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  1. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Meowth (Alola) Category N/A Type Abilities Pickup Technician Hidden Ability Rattled Description Its arms and wings melted into something like scythes. Mad with rage, it rampages on and on. Height 0.4 m (1'4") Weight 4.2 kg (9.3 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 255 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Quick Claw (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 58 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant True Stats Base EV Yield HP 40 0 Attack 35 0 Defense 35 0 Sp. Attack 50 0 Sp. Defense 40 0 Speed 90 1 BST 290 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Meowth Evolution Chain Target Method   Meowth (Alola)   Persian (Alola) Level Up with Friendship Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Scratch 1 Growl 6 Bite 9 Fake Out 14 Fury Swipes 17 Screech 22 Feint Attack 25 Taunt 30 Pay Day 33 Slash 38 Nasty Plot 41 Assurance 46 Captivate 49 Night Slash 50 Feint 55 Dark Pulse Moves (TM) Move Work Up Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Aerial Ace Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Echoed Voice Quash Embargo Shadow Claw Payback Psych Up Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Stun Spore (Requires chain breeding)   Poison Powder (Requires chain breeding)   Rage Powder (Requires chain breeding)  
  2. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Ninetales (Alola) Category N/A Types Ability Snow Cloak Hidden Ability Snow Warning Description It swings its ears like whips and strikes its enemies with them. It has an intensely combative disposition. Height 1.1 m (3'7") Weight 19.9 kg (43.9 lbs.) Gender 24.60% ♂ 75.40% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 75 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Snowball (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 177 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant True Stats Base EV Yield HP 73 0 Attack 67 0 Defense 75 0 Sp. Attack 81 0 Sp. Defense 100 0 Speed 109 2 BST 505 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x0.5 x1 x4 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0 x0.5 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Ninetales Evolution Chain Target Method   Vulpix (Alola)   Ninetales (Alola) Used Item: Ice Stone Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Dazzling Gleam 1 Dazzling Gleam 1 Imprison 1 Nasty Plot 1 Ice Beam 1 Ice Shard 1 Confuse Ray 1 Safeguard Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Roar Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Payback Giga Impact Aurora Veil Psych Up Frost Breath Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Dazzling Gleam Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Stun Spore (Requires chain breeding)     Poison Powder (Requires chain breeding)     Rage Powder (Requires chain breeding)    
  3. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Vulpix (Alola) Category N/A Type Ability Snow Cloak Hidden Ability Snow Warning Description When it’s attacked, it gushes a purple liquid that’s not poisonous but makes Gastrodon’s meat bitter and inedible. Height 0.6 m (1'12") Weight 9.9 kg (21.8 lbs.) Gender 24.60% ♂ 75.40% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 190 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Snowball (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color White Base Exp 60 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant True Stats Base EV Yield HP 38 0 Attack 41 0 Defense 40 0 Sp. Attack 50 0 Sp. Defense 65 0 Speed 65 1 BST 299 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Vulpix Evolution Chain Target Method   Vulpix (Alola)   Ninetales (Alola) Used Item: Ice Stone Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Powder Snow 4 Tail Whip 7 Roar 9 Baby-Doll Eyes 10 Ice Shard 12 Confuse Ray 15 Icy Wind 18 Payback 20 Mist 23 Feint Attack 26 Hex 28 Aurora Beam 31 Extrasensory 34 Safeguard 36 Ice Beam 39 Imprison 42 Blizzard 44 Grudge 47 Captivate 50 Sheer Cold Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Payback Aurora Veil Psych Up Frost Breath Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Confide
  4. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Sandslash (Alola) Category N/A Types Ability Snow Cloak Hidden Ability Slush Rush Description When it senses danger, it gushes a purple liquid. Some theories suggest this liquid is a greasy sweat induced by stress. Height 1.2 m (3'11") Weight 55 kg (121.3 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 90 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Grip Claw (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 158 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant True Stats Base EV Yield HP 75 0 Attack 100 0 Defense 120 2 Sp. Attack 25 0 Sp. Defense 65 0 Speed 65 0 BST 450 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x4 x0.5 x0 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x4 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.25 x0.5 x1 x0.5 Alternate Forms Form   Sandslash Evolution Chain Target Method   Sandshrew (Alola)   Sandslash (Alola) Used Item: Ice Stone Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Icicle Spear 1 Icicle Spear 1 Metal Burst 1 Icicle Crash 1 Slash 1 Defense Curl 1 Ice Ball 1 Metal Claw Moves (TM) Move Work Up Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Safeguard Frustration Earthquake Return Leech Life Brick Break Double Team Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Focus Blast Fling Shadow Claw Giga Impact Aurora Veil Gyro Ball Swords Dance Bulldoze Frost Breath Rock Slide X-Scissor Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide
  5. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Sandshrew (Alola) Category N/A Types Ability Snow Cloak Hidden Ability Slush Rush Height 0.7 m (2'4") Weight 40 kg (88.2 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 255 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Grip Claw (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color White Base Exp 60 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant True Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 75 0 Defense 90 1 Sp. Attack 10 0 Sp. Defense 35 0 Speed 40 0 BST 300 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x4 x0.5 x0 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x4 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.25 x0.5 x1 x0.5 Alternate Forms Form   Sandshrew Evolution Chain Target Method   Sandshrew (Alola)   Sandslash (Alola) Used Item: Ice Stone Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Scratch 1 Defense Curl 3 Bide 5 Powder Snow 7 Ice Ball 9 Rapid Spin 11 Fury Cutter 14 Metal Claw 17 Swift 20 Fury Swipes 23 Iron Defense 26 Slash 30 Iron Head 34 Gyro Ball 38 Swords Dance 42 Hail 46 Blizzard Moves (TM) Move Work Up Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Blizzard Protect Safeguard Frustration Earthquake Return Leech Life Brick Break Double Team Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Fling Shadow Claw Aurora Veil Gyro Ball Swords Dance Bulldoze Frost Breath Rock Slide X-Scissor Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide
  6. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Raichu (Alola) Category N/A Types Ability Surge Surfer Height 0.7 m (2'4") Weight 21 kg (46.3 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Field Fairy Details Catch Rate 75 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 10 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 218 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant True Z Item Aloraichium Z Z Base Move Thunderbolt Z Move Stoked Sparksurfer Stats Base EV Yield HP 60 0 Attack 85 0 Defense 50 0 Sp. Attack 95 0 Sp. Defense 85 0 Speed 110 3 BST 485 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Raichu Evolution Chain Target Method   Pichu   Pikachu Level Up with Friendship   Raichu Used Item Thunder Stone in Ultra Wormhole   Raichu (Alola) Used Item: Thunder Stone Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Psychic 1 Psychic 1 Speed Swap 1 Thunder Shock 1 Tail Whip 1 Quick Attack 1 Thunderbolt Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Psychic Brick Break Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Echoed Voice Focus Blast Fling Charge Beam Giga Impact Volt Switch Thunder Wave Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Wild Charge Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Whirlwind                 Pursuit                                                                                                                   Foresight                                           Steel Wing (Requires chain breeding)   Dragon Breath (Requires chain breeding) Curse                                                                                                       Assurance                                                                             Roost           Tailwind   Wide Guard      
  7. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Raticate (Large) Category N/A Type Abilities Gluttony Hustle Hidden Ability Thick Fat Height 1.4 m (4'7") Weight 105 kg (231.5 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 127 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Pecha Berry (5%) Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 3 Forme Sprite 0 Color Black Base Exp 145 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 75 0 Attack 71 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 40 0 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 77 2 BST 413 Type Effectiveness x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Raticate Evolution Chain Target Method   Raticate (Large) Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Scary Face 1 Scary Face 1 Swords Dance 1 Tackle 1 Tail Whip 1 Quick Attack 1 Focus Energy 4 Quick Attack 7 Focus Energy 10 Bite 13 Pursuit 16 Hyper Fang 19 Assurance 24 Crunch 29 Sucker Punch 34 Super Fang 39 Double-Edge 44 Endeavor Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Bulk Up Venoshock Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Shadow Ball Double Team Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Quash Embargo Shadow Claw Giga Impact Swords Dance Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Snarl Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Fury Attack                             Flail                                                                                                 Feint Attack                                                                               Quick Attack                                                                                                                     Close Combat                               Feint                                                         Me First                                             Bug Bite   Superpower                            
  8. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Raticate (Alola) Category N/A Type Abilities Gluttony Hustle Hidden Ability Thick Fat Height 0.7 m (2'4") Weight 25.5 kg (56.2 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 127 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Pecha Berry (5%) Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 3 Forme Sprite 0 Color Black Base Exp 145 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant True Stats Base EV Yield HP 75 0 Attack 71 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 40 0 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 77 2 BST 413 Type Effectiveness x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Raticate Evolution Chain Target Method   Rattata (Alola)   Raticate (Alola) Level Up at Night at level 20 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Scary Face 1 Scary Face 1 Swords Dance 1 Tackle 1 Tail Whip 1 Quick Attack 1 Focus Energy 4 Quick Attack 7 Focus Energy 10 Bite 13 Pursuit 16 Hyper Fang 19 Assurance 24 Crunch 29 Sucker Punch 34 Super Fang 39 Double-Edge 44 Endeavor Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Bulk Up Venoshock Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Shadow Ball Double Team Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Quash Embargo Shadow Claw Giga Impact Swords Dance Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Snarl Dark Pulse Confide
  9. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Rattata (Alola) Category N/A Type Abilities Gluttony Hustle Hidden Ability Thick Fat Height 0.3 m (0'12") Weight 3.8 kg (8.4 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 255 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Pecha Berry (5%) Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Black Base Exp 51 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant True Stats Base EV Yield HP 30 0 Attack 56 0 Defense 35 0 Sp. Attack 25 0 Sp. Defense 35 0 Speed 72 1 BST 253 Type Effectiveness x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Rattata Evolution Chain Target Method   Rattata (Alola)   Raticate (Alola) Level Up at Night at level 20 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Tail Whip 4 Quick Attack 7 Focus Energy 10 Bite 13 Pursuit 16 Hyper Fang 19 Assurance 22 Crunch 25 Sucker Punch 28 Super Fang 31 Double-Edge 34 Endeavor Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Shadow Ball Double Team Sludge Bomb Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Quash Embargo Shadow Claw Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Snarl Dark Pulse Confide
  10. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Lycanroc (Dusk) Category N/A Type Ability Tough Claws Height 0.8 m (2'7") Weight 25 kg (55.1 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 90 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 3 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 170 Escape Rate 3 Local Variant False Z Item Lycanium Z Z Base Move Stone Edge Z Move Splintered Stormshards Stats Base EV Yield HP 75 0 Attack 117 2 Defense 65 0 Sp. Attack 55 0 Sp. Defense 65 0 Speed 110 0 BST 487 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Lycanroc Evolution Chain Target Method   Rockruff (Dusk)   Lycanroc (Dusk) Level Up at Dusk at level 25 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Thrash 1 Thrash 1 Accelerock 1 Counter 1 Tackle 1 Leer 1 Sand Attack 1 Bite 4 Sand Attack 7 Bite 12 Howl 15 Rock Throw 18 Odor Sleuth 23 Rock Tomb 26 Roar 29 Stealth Rock 34 Rock Slide 37 Scary Face 40 Crunch 45 Rock Climb 48 Stone Edge Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Taunt Protect Frustration Return Brick Break Double Team Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Echoed Voice Rock Polish Stone Edge Swords Dance Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Snarl Confide
  11. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Lycanroc (Midnight) Category N/A Type Abilities Keen Eye Vital Spirit Hidden Ability No Guard Height 1.1 m (3'7") Weight 25 kg (55.1 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 90 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 3 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 170 Escape Rate 3 Local Variant False Z Item Lycanium Z Z Base Move Stone Edge Z Move Splintered Stormshards Stats Base EV Yield HP 85 0 Attack 115 2 Defense 75 0 Sp. Attack 55 0 Sp. Defense 75 0 Speed 82 0 BST 487 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Lycanroc Evolution Chain Target Method   Rockruff   Lycanroc Level Up Daytime on Version 32   Lycanroc (Midnight) Level Up Nighttime on Version 33 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Counter 1 Counter 1 Reversal 1 Taunt 1 Tackle 1 Leer 1 Sand Attack 1 Bite 4 Sand Attack 7 Bite 12 Howl 15 Rock Throw 18 Odor Sleuth 23 Rock Tomb 26 Roar 29 Stealth Rock 34 Rock Slide 37 Scary Face 40 Crunch 45 Rock Climb 48 Stone Edge Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Taunt Protect Frustration Return Brick Break Double Team Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Echoed Voice Rock Polish Stone Edge Swords Dance Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Snarl Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Crush Claw                                       Fire Fang                                                                             Thunder Fang                                                           Sucker Punch                                                                                                     Thrash                                                                                      
  12. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Oricorio (Sensu) Category N/A Types Ability Dancer Height 0.6 m (1'12") Weight 3.4 kg (7.5 lbs.) Gender 24.60% ♂ 75.40% ♀ Egg Group Flying Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Honey (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 4 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 167 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 75 0 Attack 70 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 98 2 Sp. Defense 70 0 Speed 93 0 BST 476 Type Effectiveness x0 x0 x1 x0.5 x0 x2 x0.25 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Oricorio Evolution Chain Target Method   Oricorio (Sensu) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Pound 4 Growl 6 Peck 10 Helping Hand 13 Air Cutter 16 Baton Pass 20 Feather Dance 23 Double Slap 26 Teeter Dance 30 Roost 33 Captivate 36 Air Slash 40 Revelation Dance 43 Mirror Move 46 Agility 50 Hurricane Moves (TM) Move Work Up Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Taunt Protect Roost Safeguard Frustration Return Double Team Sandstorm Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Round Steel Wing Quash Acrobatics Embargo Swords Dance Fly Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Confide
  13. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Oricorio (Pa’u) Category N/A Types Ability Dancer Height 0.6 m (1'12") Weight 3.4 kg (7.5 lbs.) Gender 24.60% ♂ 75.40% ♀ Egg Group Flying Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Honey (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 4 Forme Sprite 0 Color Pink Base Exp 167 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 75 0 Attack 70 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 98 2 Sp. Defense 70 0 Speed 93 0 BST 476 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.25 x1 x1 x0 x2 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 x0.5 x2 x1 x2 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Oricorio Evolution Chain Target Method   Oricorio (Pa’u) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Pound 4 Growl 6 Peck 10 Helping Hand 13 Air Cutter 16 Baton Pass 20 Feather Dance 23 Double Slap 26 Teeter Dance 30 Roost 33 Captivate 36 Air Slash 40 Revelation Dance 43 Mirror Move 46 Agility 50 Hurricane Moves (TM) Move Work Up Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Taunt Protect Roost Safeguard Frustration Return Double Team Sandstorm Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Round Steel Wing Quash Acrobatics Embargo Swords Dance Fly Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Confide
  14. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Oricorio (Pom-Pom) Category N/A Types Ability Dancer Height 0.6 m (1'12") Weight 3.4 kg (7.5 lbs.) Gender 24.60% ♂ 75.40% ♀ Egg Group Flying Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Honey (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 4 Forme Sprite 0 Color Yellow Base Exp 167 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 75 0 Attack 70 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 98 2 Sp. Defense 70 0 Speed 93 0 BST 476 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x0 x2 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Oricorio Evolution Chain Target Method   Oricorio (Pom-Pom) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Pound 4 Growl 6 Peck 10 Helping Hand 13 Air Cutter 16 Baton Pass 20 Feather Dance 23 Double Slap 26 Teeter Dance 30 Roost 33 Captivate 36 Air Slash 40 Revelation Dance 43 Mirror Move 46 Agility 50 Hurricane Moves (TM) Move Work Up Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Taunt Protect Roost Safeguard Frustration Return Double Team Sandstorm Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Round Steel Wing Quash Acrobatics Embargo Swords Dance Fly Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Confide
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Wishiwashi (School) Category N/A Type Ability Schooling Height 8.2 m (26'11") Weight 78.6 kg (173.3 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Water 2 Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 217 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 45 1 Attack 140 0 Defense 130 0 Sp. Attack 140 0 Sp. Defense 135 0 Speed 30 0 BST 620 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Wishiwashi Evolution Chain Target Method   Wishiwashi (School) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Water Gun 1 Growl 6 Helping Hand 9 Feint Attack 14 Brine 17 Aqua Ring 22 Tearful Look 25 Take Down 30 Dive 33 Beat Up 38 Aqua Tail 41 Double-Edge 46 Soak 49 Endeavor 54 Hydro Pump Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Earthquake Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Scald Bulldoze Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Surf Waterfall Confide
  16. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Beedrill (Mega) Category N/A Types Ability Adaptability Height 1.4 m (4'7") Weight 40.5 kg (89.3 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Bug Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 3 Held Item 2 Poison Barb (5%) Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Yellow Base Exp 223 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 65 0 Attack 150 2 Defense 40 0 Sp. Attack 15 0 Sp. Defense 80 1 Speed 145 0 BST 495 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.25 x2 x0.5 x1 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x0.25 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 Alternate Forms Form   Beedrill Evolution Chain Target Method   Weedle   Kakuna Level Up at level 7   Beedrill Level Up at level 10   Beedrill (Mega) Mega evolve with Beedrillite Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Twineedle 1 Twineedle 1 Fury Attack 11 Fury Attack 14 Rage 17 Pursuit 20 Focus Energy 23 Venoshock 26 Assurance 29 Toxic Spikes 32 Pin Missile 35 Poison Jab 38 Agility 41 Endeavor 44 Fell Stinger Moves (TM) Move Toxic Venoshock Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Roost Frustration Solar Beam Return Brick Break Double Team Sludge Bomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round False Swipe Brutal Swing Acrobatics Payback Giga Impact Swords Dance X-Scissor Infestation Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Confide
  17. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Salamence (Mega) Category N/A Types Ability Aerilate Height 1.8 m (5'11") Weight 112.6 kg (248.2 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Dragon Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 3 Held Item 2 Dragon Fang (5%) Hatch Cycles 40 Base Friendship 35 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 315 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 95 0 Attack 145 3 Defense 130 0 Sp. Attack 120 0 Sp. Defense 90 0 Speed 120 0 BST 700 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.25 x1 x1 x4 x2 x1 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Salamence Evolution Chain Target Method   Bagon   Shelgon Level Up at level 30   Salamence Level Up at level 50   Salamence (Mega) Mega evolve with Salamencite Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Fly 1 Fly 1 Protect 1 Dragon Tail 1 Fire Fang 1 Thunder Fang 1 Rage 1 Ember 1 Leer 1 Bite 4 Ember 7 Leer 10 Bite 13 Dragon Breath 17 Headbutt 21 Focus Energy 25 Crunch 29 Dragon Claw 35 Zen Headbutt 42 Scary Face 49 Flamethrower 63 Double-Edge Moves (TM) Move Dragon Claw Roar Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Roost Frustration Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Fire Blast Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Round Steel Wing Brutal Swing Shadow Claw Giga Impact Stone Edge Fly Bulldoze Rock Slide Dragon Tail Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor Moves (Egg) Move Parents Hydro Pump               Thrash             Dragon Rage                                                 Twister                           Dragon Dance                                             Fire Fang                       Dragon Rush                               Dragon Pulse                                                           Endure               Defense Curl (Requires chain breeding)
  18. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Lopunny (Mega) Category N/A Types Ability Scrappy Height 1.3 m (4'3") Weight 28.3 kg (62.4 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Field Human-Like Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 140 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 203 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 65 0 Attack 136 0 Defense 94 0 Sp. Attack 54 0 Sp. Defense 96 0 Speed 135 2 BST 580 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Lopunny Evolution Chain Target Method   Buneary   Lopunny Level Up with Friendship   Lopunny (Mega) Mega evolve with Lopunnite Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Return 1 Return 1 Healing Wish 1 Bounce 1 Rototiller 1 Mirror Coat 1 Magic Coat 1 Defense Curl 1 Splash 1 Pound 1 Foresight 6 Endure 13 Baby-Doll Eyes 16 Quick Attack 23 Jump Kick 26 Baton Pass 33 Agility 36 Dizzy Punch 43 After You 46 Charm 53 Entrainment 56 Bounce 63 Healing Wish 66 High Jump Kick Moves (TM) Move Work Up Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Facade Rest Attract Low Sweep Round Focus Blast Fling Charge Beam Brutal Swing Giga Impact Thunder Wave Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Fake Tears                                                                                 Fake Out                                                                                           Encore                                                                                           Sweet Kiss   Double Hit                         Low Kick                                                           Sky Uppercut             Switcheroo                                 Thunder Punch                                                   Ice Punch                                               Fire Punch                                                       Flail                                                                                               Focus Punch                                               Circle Throw               Copycat                     Teeter Dance           Cosmic Power (Requires chain breeding)         Mud Sport                                         Power-Up Punch                                    
  19. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Camerupt (Mega) Category N/A Types Ability Sheer Force Height 2.5 m (8'2") Weight 320.5 kg (706.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 150 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 196 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 70 0 Attack 120 1 Defense 100 0 Sp. Attack 145 1 Sp. Defense 105 0 Speed 20 0 BST 560 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x4 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 Alternate Forms Form   Camerupt Evolution Chain Target Method   Numel   Camerupt Level Up at level 33   Camerupt (Mega) Mega evolve with Cameruptite Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Rock Slide 1 Rock Slide 1 Fissure 1 Eruption 1 Growl 1 Tackle 1 Ember 1 Focus Energy 5 Ember 8 Focus Energy 12 Magnitude 15 Flame Burst 19 Amnesia 22 Lava Plume 26 Earth Power 29 Curse 31 Take Down 39 Yawn 46 Earthquake 52 Eruption 59 Fissure Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Solar Beam Earthquake Return Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Facade Flame Charge Rest Attract Round Echoed Voice Overheat Will-O-Wisp Explosion Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Nature Power Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Howl                                                             Scary Face                                                                                       Body Slam                                                                                   Rollout                                                                   Defense Curl                                                                             Stomp                                 Yawn                                                                                                           Ancient Power                         Mud Bomb                                   Heat Wave                                   Stockpile                               Swallow                               Spit Up                               Endure                                                                                                         Iron Head             Growth               Heavy Slam                  
  20. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Hoopa (Unbound) Category N/A Types Ability Magician Description Its intellect surpasses its previous level, resulting in battles so cruel, they’ll make you want to cover your eyes. Height 6.5 m (21'4") Weight 490 kg (1080.3 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 100 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 306 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 80 0 Attack 160 0 Defense 60 0 Sp. Attack 170 3 Sp. Defense 130 0 Speed 80 0 BST 680 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Hoopa Evolution Chain Target Method   Hoopa (Unbound) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Hyperspace Fury 1 Trick 1 Destiny Bond 1 Ally Switch 1 Confusion 6 Astonish 10 Magic Coat 15 Light Screen 19 Psybeam 25 Skill Swap 29 Power Split 29 Guard Split 46 Knock Off 50 Wonder Room 50 Trick Room 55 Dark Pulse 75 Psychic 85 Hyperspace Fury Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Thunderbolt Return Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Reflect Torment Facade Rest Thief Round Focus Blast Energy Ball Fling Charge Beam Quash Embargo Giga Impact Thunder Wave Psych Up Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Dark Pulse Confide
  21. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Rayquaza (Mega) Category N/A Types Ability Delta Stream Description The stress of its two proud wings becoming misshapen and stuck together because of strong energy makes it go on a rampage. Height 10.8 m (35'5") Weight 392 kg (864.2 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 0 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 351 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 105 0 Attack 180 2 Defense 100 0 Sp. Attack 180 1 Sp. Defense 100 0 Speed 115 0 BST 780 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.25 x1 x1 x4 x2 x1 x2 Alternate Forms Form   Rayquaza Evolution Chain Target Method   Rayquaza (Mega) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Twister 5 Scary Face 15 Ancient Power 20 Crunch 30 Air Slash 35 Rest 45 Extreme Speed 50 Dragon Pulse 60 Dragon Dance 65 Fly 75 Hyper Voice 80 Outrage 90 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Dragon Claw Roar Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Round Echoed Voice Overheat Focus Blast Energy Ball Fling Sky Drop Brutal Swing Shadow Claw Giga Impact Stone Edge Thunder Wave Gyro Ball Swords Dance Fly Psych Up Bulldoze Rock Slide Dragon Tail Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Waterfall Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor Dragon Ascent
  22. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Groudon (Primal) Category N/A Types Ability Desolate Land Description When it spews stupendously cold air from its broken mouth, the entire area around it gets whited out. Height 5 m (16'5") Weight 999.7 kg (2204.0 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 0 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 347 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 100 0 Attack 180 3 Defense 160 0 Sp. Attack 150 0 Sp. Defense 90 0 Speed 90 0 BST 770 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x4 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 Alternate Forms Form   Groudon Evolution Chain Target Method   Groudon (Primal) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Ancient Power 1 Mud Shot 5 Scary Face 15 Earth Power 20 Lava Plume 30 Rest 35 Earthquake 45 Precipice Blades 50 Bulk Up 60 Solar Beam 65 Fissure 75 Fire Blast 80 Hammer Arm 90 Eruption Moves (TM) Move Dragon Claw Roar Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Smack Down Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Round Overheat Focus Blast Fling Brutal Swing Shadow Claw Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Thunder Wave Swords Dance Psych Up Bulldoze Rock Slide Dragon Tail Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Role Play               Work Up             Mimic         Captivate         Refresh                
  23. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Kyogre (Primal) Category N/A Type Ability Primordial Sea Description Normally, it dislikes fighting, so it really hates changing to this form for battles. Height 9.8 m (32'2") Weight 430 kg (948.0 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 120 Base Friendship 0 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 347 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 100 0 Attack 150 0 Defense 90 0 Sp. Attack 180 3 Sp. Defense 160 0 Speed 90 0 BST 770 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Kyogre Evolution Chain Target Method   Kyogre (Primal) Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Ancient Power 1 Water Pulse 5 Scary Face 15 Aqua Tail 20 Body Slam 30 Aqua Ring 35 Ice Beam 45 Origin Pulse 50 Calm Mind 60 Muddy Water 65 Sheer Cold 75 Hydro Pump 80 Double-Edge 90 Water Spout Moves (TM) Move Calm Mind Roar Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Rock Tomb Facade Rest Round Scald Giga Impact Thunder Wave Psych Up Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Waterfall Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Role Play               Work Up             Mimic         Captivate         Refresh                
  24. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Metagross (Mega) Category N/A Types Ability Tough Claws Description Extraordinary energy amplifies its cursing power to such an extent that it can’t help but curse its own Trainer. Height 2.5 m (8'2") Weight 942.9 kg (2078.7 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Mineral Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Held Item 2 Metal Coat (5%) Hatch Cycles 40 Base Friendship 35 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 315 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 80 0 Attack 145 0 Defense 150 3 Sp. Attack 105 0 Sp. Defense 110 0 Speed 110 0 BST 700 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0 x2 x0.5 x1 x2 x0.5 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.25 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x0.5 Alternate Forms Form   Metagross Evolution Chain Target Method   Beldum   Metang Level Up at level 20   Metagross Level Up at level 45   Metagross (Mega) Mega evolve with Metagrossite Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Hammer Arm 1 Hammer Arm 1 Confusion 1 Metal Claw 1 Magnet Rise 1 Take Down 23 Pursuit 26 Bullet Punch 29 Miracle Eye 32 Zen Headbutt 35 Scary Face 38 Psychic 41 Agility 44 Meteor Mash 52 Iron Defense 60 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Earthquake Return Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Reflect Sludge Bomb Sandstorm Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Round Explosion Giga Impact Rock Polish Gyro Ball Psych Up Bulldoze Rock Slide Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Role Play (Requires chain breeding) Work Up (Requires chain breeding) Mimic   Captivate   Refresh (Requires chain breeding)
  25. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Diancie (Mega) Category N/A Types Ability Magic Bounce Description This is the form Castform takes when hit by hail. In an experiment where it was placed in a freezer, it didn’t change to this form. Height 1.1 m (3'7") Weight 27.8 kg (61.3 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 3 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Pink Base Exp 315 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 160 0 Defense 110 1 Sp. Attack 160 0 Sp. Defense 110 2 Speed 110 0 BST 700 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x4 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0 x0.5 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Diancie Evolution Chain Target Method   Diancie   Diancie (Mega) Mega evolve with Diancite Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Harden 1 Rock Throw 5 Sharpen 8 Smack Down 12 Reflect 18 Stealth Rock 21 Guard Split 27 Ancient Power 31 Flail 35 Skill Swap 40 Power Gem 46 Trick Room 49 Stone Edge 50 Moonblast 50 Diamond Storm 60 Light Screen 70 Safeguard Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Safeguard Frustration Smack Down Return Psychic Double Team Reflect Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Round Explosion Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Gyro Ball Psych Up Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Nature Power Dazzling Gleam Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Role Play                 Work Up               Mimic           Captivate           Refresh                  
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