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Posts posted by pokemonfan

  1. He does to resist it! He makes it neutral it would've been super effective if it wasn't for the flying side. I know that its neutral but he does resist it to make it neutral...that's what I meant. So wraith89 how do you do it. It says that 2 members are viewing the thread but only shows my name.

  2. I know that, those two are the water resisters of generation 4. Quagsire resists electricity while enhancing his weakness to grass and gyarados resists grass while enhancing his weakness to electricity. Then we have the fastzel with normal weaknesses and resistance so a grass and electric pokemon duo could defeat wake.

  3. I know that...I battled him and the moment I started winning he played suicide and just exploded when it didn't effect the pokemon I had out there, drifblim. Look at it this way wraith89 at least I put together a team that might take down a poke or two. Usually I lose horribly. Plus, I somewhat think I should've started with wigglytuff because she can know the move stealth rock.

  4. Kunaidude34 (our leader) said it was fine if we voted for our own. Plus there is nothing wrong with mine. Once again you posted yet it registers you as offline. But earlier I saw that it said 3 members were watching this thread and one guest. Were you the thread member wraith89? How are you posting when it says you're offline?

  5. you make a good point. I guess I could change it...yes I will but I'm still adding the other moves on the side. plus this is a gimmick team I'm not actually expecting to win with this. Maybe a couple of pokes but win? I dont think my balloons could win they should stick to the party not the battles. I'm going to go edit the post now.

  6. That's competitive play wraith89 but I'm working on it. Its one of my goals, but for now I have to beat pearl again :P I still think its going to be easy. How come they're not weak towards ice? Aren't ground and flying type pokemon weak against ice?

  7. I was except then it could be shut down by a ground or normal type pokemon. I didn't want that to happen. Plus drifblim doesn't have that many flying STAB attacks so its hard to get good STAB attacks onto drifblim without worrying he'll be shut down by normal types. T-bolt was so going to be in there until I thought about ground types.

  8. I still think it would be easy! Luxray...if you told that to my friend he'd blow up on you...luxray and pachirisu would be enough to get you past the water gym if they were trained enough. Dont forget there is the grass types like cherrim, roserade, and burmy (evos too) That's enough to bring it down. Plus ice types too for that because of how both gyarados and quagsire would be weak against it. Then the first gym would fall easily to any of the starters and grass has so many weaknesses. There are a plethora of flying and psychic type pokemon to beat maylene plus it never hurts to have your water starter thrown in the mix. I mean ash beat lucario with his buizel (although that is the anime) Then I talked about wake (for some reason first I dont know why?) fantina will just have to be hit with dark type moves or catch a spiritomb. If you're playing diamond catch a murkrow and evolve it. Plus fantina is weak against ghost types as well. I can see why it would be a challenge but not much even with out the flaming ape on your side. Byron and Candice should both fall to the flames of rapidash and watery powers of gyarados/tentacruel/empoleon. Plus dont forget the ground powers of torterra or other ground types. You can easily do it without the ape of flames.

    For the record my luxio took down the first gym single handidly and it had the type disadvantage they should've destroyed him. He was only 3 levels higher then cranidos. He took down the two trainers before roark and then roark all by himself with no items or the use of a pokemon center. And luxray is bad? I can understand pachirisu but luxray?

  9. Really! OMG I never knew that...well at least I have a plan for the team unlike I usually do. When I battle you usually its an epic fail. like the time you swept with beedrill. I changed air cutter to gyro ball and added air cutter on the side. My reason...gyro ball is going to help this guy against sweepers because he'll be as slow as slow can be.

  10. Hola I'm pokemonfan (obviously) I welcome you to project pokemon. If you need a killer sandshrew avatar then just click the link in my signature so that you can go ask for one. We'll jump at the chance to go make an avatar. :P Anyway, welcome and good luck with pokesav.

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