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  1. The topic on github was closed. I'd wanted to add on to it by asking what .AbilityNumber=4 meant. I figured it's required to set the HA since without it .Ability= doesn't work, but what does the number refer to and what if it wasn't 4? Sorry I just want to understand the batch editor better. Also thanks a lot for your help, everything worked perfectly.
  2. I've been searching for days and haven't found an answer to my doubts so here goes. I'd gotten a Japanese Ditto through GTS. If I were to change it's trainer information TID, SID and OT to my own (I have a US 3DS) while retaining the Japanese region information will my pokemon be flagged? Also I've been trying to figure out how to use the batch editor. I want to change the held item of the pokemon, moves and its hidden ability. I've got .Move1= .HiddenAbility= and .HeldItem= but I'm not sure how it works? Typing things like it's HA or item name doesn't work.. edit: So I found out I should be using IDs for held items? Does this apply to abilities and moves as well? Where should I find said IDs besides counting the dropdown list? Thanks
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