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Everything posted by Stoney

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Sword and shield 6iv square shiny eggs I will continue uploading as I make more.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    All legal files for the Hat Pikachu forms
  3. What's worked for me for 2 months is Boot to OFW Enable Airplane mode Reboot to CFW Keep airplane mode on Use edizon to restore new save POWER DOWN(not reboot) then power back up In business, again this has worked for 2 months, I do not have any NSP's installed, nothing, running game from cartridge.
  4. -link removed- I uploaded my latest compile, works fine with the new saves all good to go. I understand i'm a new member with low post count, but I can definitely assure there's no viruses, etc. Proof below; slowpoke visible.
  5. Still need this?
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