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  1. Thank you for the response! So if I'm understanding this right, up-to-date research suggests that Tree Pokemon IV's are not tied to PID? As of now I can probably edit the IV's for the Skwovet without legality issues?
  2. I got a legit shiny Skwovet from berry tree shaking, and was looking at seeing if I could edit the natural IV's without affecting its shiny-ness. I'm using the `IV Searcher` Plugin, but research suggests berry tree pokemon are not classified under Overworld8 encounter. Is there another encounter type (or another method) I should choose instead, or am I OOL in this case? Edit: Apologies, it looks like I forgot to try the simple thing and edit the IVs without changing any values. It looks like that works, unless I should be weary of un-implemented checks? 819 ★ - Skwovet - 9B64683D962A.pk8
  3. Hello, I noticed a Relicanth that I caught in Soulsilver had an 'encounter type' error. I believe this is a bug, but please let me know if that's not the case. 369 - RELICANTH - 57E47BD3E36C.pk4
  4. finalevil151


    Reporting the same issue w/ personal file attached. This pokemon was edited though, so it can definitely be an issue on the edit. 490 ★ - Manaphy - EBC77942EF72.pk7
  5. Hello, first of all thanks for the work you all do for PKHex! For my Moon save, I get an "Invalid: Unable to match an encounter from origin game" for my Vullaby, which I got from the Pelago. I think this is a bug, I'm 99% sure I didn't edit the pokemon in any way. Attached the Vullaby for reference. 629 - Vullaby - B2E4275CCD5E.pk7
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