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About This File

This file was hosted on Mystery Gift Servers of Pokemon Omega Ruby, however was ultimately not released for download.
It is speculated that the purpose of this wonder card was simply to test if the serial code service is functioning properly,
as hinted by it's internal name.

This card was uploaded twice on two different occasions, with 2 different internal names.
Both contain the exact same data.

While the distribution title and text is in Japanese, it oddly has the English OT name of Helen.

This Volcanion would be nearly indistinguishable from the Volcanion given out using the used Helen Volcanion wondercard,
provided it was collected on the 3DS of the correct region.

(Though, it'll be illegal to have this Wonder card on your save)

Internal name 1: 588_V_test_EU_E
Internal name 2: 588_Volcanion_EU_EN_Serial_test

 Species   Volcanion 
 Nickname   (default, save lang) 
 OT   Helen 
 TID   10016 
 Distribution   Intended to be 
Serial Code 
 Location   a lovely place 
 Dates   Unreleased as-is 
 PID   Cannot Be Shiny 
 Games   EU 3DS: XYORAS 
  Cherish Ball Lv. 70  
 Nature   Random 
 Ability   Water Absorb (1) 
 Item    Assault Vest 
  Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)
  Steam Eruption Steam Eruption   Flamethrower Flamethrower
  Hydro Pump Hydro Pump   Explosion Explosion
  WC ID 588: 「ボルケニオン プレゼント」's receiving text
 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
ボルケニオン プレゼント
ことしの えいがの しゅやくポケモン
ばくねつの ボルケニオンを プレゼント!
スチームバーストで ぶっとばせ!

What's New in Version .   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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This Volcanion would be nearly indistinguishable from the Volcanion given out using the used Helen Volcanion wondercard.



  On 4/25/2017 at 2:17 PM, coltonsmogon said:

This Volcanion would be nearly indistinguishable from the Volcanion given out using the used Helen Volcanion wondercard.


Problem is, it would have been received on the wrong 3DS region.

The internal name denotes this is only meant for EU 3DS.

I'll add these lines in, thanks!

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What's the received date when you input this into a save? Does anyone know?


Posted (edited)

@theSLAYER, the wc6full of this should probably be labelled as "Beta" so that way people can tell which Volcanion wondercard's which.

"0588 XYORAS - Beta Helen Volcanion (ENG).wc6full" would work.

Edited by coltonsmogon


@coltonsmogon name changed to match internal name, to make it even more obvious.

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Posted (edited)

  On 4/25/2017 at 8:11 PM, theSLAYER said:

@coltonsmogon name changed to match internal name, to make it even more obvious.


Thanks. That'll clear the confusion surrounding that.

Edited by coltonsmogon


And you made it a wc7 for some reason @theSLAYER. Here's the proper wc6full...




  On 4/25/2017 at 8:13 PM, coltonsmogon said:

And you made it a wc7 for some reason @theSLAYER. Here's the proper wc6full...



woops. it's effectively the same format. renamed it.

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