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Tales of coding by @evandixon

Entries in this blog

Processes, Events, and Debugging

The Background I'm a professional developer using mainly C#. On the side, I write a ROM editor using VB.Net. They're very similar thanks to them mostly wrapping the .Net Framework, and because of how complex this application is, I'm in no hurry to rewrite it. This application knows the ins and outs of a few dozen file types and can, well, edit them. One such file type is a compiled LUA script. In order to edit these, they must first be decompiled. Rather than try to figure out that myself,



Adventures in C#: The dragon strikes back

At the company at which I work, we have this legacy application written in C#. (It's different from the one written in Classic ASP.) Let's call this the dragon. It's old, it's previously defeated many brave knights, and its name is an acronym that shares a letter or two with the word "dragon". The dragon is responsible for breathing fire to defend the village from intruders. (It uses coding and algorithms to do Things to Products because of business logic. While the details aren't important, I d



Adventures in Classic ASP: Barcodes

By night and by weekend I'm an admin here at Project Pokémon (when I'm not busy saving Hyrule or doing other stuff). But by day, I'm a software developer for a certain company. This company has an internal legacy system written in Classic ASP (a really old language used to make websites) that we have to maintain, and releasing changes to it is never fun. Today we released a month's worth of changes, far more than we like to release at one time. (We couldn't release because reasons; although, we



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