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Everything posted by Cellsplitter

  1. Dug up my old Red and Crystal saves and made sure to backup these event Pokemon. These are from events in Sweden back in the day. Mailed in the GB carts and hoped they'd come back lol. No certificate for Celebi can be found sadly. Mew TID: 219 OT: SWEDEN Celebi TID: 40992 OT: FRANCO 151 - MEW - E475.pk1 251 - CELEBI - AE6B.pk2
  2. Thanks for the reply. I do realize that the resulting Jirachi will be no different then one I could inject manually with PKHeX. However it is the process that makes it feel more genuine and frankly, more fun. I also did try to manually change the checksum with a hexeditor. I found the current checksum (3C71) at AFF0 and changed it to the desired one. I then opened the savefile with PKHeX and re-saved over the old one. However, when I load this savefile up it sais it's corrupt and loads up the backup save instead. Is there something I'm missing?
  3. I've been digging into how it would be possible to edit the checksum on my Pokemon Sapphire savefile so that it ends up at A030 for a shiny (naughty) Jirachi from the Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc. Sites such as JirachiCalc have been useful in helping me figuring out my current checksum but that's about it. I've read a lot of older posts about using hexeditors and such but I always end up more confused and ultimately give up in the end. I'd apricate any help and possible explenations so I can understand and maybe generate other types of Jirachis down the line. My current checksum is at 3C71. Savefile is attached below. POKEMON_SAPP_AXPE01.sav
  4. Thanks I'll give it a try myself
  5. Is there a way to compress the save file in any way to make it load? I can still load the save in more oldschool save editors like PikaSav for example (with the "force SAV" function").
  6. I am currently playing Pokemon Crystal (EU) again on my Game Boy Color and with the help of a Mega Memory cart and a GB USB Smart card I am able to backup and transfer the save file to my PC. I then tried to load this save file in the PKHeX application but I am met with the following error messages. Here's a link to download the save file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_mmJOG1759lRGtyQ1BoTFJacVE/view?usp=sharing
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