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Spanish Vocabulary # 3

Hello Everyone (Hola a todos)

Im back (he vuelto)

today (hoy)

something minus intense (algo menos intenso)

thats why i decided (es por eso que he decidido)

fruits (frutas)

fruits are something basic and relaxing (las frutas son algo basicas y relajan)

enjoy (disfruten)

Apple -> Manzana

Pear -> Pera (remenber this word put letters in different order)

Orange -> Naranja

Watermelon -> Sandia

Banana -> Platano

Stawberry -> Fresa

Cherry -> Cereza

Coconut -> Coco

Persimon -> Caqui

Uva -> Grape

raspberry -> frambuesa

blueberry -> Arandano

blackberry -> mora

piña -> pineapple

maracuyá -> passion fruit

avocado -> Aguacate

Apricot -> Albaricoque

cantalupe -> Cantalupo

lime -> limón/lima

cucumber -> pepino

pomegranate -> granada (also this word its used for granade or location in santa lusia)

papaya -> papaya

thats it for this lesson (esto es todo por la lección de hoy)



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