Ohaithar [Oh, hi there], call me Zanhi or Tommy. I'm a 14 year old Canadian. I'm Asian; a super duper Asian. I'm a super awesome person to know; always happy.
'Kay, my favorite music would be J-Rock/Pop/Metal. I'm not a crazy fan of metal, though.
My favorite food would be almost anything meat. I despise vegetables; unless it's already inside the meat. No, I'm not fat. My buddies in real life call me anorexic.
My ambition is to become a great animator. I'm getting through the basics of animating and making basic stick-man animations.
Alright, my favorite genre of television shows would be Anime. Basically any non-futuristic Anime, and I'll watch it.
My favorite reads would be Manga. I'll read some big mystery books once in a while.