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Everything posted by NicoPV08

  1. Sure thing, I could do it. Just send me a private message so we can coordinate and send it to you.
  2. Sounds plausible, I would appreciate if you could test it for me, since the other nintendo switch I have is clean and updated to the latest OFW. Here goes my save file from pokemon sword. And I don't know if it helps to know this, but my banned switch is on 9.0.1. Thanks in advance! main
  3. Thank you! I see the problem now, my console is banned so I haven't accessed the mystery gift servers.
  4. Hey! I tried to add the dynamax stones/crystals for the special raid for Larvitar ang Jangmo-o that come with the code if you buy the double pack. So I add them to my inventory and they appear in game, but the description is three question marks "???" and when I go to the tower den and try to use them, they don't work. It says "the words of the professor blablabla is not the time to use blabla". Just wanted to report the error. I hope that the mystery gift event flags com e soon. Thank you for your hard work on PkHex!
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