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Singing Pikachu

This Pikachu was distributed at the Pokémon Wasshoi! Summer tour, which featured the new BW version of the 「ポケモン言えるかな?」 ending theme song.
Wonder card ID 38 to 45 are all Singing Pikachu, with the OT varying from popular artists that performed songs,to events that were featured.

Wondercard ID 043
PID Random
Games BW
Type Local Wireless
Dates 07.30.2011-08.21.2011
Nickname ピカチュウ
Gender Female
Level 30
Nature Random
Ability Lightningrod
OT わっしょい
SID 00000
Location Lovely Place
Ribbon Souvenir Ribbon Souvenir Ribbon
Ball Cherish Ball Cherish Ball
Held Item
Sing Sing
Teeter Dance Teeter Dance
Encore Encore
Electro Ball Electro Ball

What's New in Version 06/14/21 07:58 AM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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Falta un pikachu, la wonder card id 0044. Segun Bulbapedia, fueron ocho pikachus repartidos en este evento, pero aca sólo hay 7. Falta este いえるかな 



  On 6/3/2020 at 4:25 AM, MetaleroSmith said:
0044. According to Bulbapedia, there were eight pikachus distributed in this event, but here there are only 7. え る か な is missing.

English forum, please use English.

I think we don't have that event, thus wasn't uploaded.



  On 6/3/2020 at 5:16 AM, theSLAYER said:

Foro en inglés, por favor use inglés.

Creo que no tenemos ese evento, por lo tanto, no se cargó.


Sorry, One pikachu is missing, the wonder card id 0044. According to Bulbapedia, there were eight pikachus distributed in this event, but here there are only 7. This いえるかな   is missing.

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I added it to GitHub.

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