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Posts posted by InfiniteWL

  1. Today I was also importing some .pgt and .pcd files, and my main issue regarding Worlds 2008 Lucario, is that after receiving the gift in-game from the delivery man, Lucario seems to be fine but after loading the game in PkHex, that's when things starts to be weird. My Lucario is a red Blank space in my pokemon's party Slot. I can't view its information or edit either.

    PKHeX (190515) version


    First I've tried with the regular .pcd and .pgt provided and downloaded from these 2 links, imported and then saved changes.



    Then I also used the .WC4 downloaded from here


    After saving changes in PkHex



    On 12/9/2017 at 1:23 PM, gclarke86 said:


    Using this .pcd really works to see the little description, but the end result it's always the same, I can't load Lucario's information in PkHex, always a red blank space.


    The only thing that kinda seemed to work was to import Roc's PC .pkm files direclty into my save file.




    Just in case I have also provided my .sav file.

    Pearl test.sav

  2. I believe I am reviving this topic, but my issue is pretty much related, so... Sometime ago I downloaded a save file provided by Deoxyz which cotains a copilation of pokemon events from generation 3, and I got my hands on a Festa Metang. But whenever I check this bad boy out, Pkhex returns with a bunch of errors, I don't know what I can do to fix it. It even returns with Missing Ribbon National when in reality Metang has that ribbon. Can anyone help me?

    The topic is:





  3. According to the information given at -> http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Gotta_Catch_'Em_All_event_Pokémon

    Any ID from 00000-65535 is valid and legit, since we all know that Gen 1 and 2 Pokemon don't have any of those Location met information, getting the missing L40 Shiny Ho-Oh can be done by simply starting a new game in Pokémon Gold/Crystal and then name your character as either PCNYa/PCNYb/PCNYc/PCNd, keep playing until you catch a Shiny Ho-Oh through soft-reset over a thousand times or catch a regular Ho-Oh and use the Coin Case Glitch to make him Shiny, and voila, you have a L40 Shiny Ho-Oh with the same information as the ones given-away in New York from back in the days...

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