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About Raphael_FR

  • Birthday 02/18/1998
  1. Just here to say thanks for the support and congrats, so far i'm really enjoying the more challenging game, thanks again !
  2. I have a 32 GB sd card with only two games, but i already solved the problem by reinstalling my Alpha Sapphire game, and i did not update it ( don't know if it matters).By the way, as my game is not updated when i get Star Sapphire running i can update normally ? EDIT: ok... it seems updates are kept separate from the game itself, so it seems my game is updated, but i have another question now, is it normal for the game to freeze on a black screen when trying to soft reset ?
  3. So, i'm having problems dumping my digital copy of Alpha Sapphire game, braindump shows an error like "Error while reading RomFS (error oxd900458b). Can someone help me do something about this error or try another method of dumping the game please ?
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