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Posts posted by Lycp01

  1. @ajxpk

    I could not find useful information of ANA Pikachu...


    2004 Tanabata Jirachi was distribution by each 1,500 meeting places. Therefore there is little information.

    But these events might have been GBA distribution because the sentences of the distribution condition were the same as 2005,2006 Tanabata Jirachi.


    Support Cartridge: 「ポケットモンスター ルビー・サファイア・ファイアレッド・リーフグリーン」

    Sentences of the distribution condition:





    I found some replies that Ito-Yokado, JUSCO, Toys "R" Us and HelloMac used the GameCube discs.(the distribution of the movie advance ticket(Negaiboshi))

    Because contents are dangerous, I do not translate it. It turned out that my memory was correct.:D

    • Like 2
  2. Gen3 Jirachi distribution was carried out in the Pokemon Festa 2003-2005, WHF18, All pokemon centorsIto-Yokado, JUSCO, Toys "R" Us and HelloMac.

    I was not able to see the distribution machine when I received Jirachi in the Ito-Yokado.

    But, I discovered the distribution machine used in the WHF and PF.


    PF2003 in Sapporo



    PF2003 in Pacifico Yokohama





    PF2003 in Takamatsu








    Maybe they used a Dolphin Development Hardware. They seem to insert the cartridge in the 5.25 bay.

    I think that the salesclerk of the Ito-Yokado, JUSCO, Toys "R" Us and HelloMac used GameCube disk, because I handed the cartridge inserted GBA to a salesclerk of the Ito-Yokado. Probably they were not able to operate the development machine.




    PF2005 in Pacifico Yokohama




    PF2005 in Saitama Super Arena




    It is thought that the distribution method is similar to Festa Metang when I watch the images.


    Extra Images





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  3. @ajxpk

    I'm sorry if you have already known it.

    a tpl<==>png converter.
    usage:TPL infile outfile compress_format

    0x0000001B is compress format header. Default is the CMP(Value: 14)
    tpl header reference

    The useful format is the "RGB565"
    Compressibility of the "RGBA8" is low. However, the loading becomes slow.
    Compressibility of the "CMP" is too high. the loading becomes very fast.
    Different compress format's TPLs are able to be mixed.

    We are able to replace the TPLs with the any images:D

    • Like 3
  4. Hello. This thread is great!
    Sorry, I'm from a country with Mount Fuji. My English is very childish.

    Well, I found a method to replace the "client.bin" of the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm" with "sample0519.bin" & to receive the Negaiboshi Jirachi(GC -> GBA).
    An actual machine is also all right.
    If Start.dol's country code in the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm" is USA and use the USA-Cart, WISHMKR's client.bin & client.2003_1112.bin did work.
    Of course, In that case, you don't need change it for the "Ruby.tgc" and the "pokedownload.tgc".

    Probably the issue that Broken GCM is output by GC-Rebuilder will be ISO alignment & fst problem. (Solving -> use gcit)
    I had difficulty in solving this issue.
    Then, I found "DAT Texture Wizard". This tool can replace gcm's files larger than original files & Add files!
    And furthermore, I found a gcm to tgc app. gcmtotgc

    I will write that method below.

    The Method to replace the "client.bin" of the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm" with "sample0519.bin" & receive the Negaiboshi Jirachi(GC -> GBA).

    Simpler Actual machine Method



      1) "Interactive Multi Game Disc January 2004 For Japan"(Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc)
        OR "Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Version 14or16"(Ruby.tgc) -> Need change Start.dol country code [US -> JP]

    If you use the "Ruby.tgc", You don't need see the JP message on GC. 

    country code


    Ruby.gcm's "Start.dol" (region cheak of the GBA-Cart)

    0x00005CFB 4A (J=JP), 45 (E=US)

    pokedownload.gcm's "Start.dol" (region cheak of the GBA-Cart)

    0x0000D07B 4A (J=JP), 45 (E=US)
    0x0000D0DB 4A (J=JP), 45 (E=US)

      2) "sample0519.bin"
      3) DAT Texture Wizard - v5.4
      4) Gamecube ISO Tool(=gcit_Win32_Build7)
      5) tgctogcm
      6) gcmtotgc
      7) GC(SD Media launcher etc) or Wii(HBC)
      8) GBA or GBA SP
      9) GBA Link Cable
    10) Swiss(latest) or Nintendont(latest)


    1. Replace the client.bin of in the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm"("Ruby.gcm", "pokedownload.gcm") with the sample0519.bin
    2. Convert the "1 outputted iso" to the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev_R.tgc".
        Replace the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" of the "1 outputted iso" with the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev_R.tgc".
    3. Wii: Use the "Nintendont" or GC: Use the "Swiss".



    1-1. Fix fst & alignment. 
    the "Interactive Multi Game Disc January 2004 For Japan.iso"
    OR the "Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Version 14or16.iso"
    Use the gcit_Win32. Save ISO -> Trimmed

    (ALL Options is Default. the output_filename depends on the "Image title".)


    Only Pokémon Colosseum - Bonus Disc (U).iso user.


    If you use "Pokémon Colosseum - Bonus Disc (U).iso, option is "32KB".


    1-2. Open the "1-1's outputted iso"
    Use the DAT Texture Wizard.
    Go to the "Disc File Tree" Tab.
    Click the Export button on the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc"("Ruby.tgc").


    1-3. Convert the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc"("Ruby.tgc") to the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm"("Ruby.gcm", "pokedownload.gcm")
    Use the tgctogcm.

    1-4. Fix fst & alignment. Convert the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm"("Ruby.tgc") to the "ruby sapphire timer bugfix 2003.1208 [RELS01].iso"
    Use the gcit_Win32. Save ISO -> Trimmed
    (ALL Options is Default. The output_filename depends on the "Image title".)

    1-5. Open & Edit the "pokemon ruby sapphire timer bugfix 2003.1208 [RELS01].iso"
    Use the DAT Texture Wizard.
    Go to the "Disc File Tree" Tab.
    Click the Import button on the "client.bin".

    Select the "sample0519.bin" (70KB).12.png.a8f974bceb1f7ca75cc928bd4b2b5281.png

    note: Except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user


    I deleted the process to edit bi2.bin.
    This is because it worked only by editing of the "Start.dol" if you replace the "Ruby.tgc" of the "Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Version 14.iso" with the "Ruby_R.tgc".

    bi2.bin(0x0000001B) is region of the gcm.

    (Except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user) Click the Export button on Start.dol.


    (Except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user) modify the Start.dol's country code. [US -> JP]


    (Except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user) Click the Import button on Start.dol.

    (Except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user) Select the modified Start.dol.


    File -> Save.
    note: Output the file is auto select. overwrite or rename( - Rebuilt, v1 etc...).
    (Ex: "pokemon ruby sapphire timer bugfix 2003.1208 [RELS01] - Rebuilt, v1.iso")

    1-6. Fix fst & alignment. Use the gcit_Win32 once more. Open & Save the "pokemon ruby sapphire timer bugfix 2003.1208 [RELS01] - Rebuilt, v1.iso" .
    Save ISO -> Trimmed
    (ALL Options is Default.)

    note: You make the "outputted" dir. Then, you save the file to this dir.
    The output_filename depends on the "Image title".


    2-1. Convert the "1-6's outputted iso" to the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev_R.tgc"("Ruby_R.tgc").
    Use the gcmtotgc.

    2-2. Replace the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc"("Ruby.tgc") of the "1-1's outputted iso" with the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev_R.tgc"("Ruby_R.tgc")
    Use DAT Texture Wizard.
    Click the Import button on the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc"("Ruby.tgc")

    Select the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev_R.tgc"("Ruby_R.tgc")


    2-3. (JP disc only) Replace the index.html.
    Use the DAT Texture Wizard.
    Click the Export button on "index.html".

    Edit the "index.html".

    <td><img name="pokemonrs2" src="images/spc.png" width="238" height="61" border="0"></td>


    <td><a href="pokemonrs/pokemonrs_p.html" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();"  onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('pokemonrs2','','images/pokemonrs2_f2.png',1);" ><img name="pokemonrs2" src="images/pokemonrs2.png" width="238" height="61" border="0"></a></td>

    Click the Import button on "index.html".
    Select the edited "index.html".18.png.49c91bfea370dcb5a37f1f546d9921e6.png

    2-4. File -> Save.
    note: The output filename is the auto select. overwrite or rename( - Rebuilt, v1 etc...).


    3. I omit the detailed processes.

    Case1. Wii "Nintendont"
    Open the "2-4's outputted iso" or the "1-6's outputted iso". Use the gcit_Win32. 
    File -> Extract -> DiscEx format... to the SD or the USB Storage ("games/" dir)



    (ALL Options is Default.)
    Ex: G:/games/Japanese Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc from January 2004[D68J01]

    "Nintendont" Settings
    the "native option" is ON, otherwise a GBA LINK don't work.
    (Not use the BIOS IPL.)
    You need the memcard.(emu or actual)


    Case2. GC "Swiss"
    Copy the "Japanese Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc from January 2004[D68J01].iso" (or rename this iso to "Japanese Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc from January 2004[D68J01].gcm") to your SD on the rootdir. You need the memcard.

    1st: Run GC or Wii App -> Run the iso or gcm -> Push the A button
    2nd: Connect your GBA cable & Power on your GBA.




    1) "Interactive Multi Game Disc January 2004 For Japan"(Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc)
        OR "Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Version 14or16"(Ruby.tgc) -> Need modify bi2.bin & Start.dol country code [US -> JP]
        OR "Pokémon Colosseum - Bonus Disc (U) (pokedownload.tgc) -> Need modify bi2.bin & Start.dol country code [US -> JP]

    Memo1: If you use the "Ruby.tgc" or "pokedownload.tgc", You don't need see the JP message on GC. 

    Memo2: Country code


    All "bi2.bin"(region of the gcm)

    0x0000001B 00 (JP), 01 (US)

    Ruby.gcm's "Start.dol" (region cheak of the GBA-Cart)

    0x00005CFB 4A (J=JP), 45 (E=US)

    pokedownload.gcm's "Start.dol" (region cheak of the GBA-Cart)

    0x0000D07B 4A (J=JP), 45 (E=US)
    0x0000D0DB 4A (J=JP), 45 (E=US)

    2) "sample0519.bin"
    3) GC-Rebuilder v1.1 or ""DAT Texture Wizard - v5.4""
    4) gcit_Win32_Build7(secure) OR fstfix(insecure)
    5) tgctogcm
    5) visualboyadvance-m-64bit-c7c6ad6
    6) Dolphin 5.0 svn 6400

    1. Replace the client.bin of in the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm"("Ruby.gcm", "pokedownload.gcm") with the sample0519.bin
    2. Dolphin to VBA-M

    You must select Methods 1/2-A or 1/2-B.

    Method 1/2-A(Old)


    1-1. Convert the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc"("Ruby.tgc", "pokedownload.tgc") to the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm"("Ruby.gcm", "pokedownload.gcm").
    Use tgctogcm.

    1-2. Fix the fst & alignment.
    Convert the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm"("Ruby.gcm", "pokedownload.gcm") to the "pokemon ruby sapphire timer bugfix 2003.1208 [RELS01].iso" or the "PokeDownLoad [POKE01].iso".
    Use gcit_Win32. Save ISO -> Trimmed
    (ALL Options is Default. The output_filename depends on the "Image title".)

    If you skip the gcit convert process, you get a Broken GCM file!! and the Dolphin is black screen stop!!

    1-3. Extract the "pokemon ruby sapphire timer bugfix 2003.1208 [RELS01].iso" or the "PokeDownLoad [POKE01].iso"
    Use the GC-Rebuilder. right click on the root dir -> Extract
    (ALL Options is Default.)

    1-4. Rename the sample0519.bin to client.bin
    Replace the client.bin (31KB) on the Extracted root dir for Renamed the client.bin(70KB)
    (Except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user) Modify the Start.dol's country code with any Hex editors. [US -> JP]
    (OPTION) Edit "date" -> you need to modify the AppLoader.ldr with any Hex editors.
    (OPTION) Edit "Image Name" -> you need to modify the ISO.hdr with any Hex editors.

    1-5. Rebuild GCM
    Open the Extracted root dir with the GC-Rebuilder -> Rebuild
    (ALL Options is Default.)
    Save name is the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev_R.gcm"("Ruby_R.gcm", "pokedownload_R.gcm").

    1-6. Fix fst & alignment & Output Trim. Convert the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev_R.gcm"("Ruby_R.gcm", "pokedownload_R.gcm") to the "Image Title [GAME ID].iso".
    Use the gcit_Win32. Save ISO -> Trimmed
    (ALL Options is Default. The output_filename depends on the "Image title".)

    Note: It is hard to use made the imagefile of this method. If you use the gcmtotgc, that tgc file size is enlarged.

    Method 1/2-B(New)
    1-1. Convert the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc"("Ruby.tgc", "pokedownload.tgc") to the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm"("Ruby.gcm", "pokedownload.gcm")
    Use the tgctogcm.

    1-2. Rename the "sample0519.bin"(70KB) to the "client.bin"
    (except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user) modify the bi2.bin & Start.dol's country code with a Hex editor. [US -> JP]

    1-3. Fix fst & alignment. Convert the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.gcm"("Ruby.gcm", "pokedownload.gcm") to the "ruby sapphire timer bugfix 2003.1208 [RELS01].iso" or the "PokeDownLoad [POKE01].iso".
    Use the gcit_Win32. Save ISO -> Trimmed
    (ALL Options is Default. The output_filename depends on the "Image title".)

    1-4. Open & Edit the "pokemon ruby sapphire timer bugfix 2003.1208 [RELS01].iso" or the "PokeDownLoad [POKE01].iso"
    Use the DAT Texture Wizard.
    Go to the "Disc File Tree" Tab.
    Click the Import button on the client.bin.
    Select the Renamed client.bin (70KB).
    (Except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user) Click the Export button on bi2.bin & Start.dol.
    (Except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user) modify the bi2.bin & Start.dol's country code. [US -> JP]
    (Except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user) Click the Import button on bi2.bin & Start.dol.
    (Except for the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" user) Select the modified bi2.bin & Start.dol.


    (OPTION) Click the Export button on the AppLoader.ldr.
    (OPTION) modify the AppLoader.ldr's date with the hex editor.
    (OPTION) Click the Import button on the AppLoader.ldr.
    (OPTION) Select the modified AppLoader.ldr.

    Go to the "Disc Detail" Tab.
    Change the "Image title" (Ex: Jirachi Distribution Disc).
    Change the "Game ID" (Ex: RELE01, RELJ01, POKJ01).
    If you changed their forms, You must press the ENTER key! The input forms turn red & complete.
    note: Short Title, Long Title and Comment are text garbling. If you love Japanease, Don't change these forms.
    File -> Save.
    note: Output the file is auto select. overwrite or rename( - Rebuilt, v1 etc...).

    1-5. Fix fst & alignment. Use the gcit_Win32 once more. Open & Save the "DAT Texture Wizard outputted iso" .
    Save ISO -> Trimmed
    (ALL Options is Default. the output_filename depends on the "Image title".)


    Method 2/2
    (Options -> Link -> Local mode ON)
    Options -> Link -> Type -> Gamecube
    Options -> Game Boy Advance -> RTC ON
    Emulation -> Pause when inactive OFF
    Emulation -> skip BIOS ON
    Perhaps, we need not the GBA BIOS file.

    Controller settings -> Port2 -> GBA

    2-1. the Dolphin Run & Open "the Method 1/2 outputted file"(Ex: "Jirachi Distribution Disc[RELJ01].iso") -> Push A button
    ゲームボーイアドバンスに カートリッジをさして
    GBAケーブルを つないでください。
    つないだら ゲームボーイアドバンスの でんげんをいれてください。
    If this message is displayed, You keep the display & go to the next step.

    2-2. the VBA-M Run & open the R/S ROM(J)
    ©2002 Pokémon
    ©1995-2002 ...
    If this message is displayed on the GBA and the screen is FREEZE, distribution is starting!
    If don't freeze, LINK is being failure. the dolphin & the VBA restart please.

    note: There's a possibility your savedata may destroy.
    You must back up a savedata.
    If your savedata is destroyed, the "import battery file" use from the backuped savedata.

    If this message is displayed, quit the VBA.

    しゅうりが おわりました。
    ジグザグマが プレゼント されました。
    でんげんを きって ケーブルを ぬいてください。
    If this message is displayed, quit the dolphin.

    If the Orange window message was displayed, the INVARID ROMs(Ex Emerald) was used or the LINK ERROR was occurd or your savedata was destroyed. The dolphin & the VBA restart or use the "import battery file" please.
    If the red font message was displayed, your party full OR You didn’t receive the Treecko or Torchic or Mudkip.

    2-3. Complete!

    Case Use gcm from the pokedownload.tgc
    Run the it's gcm with the dolphin. Push the A button several times. Then, GBA boot logo is displayed on Dolphin screen. VBA run & Open R/S Rom.
    Timing is very severe!

    Actual machine(Old)


    Actual machine-Requirements
    1) GC(SD Media launcher etc) or Wii(HBC)
    I have the DOL-001(JPN), RVL-001(JPN) Ver 4.3

    2) GBA or GBA SP
    3) GBA Link Cable
    4) Swiss(latest) or Nintendont(latest)
    5) Interactive Multi Game Disc January 2004 For Japan" or "Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Version 14"or16
    6) "Method 1/2-B outputed file" (assume "Jirachi Distribution Disc[RELJ01].iso")
    7) gcmtotgc
    8) gcit_Win32_Build7(secure) OR fstfix(insecure)

    Actual machine-Outline
    1-A1. Convert the "Method 1/2-B outputted file" to the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc".
    1-A2. Replace the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc" of the "Interactive Multi Game Disc January 2004 For Japan.ISO".
    1-A3.(JP disc only) Replace index.html.

    2. Wii: Use the "Nintendont" or GC: Use the "Swiss".

    Actual machine-Method
    1-A1-1. Convert the "Jirachi Distribution Disc[RELJ01].iso" to the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev_R.tgc"("Ruby_R.tgc", "pokedownload_R.tgc").
    Use the gcmtotgc.
    Rename the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev_R.tgc(Ruby_R.tgc)" to the "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc"("Ruby.tgc", "pokedownload.tgc").

    1-A1-2. Fix fst & alignment. 
    the "Interactive Multi Game Disc January 2004 For Japan.iso"
    OR the "Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Version 14or16.iso"
    OR the "Pokemon Colosseum - Bonus Disc (U).iso
    Use the gcit_Win32. Save ISO -> Trimmed
    (ALL Options is Default. the output_filename depends on the "Image title".)

    If you skip the gcit convert process, You get the Broken file!!

    1-A2. Replace the 1-A1-1's "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc"("Ruby.tgc", "pokedownload.tgc") of the "Interactive Multi Game Disc January 2004 For Japan [D68J01].ISO" (or the "Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Version 14[D83E01].ISO" or the "Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc [PC6E01].iso").
    Use DAT Texture Wizard.
    Method is the same as client.bin replacement.

    1-A3. (JP disc only) Replace the index.html.

    <td><img name="pokemonrs2" src="images/spc.png" width="238" height="61" border="0"></td>


    <td><a href="pokemonrs/pokemonrs_p.html" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore();"  onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('pokemonrs2','','images/pokemonrs2_f2.png',1);" ><img name="pokemonrs2" src="images/pokemonrs2.png" width="238" height="61" border="0"></a></td>

    Use the DAT Texture Wizard.
    Method is the same as client.bin replacement.

    1-A4. File -> Save.
    note: Output the file is auto select. overwrite or rename( - Rebuilt, v1 etc...).


    2. I omit the detailed processes.

    Case1. Wii "Nintendont"
    Open an "actual machine-Method 1 outputted file" or the "Jirachi Distribution Disc[RELJ01].iso". Use the gcit_Win32. 
    File -> Extract -> DiscEx format... to the SD or the USB Storage ("games/")
    (ALL Options is Default.)
    Ex: G:/games/Japanese Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc from January 2004[D68J01]
    Ex: G:/games/Jirachi Distribution Disc[RELJ01]

    "Nintendont" Settings
    the "native option" is ON, otherwise a GBA LINK don't work.

    Case2. GC "Swiss"
    Copy the "Jirachi Distribution Disc[RELJ01].iso" (or rename this iso to "Jirachi Distribution Disc[RELJ01].gcm") to your SD on the rootdir.

    1st: Run GC or Wii App -> Run the iso or gcm -> Push the A button
    2nd: Connect your GBA cable & Power on your GBA.


    Berry Glitch Fix & New Battery Glitch Fix
    When you use the Original "Ruby_And_Sapphire_Rev.tgc"("Ruby.tgc") on Battery exchanged actual-Cart, Berry Glitch fix may fail.

    1. RS Berry Glitch Fix: Savedata RTC Edit -> PkHex "RTC editor"

    What the Berry glitch is and how it was fixed

    2. RSE New Battery Glitch Fix: actual-Cart RTC Edit -> rtcread.gba

    You must set the actual-Cart RTC Value bigger than the Savedata RTC Value.

    METEOR Jirachi was BCAD-R. Then, the seed is generated from checksum. And it is one jirachi per Game-Pak. Therefore, It was same as WISHMKR...
    If you have the suloku's JirachiSeeder_0.1b, You are able to set the origin seed.
    You open the recieved savedata with PKHex & select the "origin game"(Ex Sapphire). Press Ctrl + Click "legal check button". You will find the origin seed.

    All of members in the thread, thank you very much!
    I feel as if I were dreaming!


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