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  1. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Rowlet Category Grass Quill Pokémon Types Ability Overgrow Hidden Ability Long Reach Description It sends its feathers, which are as sharp as blades, flying in attack. Its legs are strong, so its kicks are also formidable. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs.) Gender 88.10% ♂ 11.90% ♀ Egg Group Flying Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 64 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 68 1 Attack 55 0 Defense 55 0 Sp. Attack 50 0 Sp. Defense 50 0 Speed 42 0 BST 320 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x2 x2 x0 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.25 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Rowlet   Dartrix Level Up at level 17   Decidueye Level Up at level 34 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Leafage 4 Growl 8 Peck 11 Astonish 14 Razor Leaf 16 Ominous Wind 18 Foresight 22 Pluck 25 Synthesis 29 Fury Attack 32 Sucker Punch 36 Leaf Blade 39 Feather Dance 43 Brave Bird 46 Nasty Plot Moves (TM) Move Work Up Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Light Screen Protect Roost Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Echoed Voice Steel Wing Energy Ball False Swipe Shadow Claw Swords Dance Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Nature Power Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Grass Pledge Moves (Egg) Move Parents Curse (Requires chain breeding)             Confuse Ray               Ominous Wind     Haze                       Baton Pass           Defog                                      
  2. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Volcanion Category Steam Pokémon Types Ability Water Absorb Height 1.7 m (5'7") Weight 195 kg (429.9 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 100 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 270 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 80 0 Attack 110 0 Defense 120 0 Sp. Attack 130 3 Sp. Defense 90 0 Speed 70 0 BST 600 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x0.25 x0.25 x1 x1 x2 x1 x0.25 x1 x1 x0.5 Evolution Chain Target Method   Volcanion Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Steam Eruption 1 Flare Blitz 1 Take Down 8 Mist 11 Haze 15 Flame Charge 21 Water Pulse 28 Stomp 32 Scald 40 Weather Ball 46 Body Slam 50 Hydro Pump 58 Flare Blitz 65 Overheat 76 Explosion 85 Steam Eruption Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Solar Beam Smack Down Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Sludge Wave Flamethrower Sludge Bomb Sandstorm Fire Blast Facade Flame Charge Rest Round Overheat Focus Blast Scald Fling Will-O-Wisp Explosion Giga Impact Stone Edge Gyro Ball Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Confide
  3. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Hoopa Category Mischief Pokémon Types Ability Magician Height 0.5 m (1'8") Weight 9 kg (19.8 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 100 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 270 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 80 0 Attack 110 0 Defense 60 0 Sp. Attack 150 3 Sp. Defense 130 0 Speed 70 0 BST 600 Type Effectiveness x0 x0 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x4 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Hoopa (Unbound) Evolution Chain Target Method   Hoopa Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Hyperspace Hole 1 Trick 1 Destiny Bond 1 Ally Switch 1 Confusion 6 Astonish 10 Magic Coat 15 Light Screen 19 Psybeam 25 Skill Swap 29 Power Split 29 Guard Split 35 Phantom Force 46 Zen Headbutt 50 Wonder Room 50 Trick Room 55 Shadow Ball 68 Nasty Plot 75 Psychic 85 Hyperspace Hole Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Thunderbolt Return Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Reflect Torment Facade Rest Thief Round Focus Blast Energy Ball Fling Charge Beam Quash Embargo Giga Impact Thunder Wave Psych Up Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Dark Pulse Confide
  4. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Diancie Category Jewel Pokémon Types Ability Clear Body Height 0.7 m (2'4") Weight 8.8 kg (19.4 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Pink Base Exp 270 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 100 0 Defense 150 1 Sp. Attack 100 0 Sp. Defense 150 2 Speed 50 0 BST 600 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x4 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0 x0.5 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Diancie   Diancie (Mega) Mega evolve with Diancite Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Harden 1 Rock Throw 5 Sharpen 8 Smack Down 12 Reflect 18 Stealth Rock 21 Guard Split 27 Ancient Power 31 Flail 35 Skill Swap 40 Power Gem 46 Trick Room 49 Stone Edge 50 Moonblast 50 Diamond Storm 60 Light Screen 70 Safeguard Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Safeguard Frustration Smack Down Return Psychic Double Team Reflect Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Round Explosion Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Gyro Ball Psych Up Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Nature Power Dazzling Gleam Confide
  5. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Zygarde Category Order Pokémon Types Ability Aura Break Description This is Zygarde’s form when about half of its pieces have been assembled. It plays the role of monitoring the ecosystem. Height 5 m (16'5") Weight 305 kg (672.4 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 0 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 5 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 270 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 108 3 Attack 100 0 Defense 121 0 Sp. Attack 81 0 Sp. Defense 95 0 Speed 95 0 BST 600 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x1 x4 x2 x1 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Zygarde (10%)   Zygarde (10%-C)   Zygarde (50%-C)   Zygarde (100%-C) Evolution Chain Target Method   Zygarde Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Glare 1 Bulldoze 1 Dragon Breath 1 Bite 5 Safeguard 10 Dig 18 Bind 26 Land’s Wrath 35 Sandstorm 44 Haze 51 Crunch 55 Earthquake 59 Camouflage 63 Dragon Pulse 72 Coil 80 Outrage Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Safeguard Frustration Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Sludge Wave Sandstorm Facade Rest Round Focus Blast Giga Impact Stone Edge Bulldoze Rock Slide Dragon Tail Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor
  6. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Yveltal Category Destruction Pokémon Types Ability Dark Aura Height 5.8 m (19'0") Weight 203 kg (447.5 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 0 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 306 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 126 3 Attack 131 0 Defense 95 0 Sp. Attack 131 0 Sp. Defense 98 0 Speed 99 0 BST 680 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 x0 x2 x1 x0.5 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Yveltal Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Hurricane 1 Razor Wind 1 Taunt 1 Roost 5 Double Team 10 Air Slash 18 Snarl 26 Oblivion Wing 35 Disable 44 Dark Pulse 51 Foul Play 55 Phantom Force 59 Psychic 63 Dragon Rush 72 Focus Blast 80 Sucker Punch 88 Hyper Beam 93 Sky Attack Moves (TM) Move Dragon Claw Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Roost Frustration Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Aerial Ace Torment Facade Rest Thief Round Steel Wing Focus Blast Sky Drop Acrobatics Embargo Shadow Claw Giga Impact Fly Rock Slide Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Snarl Dark Pulse Confide
  7. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Xerneas Category Life Pokémon Type Ability Fairy Aura Height 3 m (9'10") Weight 215 kg (474.0 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 0 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 306 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 126 3 Attack 131 0 Defense 95 0 Sp. Attack 131 0 Sp. Defense 98 0 Speed 99 0 BST 680 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x0.5 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Xerneas Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Heal Pulse 1 Aromatherapy 1 Ingrain 1 Take Down 5 Light Screen 10 Aurora Beam 18 Gravity 26 Geomancy 35 Moonblast 44 Megahorn 51 Night Slash 55 Horn Leech 59 Psych Up 63 Misty Terrain 72 Nature Power 80 Close Combat 88 Giga Impact 93 Outrage Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Roar Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Psychic Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Round Echoed Voice Focus Blast Giga Impact Thunder Wave Psych Up Rock Slide Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Nature Power Dazzling Gleam Confide
  8. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Noivern Category Sound Wave Pokémon Types Abilities Frisk Infiltrator Hidden Ability Telepathy Description Although it has a violent disposition, if you give it a nice ripe fruit that it loves, Noivern will suddenly become tame. Height 1.5 m (4'11") Weight 85 kg (187.4 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Flying Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 187 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 85 0 Attack 70 0 Defense 80 0 Sp. Attack 97 0 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 123 2 BST 535 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.25 x1 x1 x4 x2 x1 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Noibat   Noivern Level Up at level 48 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Boomburst 1 Dragon Pulse 1 Hurricane 1 Moonlight 1 Screech 1 Supersonic 1 Tackle 1 Absorb 5 Absorb 11 Gust 13 Bite 16 Wing Attack 18 Agility 23 Air Cutter 27 Roost 31 Razor Wind 35 Tailwind 40 Whirlwind 43 Super Fang 53 Air Slash 62 Hurricane 70 Dragon Pulse 75 Boomburst Moves (TM) Move Dragon Claw Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Hyper Beam Protect Roost Frustration Solar Beam Return Leech Life Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Aerial Ace Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Echoed Voice Steel Wing Focus Blast Acrobatics Shadow Claw Giga Impact Fly X-Scissor Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Wild Charge Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor Moves (Egg) Move Parents Switcheroo (Requires chain breeding)     Snatch (Requires chain breeding)       Outrage (Requires chain breeding) Tailwind                                                
  9. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Noibat Category Sound Wave Pokémon Types Abilities Frisk Infiltrator Hidden Ability Telepathy Description Fruits are its favorite foods. This gourmet carefully picks out just the ripe ones using its sonar. Height 0.5 m (1'8") Weight 8 kg (17.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Flying Details Catch Rate 190 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 49 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 40 0 Attack 30 0 Defense 35 0 Sp. Attack 45 0 Sp. Defense 40 0 Speed 55 1 BST 245 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.25 x1 x1 x4 x2 x1 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Noibat   Noivern Level Up at level 48 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Screech 1 Supersonic 1 Tackle 5 Absorb 11 Gust 13 Bite 16 Wing Attack 18 Agility 23 Air Cutter 27 Roost 31 Razor Wind 35 Tailwind 40 Whirlwind 43 Super Fang 48 Air Slash 58 Hurricane Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Protect Roost Frustration Solar Beam Return Leech Life Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Aerial Ace Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Echoed Voice Steel Wing Acrobatics Shadow Claw Fly X-Scissor Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Wild Charge Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor Moves (Egg) Move Parents Switcheroo (Requires chain breeding)     Snatch (Requires chain breeding)       Outrage (Requires chain breeding) Tailwind                                                
  10. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Avalugg Category Iceberg Pokémon Type Abilities Own Tempo Ice Body Hidden Ability Sturdy Height 2 m (6'7") Weight 505 kg (1113.3 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Monster Details Catch Rate 55 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 180 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 95 0 Attack 117 0 Defense 184 2 Sp. Attack 44 0 Sp. Defense 46 0 Speed 28 0 BST 514 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Bergmite   Avalugg Level Up at level 37 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Body Slam 1 Body Slam 1 Wide Guard 1 Crunch 1 Skull Bash 1 Iron Defense 1 Tackle 1 Bite 1 Harden 1 Powder Snow 5 Powder Snow 10 Icy Wind 15 Take Down 20 Sharpen 22 Curse 26 Ice Fang 30 Ice Ball 35 Rapid Spin 42 Avalanche 46 Blizzard 51 Recover 56 Double-Edge 60 Skull Bash 65 Crunch Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Earthquake Return Double Team Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Gyro Ball Bulldoze Frost Breath Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Surf Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Recover (Requires chain breeding) Mist                   Barrier (Requires chain breeding)           Mirror Coat (Requires chain breeding)                
  11. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Bergmite Category Ice Chunk Pokémon Type Abilities Own Tempo Ice Body Hidden Ability Sturdy Height 1 m (3'3") Weight 99.5 kg (219.4 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Monster Details Catch Rate 190 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 61 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 55 0 Attack 69 0 Defense 85 1 Sp. Attack 32 0 Sp. Defense 35 0 Speed 28 0 BST 304 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Bergmite   Avalugg Level Up at level 37 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Bite 1 Harden 5 Powder Snow 10 Icy Wind 15 Take Down 20 Sharpen 22 Curse 26 Ice Fang 30 Ice Ball 35 Rapid Spin 39 Avalanche 43 Blizzard 47 Recover 49 Double-Edge Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Return Double Team Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Rock Polish Stone Edge Gyro Ball Frost Breath Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Surf Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Recover (Requires chain breeding) Mist                   Barrier (Requires chain breeding)           Mirror Coat (Requires chain breeding)                
  12. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Gourgeist Category Pumpkin Pokémon Types Abilities Pickup Frisk Hidden Ability Insomnia Height 0.9 m (2'11") Weight 12.5 kg (27.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Amorphous Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 4 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 173 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 65 0 Attack 90 0 Defense 122 2 Sp. Attack 58 0 Sp. Defense 75 0 Speed 84 0 BST 494 Type Effectiveness x0 x0 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Gourgeist (Small)   Gourgeist (Large)   Gourgeist (Super) Evolution Chain Target Method   Pumpkaboo   Gourgeist Trade Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Explosion 1 Phantom Force 1 Trick 1 Astonish 1 Confuse Ray 1 Scary Face 4 Scary Face 6 Trick-or-Treat 11 Worry Seed 16 Razor Leaf 20 Leech Seed 23 Trick-or-Treat 26 Bullet Seed 30 Shadow Sneak 36 Shadow Ball 40 Trick-or-Treat 42 Pain Split 48 Seed Bomb 57 Phantom Force 63 Trick-or-Treat 70 Explosion Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Flamethrower Sludge Bomb Fire Blast Facade Flame Charge Rest Attract Thief Round Focus Blast Energy Ball Charge Beam Will-O-Wisp Explosion Giga Impact Gyro Ball Rock Slide Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Nature Power Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Disable                                                     Bestow (Requires chain breeding)     Destiny Bond                                                           Curse                                                                
  13. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Pumpkaboo Category Pumpkin Pokémon Types Abilities Pickup Frisk Hidden Ability Insomnia Height 0.4 m (1'4") Weight 5 kg (11.0 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Amorphous Details Catch Rate 120 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 4 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 67 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 49 0 Attack 66 0 Defense 70 1 Sp. Attack 44 0 Sp. Defense 55 0 Speed 51 0 BST 335 Type Effectiveness x0 x0 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Pumpkaboo (Small)   Pumpkaboo (Large)   Pumpkaboo (Super) Evolution Chain Target Method   Pumpkaboo   Gourgeist Trade Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Trick 1 Astonish 1 Confuse Ray 4 Scary Face 6 Trick-or-Treat 11 Worry Seed 16 Razor Leaf 20 Leech Seed 23 Trick-or-Treat 26 Bullet Seed 30 Shadow Sneak 36 Shadow Ball 40 Trick-or-Treat 42 Pain Split 48 Seed Bomb Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Light Screen Protect Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Flamethrower Sludge Bomb Fire Blast Facade Flame Charge Rest Attract Thief Round Energy Ball Charge Beam Will-O-Wisp Explosion Gyro Ball Rock Slide Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Nature Power Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Disable                                                     Bestow (Requires chain breeding)     Destiny Bond                                                           Curse                                                                
  14. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Trevenant Category Elder Tree Pokémon Types Abilities Natural Cure Frisk Hidden Ability Harvest Description It’s feared as a ghost of the forest. Lumberjacks bring along Fire types, which Trevenant hates, when they enter the forest. Height 1.5 m (4'11") Weight 71 kg (156.5 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Grass Amorphous Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 166 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 85 0 Attack 110 2 Defense 76 0 Sp. Attack 65 0 Sp. Defense 82 0 Speed 56 0 BST 474 Type Effectiveness x0 x0 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Phantump   Trevenant Trade Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Shadow Claw 1 Shadow Claw 1 Horn Leech 1 Tackle 1 Confuse Ray 1 Astonish 1 Growth 5 Astonish 8 Growth 13 Ingrain 19 Feint Attack 23 Leech Seed 28 Curse 31 Will-O-Wisp 35 Forest’s Curse 39 Destiny Bond 45 Phantom Force 49 Wood Hammer 54 Horn Leech Moves (TM) Move Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Earthquake Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Focus Blast Energy Ball Brutal Swing Will-O-Wisp Shadow Claw Giga Impact Bulldoze Rock Slide X-Scissor Poison Jab Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Nature Power Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Grudge                                       Bestow         Imprison                                         Venom Drench               Power-Up Punch (Requires chain breeding)        
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Phantump Category Stump Pokémon Types Abilities Natural Cure Frisk Hidden Ability Harvest Description By imitating the voice of a child, it causes people to get hopelessly lost deep in the forest. It’s trying to make friends with them. Height 0.4 m (1'4") Weight 7 kg (15.4 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Grass Amorphous Details Catch Rate 120 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 62 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 43 0 Attack 70 1 Defense 48 0 Sp. Attack 50 0 Sp. Defense 60 0 Speed 38 0 BST 309 Type Effectiveness x0 x0 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Phantump   Trevenant Trade Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Confuse Ray 5 Astonish 8 Growth 13 Ingrain 19 Feint Attack 23 Leech Seed 28 Curse 31 Will-O-Wisp 35 Forest’s Curse 39 Destiny Bond 45 Phantom Force 49 Wood Hammer 54 Horn Leech Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Protect Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Energy Ball Will-O-Wisp Shadow Claw Bulldoze Rock Slide Poison Jab Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Nature Power Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Grudge                                       Bestow         Imprison                                         Venom Drench               Power-Up Punch (Requires chain breeding)        
  16. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Klefki Category Key Ring Pokémon Types Ability Prankster Hidden Ability Magician Description Although it’s unclear why it collects keys, giving it a key makes Klefki very happy. However, it apparently only likes master keys. Height 0.2 m (0'8") Weight 3 kg (6.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Mineral Details Catch Rate 75 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Gray Base Exp 165 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 57 0 Attack 80 0 Defense 91 1 Sp. Attack 80 0 Sp. Defense 87 0 Speed 75 0 BST 470 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0 x2 x0.5 x0.25 x1 x1 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0 x0.5 x0.5 Evolution Chain Target Method   Klefki Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Fairy Lock 1 Tackle 5 Fairy Wind 8 Astonish 12 Metal Sound 15 Spikes 18 Draining Kiss 23 Crafty Shield 27 Foul Play 32 Torment 34 Mirror Shot 36 Imprison 40 Recycle 43 Play Rough 44 Magic Room 50 Heal Block Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Return Psychic Double Team Reflect Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Giga Impact Thunder Wave Psych Up Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Dazzling Gleam Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Switcheroo         Thief (Requires chain breeding) Lock-On                             Iron Defense                                          
  17. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Goodra Category Dragon Pokémon Type Abilities Sap Sipper Hydration Hidden Ability Gooey Description It’s very friendly toward people. If you grow close to it, Goodra will hug you with its sticky, slime-covered body. Don’t get mad. Height 2 m (6'7") Weight 150.5 kg (331.8 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Dragon Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 40 Base Friendship 35 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 270 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 90 0 Attack 100 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 110 0 Sp. Defense 150 3 Speed 80 0 BST 600 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x2 x1 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Goomy   Sliggoo Level Up at level 40   Goodra Overworld Rain at level 50 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Aqua Tail 1 Aqua Tail 1 Outrage 1 Feint 1 Tackle 1 Bubble 1 Absorb 1 Protect 5 Absorb 9 Protect 13 Bide 18 Dragon Breath 25 Rain Dance 28 Flail 32 Body Slam 38 Muddy Water 47 Dragon Pulse 50 Power Whip 55 Outrage Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Double Team Sludge Wave Flamethrower Sludge Bomb Fire Blast Facade Rest Attract Round Focus Blast Brutal Swing Giga Impact Bulldoze Rock Slide Dragon Tail Infestation Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor Moves (Egg) Move Parents Acid Armor (Requires chain breeding)     Curse (Requires chain breeding)     Iron Tail (Requires chain breeding)                               Poison Tail             Counter (Requires chain breeding)                       Endure              
  18. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Sliggoo Category Soft Tissue Pokémon Type Abilities Sap Sipper Hydration Hidden Ability Gooey Description It crawls along sluggishly. The swirly protrusion on its back is filled with its brain and other organs. Height 0.8 m (2'7") Weight 17.5 kg (38.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Dragon Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Shed Shell (5%) Hatch Cycles 40 Base Friendship 35 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 158 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 68 0 Attack 75 0 Defense 53 0 Sp. Attack 83 0 Sp. Defense 113 2 Speed 60 0 BST 452 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x2 x1 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Goomy   Sliggoo Level Up at level 40   Goodra Overworld Rain at level 50 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Bubble 1 Absorb 5 Absorb 9 Protect 13 Bide 18 Dragon Breath 25 Rain Dance 28 Flail 32 Body Slam 38 Muddy Water 47 Dragon Pulse Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Return Double Team Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb Facade Rest Attract Round Rock Slide Infestation Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor Moves (Egg) Move Parents Acid Armor (Requires chain breeding)     Curse (Requires chain breeding)     Iron Tail (Requires chain breeding)                               Poison Tail             Counter (Requires chain breeding)                       Endure              
  19. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Goomy Category Soft Tissue Pokémon Type Abilities Sap Sipper Hydration Hidden Ability Gooey Description It uses its horns to check out its surroundings. They’re very sensitive, so if you grab them, it will feel a strong shock and be unable to move. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 2.8 kg (6.2 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Dragon Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Shed Shell (5%) Hatch Cycles 40 Base Friendship 35 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 60 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 45 0 Attack 50 0 Defense 35 0 Sp. Attack 55 0 Sp. Defense 75 1 Speed 40 0 BST 300 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x2 x1 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Goomy   Sliggoo Level Up at level 40   Goodra Overworld Rain at level 50 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Bubble 5 Absorb 9 Protect 13 Bide 18 Dragon Breath 25 Rain Dance 28 Flail 32 Body Slam 38 Muddy Water 42 Dragon Pulse Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Return Double Team Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb Facade Rest Attract Round Rock Slide Infestation Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor Moves (Egg) Move Parents Acid Armor (Requires chain breeding)     Curse (Requires chain breeding)     Iron Tail (Requires chain breeding)                               Poison Tail             Counter (Requires chain breeding)                       Endure              
  20. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Carbink Category Jewel Pokémon Types Ability Clear Body Hidden Ability Sturdy Description Some say that deep beneath the surface of the world, a pack of Carbink live with their queen in a kingdom of jewels. Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 5.7 kg (12.6 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Groups Fairy Mineral Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Gray Base Exp 100 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 50 0 Defense 150 1 Sp. Attack 50 0 Sp. Defense 150 1 Speed 50 0 BST 500 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x4 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0 x0.5 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Carbink Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Harden 5 Rock Throw 8 Sharpen 12 Smack Down 18 Reflect 21 Stealth Rock 27 Guard Split 31 Ancient Power 35 Flail 40 Skill Swap 46 Power Gem 49 Stone Edge 50 Moonblast 60 Light Screen 70 Safeguard Moves (TM) Move Calm Mind Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Light Screen Protect Safeguard Frustration Smack Down Return Psychic Double Team Reflect Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Round Explosion Rock Polish Stone Edge Gyro Ball Psych Up Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Nature Power Dazzling Gleam Confide
  21. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Dedenne Category Antenna Pokémon Types Abilities Cheek Pouch Pickup Hidden Ability Plus Description It sneaks into people’s homes and steals electricity from their outlets. When your electric bill seems off, it’s the handiwork of this rascal. Height 0.2 m (0'8") Weight 2.2 kg (4.9 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Field Fairy Details Catch Rate 180 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Yellow Base Exp 151 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 67 0 Attack 58 0 Defense 57 0 Sp. Attack 81 0 Sp. Defense 67 0 Speed 101 2 BST 431 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x0.5 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Dedenne Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Tail Whip 7 Thunder Shock 11 Charge 14 Charm 17 Parabolic Charge 20 Nuzzle 23 Thunder Wave 26 Volt Switch 30 Rest 31 Snore 34 Charge Beam 39 Entrainment 42 Play Rough 45 Thunder 50 Discharge Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Double Team Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Fling Charge Beam Giga Impact Volt Switch Thunder Wave Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Wild Charge Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Eerie Impulse (Requires chain breeding)                     Covet                                                                                                   Helping Hand                                                                                                             Natural Gift                                                               Tearful Look (Requires chain breeding)              
  22. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Hawlucha Category Wrestling Pokémon Types Abilities Limber Unburden Hidden Ability Mold Breaker Description It overwhelms opponents with quick moves, but sometimes it showboats for too long when it’s using a special move and gets itself into a pinch. Height 0.8 m (2'7") Weight 21.5 kg (47.4 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Human-Like Details Catch Rate 100 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 King’s Rock (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 175 Escape Rate 3 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 78 0 Attack 92 2 Defense 75 0 Sp. Attack 74 0 Sp. Defense 63 0 Speed 118 0 BST 500 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x0 x1 x0.25 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Hawlucha Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Detect 1 Tackle 1 Hone Claws 4 Karate Chop 8 Wing Attack 12 Roost 16 Aerial Ace 20 Encore 24 Fling 28 Flying Press 32 Bounce 36 Endeavor 40 Feather Dance 44 High Jump Kick 48 Sky Attack 55 Sky Drop 60 Swords Dance Moves (TM) Move Work Up Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Protect Rain Dance Roost Frustration Return Brick Break Double Team Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Torment Facade Rest Attract Low Sweep Round Steel Wing Focus Blast False Swipe Fling Sky Drop Acrobatics Payback Giga Impact Stone Edge Swords Dance Fly Rock Slide X-Scissor Poison Jab Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Agility           Me First               Ally Switch               Entrainment         Mud Sport (Requires chain breeding)     Baton Pass                     Quick Guard                                         Feint                                  
  23. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Sylveon Category Intertwining Pokémon Type Ability Cute Charm Hidden Ability Pixilate Description Once a fight breaks out, it will unflinchingly charge at dragon Pokémon that are many times larger than itself. Height 1 m (3'3") Weight 23.5 kg (51.8 lbs.) Gender 88.10% ♂ 11.90% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 35 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Pink Base Exp 184 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 95 0 Attack 65 0 Defense 65 0 Sp. Attack 110 0 Sp. Defense 130 2 Speed 60 0 BST 525 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x0.5 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Eevee   Leafeon Level Up at Forest   Glaceon Level Up at Cold   Jolteon Used Item: Thunder Stone   Vaporeon Used Item: Water Stone   Flareon Used Item: Fire Stone   Sylveon Level Up with 50 Affection and a move of type Fairy   Espeon Level Up at Morning with Friendship   Umbreon Level Up at Night with Friendship Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Fairy Wind 1 Fairy Wind 1 Disarming Voice 1 Helping Hand 1 Tackle 1 Tail Whip 5 Sand Attack 9 Baby-Doll Eyes 13 Quick Attack 17 Swift 20 Draining Kiss 25 Skill Swap 29 Misty Terrain 33 Light Screen 37 Moonblast 41 Last Resort 45 Psych Up Moves (TM) Move Work Up Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Return Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Attract Round Echoed Voice Giga Impact Psych Up Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dazzling Gleam Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Charm                                                                                               Flail                                                                                 Endure                                                                                           Curse                                                                                       Tickle                                                   Wish (Requires chain breeding)                       Yawn                                                                                             Fake Tears                                                         Covet                                                                           Detect                             Natural Gift                           Stored Power           Synchronoise                   Captivate                                                                    
  24. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Aurorus Category Tundra Pokémon Types Ability Refrigerate Hidden Ability Snow Warning Description An Aurorus was found frozen solid within a glacier, just as it appeared long ago, which became quite a big event in the news. Height 2.7 m (8'10") Weight 225 kg (496.0 lbs.) Gender 88.10% ♂ 11.90% ♀ Egg Group Monster Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 30 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 104 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 123 2 Attack 77 0 Defense 72 0 Sp. Attack 99 0 Sp. Defense 92 0 Speed 58 0 BST 521 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x4 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x1 x4 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Amaura   Aurorus Level Up at Night at level 39 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Freeze-Dry 1 Freeze-Dry 1 Growl 1 Powder Snow 1 Thunder Wave 1 Rock Throw 5 Thunder Wave 10 Rock Throw 13 Icy Wind 15 Take Down 18 Mist 20 Aurora Beam 26 Ancient Power 30 Round 34 Avalanche 38 Hail 43 Nature Power 46 Encore 50 Light Screen 56 Ice Beam 63 Hyper Beam 74 Blizzard Moves (TM) Move Calm Mind Roar Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Psychic Double Team Reflect Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Echoed Voice Charge Beam Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Thunder Wave Psych Up Bulldoze Frost Breath Rock Slide Dragon Tail Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Nature Power Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Haze (Requires chain breeding)       Barrier (Requires chain breeding)           Mirror Coat (Requires chain breeding)                 Magnet Rise (Requires chain breeding) Discharge      
  25. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon See more images Pokédex Name Amaura Category Tundra Pokémon Types Ability Refrigerate Hidden Ability Snow Warning Description It lived in cold areas in ancient times. It’s said that when Amaura whinnies, auroras appear in the night sky. Height 1.3 m (4'3") Weight 25.2 kg (55.6 lbs.) Gender 88.10% ♂ 11.90% ♀ Egg Group Monster Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 30 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 72 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 77 1 Attack 59 0 Defense 50 0 Sp. Attack 67 0 Sp. Defense 63 0 Speed 46 0 BST 362 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x4 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x1 x4 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Amaura   Aurorus Level Up at Night at level 39 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Growl 1 Powder Snow 5 Thunder Wave 10 Rock Throw 13 Icy Wind 15 Take Down 18 Mist 20 Aurora Beam 26 Ancient Power 30 Round 34 Avalanche 38 Hail 41 Nature Power 44 Encore 47 Light Screen 50 Ice Beam 57 Hyper Beam 65 Blizzard Moves (TM) Move Calm Mind Roar Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Thunderbolt Return Double Team Reflect Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Echoed Voice Charge Beam Rock Polish Stone Edge Thunder Wave Psych Up Bulldoze Frost Breath Rock Slide Dragon Tail Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Nature Power Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Haze (Requires chain breeding)       Barrier (Requires chain breeding)           Mirror Coat (Requires chain breeding)                 Magnet Rise (Requires chain breeding) Discharge      
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