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  1. Sadly no, that didn't seem to help. I've tried both dumps created by hactool on PC and by nxdumptool.nro directly from the switch, and both come up with the error. Same file structure/size/file counts each time. Guess I'm just waiting until either the program gets more progress made on future builds to work more accurately and easily, or trying to find someone else's working romfs to borrow.
  2. I really wish I could get this to work, but over the past 3 nights of redumping, verifying I have that magic number mentioned in the thread of 41,702 files in the roms folder, trying dumps from both my xci file and my nsp files, I cannot get this to work at all. It always fails at this screen right here. I really have no clue what I'm doing wrong at this point. Am I just overlooking something super simple at this point?
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