Orb!
Pledge to Arceus
Pokemon Ranger
These missions were available via local wireless in Japan and without downloading by just entering a password in any other region (see below).
Recover the Precious Egg! (reward: Manaphy Egg)
Gain Deoxys’s Trust?!
Rescue Celebi!
Find Mew, the Mirage!
For EU/US Pokemon Ranger you can unlock the missions by entering one of the following codes. Press R + X + Left in Ranger Net, then enter the code for your language.
US-English: P8M2-9D6F-43H7
EU-English: Mg35-Cpb8-4FW8
French: DY4g-k28S-QB9F
German: R3d4-cv2S-WC7W
Spanish: C58f-t3WT-Vn79
Italian: FH38-fwD8-5S2a
If you already have your own save file, you can use Wokann's tool to inject the missions: