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Posts posted by TiffanyDarlet

  1. hello, i have a legit platinum card with my own ID, started and finished it normaly used a app in my 3DS to inject the wondercards to redeem the items member's card/oak letter from mistery gift (legaly) , wich let me unlock interact and catch the special pokemons normaly but i want to shiny hunt darkrai and shaymin with my own ID, it is possible to catch them shiny or it have a shiny lock? 
    i tried soft reset the game but i want to be sure if i can/can't acomplish it before atempting or losing time haha 

    any help is appreciated, thanks in advance 

  2. 7 hours ago, momoss said:

    So just to check if I'm understanding it right. I want to change a Copperajah size that was originally caught on SwSh but has already been on SV. To not become illegal, I'll have to edit it on SwSh, delete the Home Tracker and send it back to SV, right?

    Will the substructure from SV reset to blank? 

    you have to make the edits in the origin game to make the main structure legal, seems to keep and fix some substructure values between games,

    for example i caught a cresselia in Shield max lair and sent it into shinningpearl, then i sent it back into shield, started editing in shield because i caught it here made it shiny, changed pokeball, trainer ID to make it fit with shinning pearl, then i sent it into shiningpearl and then HOME and seems to be working because the pokeball appears and the children info showing correctly, in both shield, shining pearl, even in HOME
    then i tried to do the same with the original untouched cresselia, starded editing in shinningpearl game but this didn't show the pokeball and sword shield children data, (HOME game icons). 
    i didn't fixed home tracker so i am not sure about that...
    seems to carry main sctructure while changing some substructure like the modified (pokeball, shiny, tid) in my case.

  3. yes i tried it once, have a pokemon platinum card and injected the flute item got a shiny Arceus from Hall of Origin leveled it to 100, then sent it to pokebank, later to HOME when the bank/HOME connection released and nothing happened.

    i was little scared about the thing because many people was sending shiny locked mythicals and they got bad eggs, so later i decided to delete it, instead i sent my GTS Arceus from my old pokemon White card.

  4. On 2/5/2021 at 2:43 AM, SkyLink98 said:

    I catch them all in the new games.

    In the past I used to keep my pokemon on each game they were originated from, now I'm keeping all my Pokemon in HOME, mainly divided by origin generation.

    aaa i did the same i put every mon from VC/FireRed/Sapphire/Platinum/White/UltraMoon/GO/LEt's Go Eevee/Shield/ in HOME xD

  5. yes i almost complete dark list haha holy event >.<

    Dark 26/30 purloin 

    Ghost 14/30 between Gastly/Drifblim

    Dragon 7/30 found some gibble with the field task you said 

  6. 9 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    Once you use the item, Flapple will appear there till the end of the day.

    Time manipulation via changing Switch clock will cause the raid to disappear.

    You can only catch it once (once you catch that Flapple, the raid disappears.)

    I am not sure, but I think you can invite people every time you attempt to catch it.

    It saves right as you use the Crystal, so the clock starts ticking down from there.

    It follows Switch time, and ends at midnight (the Crystal usage doesn't count 24 hours for you, purely depends on when midnight is.)

    oooo i see, i was not sure how worked but i will be careful and take clock in account haha, thank you

    • Like 1
  7. Hi~, today i received this item from mistery gift ''★Sgr6913'' and i don't know how to use it. there say ''An item that causes Flapple to appear from the Watchtower Lair in the Wild Area until the end of the day'', but that means... i can re battle the pokemon many times or is only just one time? is a solo battle or can i invite others too? is the first time i get a item lke this so i am little confused.

    thanks in advance 

  8. 8 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    So I properly looked at Grunts lineup, to present somewhat accurate information. (Accuracy is limited to the time I wrote this post. If the rosters shift, and this post wasn't updated, then the details would naturally stop being accurate)
    To my recollection, for Grunts, both first slot and second slot have a chance of being captured (I recall encountering shadow Ninetales from them before.)

    Here's the important ones

      Hide contents

    For Dark

      Reveal hidden contents


    For Ice

      Reveal hidden contents


    For Dragon

      Reveal hidden contents




    i am going to hunt grunts haha, that seems a fair way to capture them 

  9. i still missing some type, i am playing from my home because... my parents forbade me to go out for a walk alone or met friends xD 

    (i blame covid haha) 

    19/30 days in row

    16/30 fighting

    8/30 ice

    9/30 ghost

    5/30 dragon

    7/30 dark

    20/30 fairy

  10. 17 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    @TiffanyDarlet The pain. all I'm left with is the three painful tasks at the bottom, being Dark, Fairy, Dragon.

    I see you're missing Steel. Hopefully the upcoming Beldum incense day can knock it off.

     i hope so too, talonflame helped me with others tasks xD, i hope they make another special hour or comunity day and help us complete them haha

    • Like 1
  11. the first legit way to get one shiny mew was a old sea map in jap emerald, and the event is not available anymore, the non shiny mew is obtainable for everyone in GO and take long time to complete like the other mythicals in the game wich their availability is at hand of everyone even free players, obtaining a shiny one should be realy hard to earn, so i think is ok with the actual way.

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