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Posts posted by phact

  1. 6 hours ago, kpemz5 said:

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if I can get a team made and traded to me in Let's Go. I have no access to a homebrewed switch or I would do it myself. I'm willing to pay whoever is nice enough to help me out with this thanks :)

    message me on discord

    i got ya :) King IV#4225

  2. 2 hours ago, InsaneNutter said:

    I suspect you will have to update sooner or later to use any online functionality or game updates which come at a later date. However if you don't want to update your Lets Go Pokemon game or go online i don't see why you would need to update.

    The Switch and the Switch Homebrew scene is in its infancy compared to the 3DS. The 3DS has only the other day got it's first firmware update since last September, where as the Switch is getting firmware updates frequently.

    so it will probably be best to just update as needed until pokemon comes out (to maintain online play), then hb when ready

  3. 3 minutes ago, InsaneNutter said:

    @phact Your Switch will always be exploitable regardless of firmware version.

    The only advantage of staying on a lower firmware (4.1.0 or lower) is it *might* become easier to exploit the Switch in the future, for example not requiring a PC, Phone or USB dongle to enter RCM mode.

    However if you update you could keep your Switch's sysnand clean for online play, then have an emunand which is kept totally offline for hacks and homebrew at a later date. Emunands are not possible yet, however will be when the Atmosphere CFW is released.

    At the moment i'm on firmware 4.1.0 and staying there to keep my options open, all currently released games work on 4.1.0 too.


    im only getting a switch for pokemon

    when pokemon comes out, if i then homebrew it so i can use checkpoint and PKHeX, i shouldnt ever have to update the switch again right?

    my 3ds has HB on it as well, and its been almost a year and i havent had to update yet i can still battle and trade online

    so the same should be for the switch right? you only need to update the switch to the latest version for that specific game, then not anymore after right?

  4. On 6/2/2018 at 8:18 AM, theSLAYER said:

    CFW and homebrew installation *might* be easier on lower for wares, tho. I have to note, that I don't know for sure.

    I'm keeping my switch at 4.0.1 (or whatever the minimum firmware version was for Mario Oydessy)

    I also purchased the JP Puyo Tetris when it was mentioned to be useful for installation.


    On 6/1/2018 at 7:45 PM, NinFanBoyFTW said:

    You don't need a 3.0.0 switch to homebrew (and most likely CFW) your switch. They have homebrew up to the latest firmware now, with that hardware exploit they found. Here is a tutorial


    hey, so i bought my switch


    since i have the "hardware flaw" switch, isnt it true if i homebrew it now, future games will require an update, which will render the homebrew useless right? like, if i put homebrew on, and in november pokemon comes out, it will require an update to run it, and then boom, HB is gone? or is homebrew able to stay after updates? (or will it not even allow updates?)


    OR, does it even matter? since its a hardware flaw, i should be able to homebrew it again when pokemon comes out regardless right?

  5. EDIT:

    So they have answered the question BUTTTTTTTT, what i want to know now is, IF i homebrew my hardware flawed switch, will i still be able to update the console when new games come out (like pokemon which will require an update)

    if updates are available, will homebrew still be there? should i just wait for pokemon to come out before homebrewing?



    original question:

    hey, so im sure you all geeked out as much as i did from the Lets Go trailers

    my question to you is, should i go ahead and buy a 3.0.0 switch NOW from ebay while they are still cheap so that i can use Homebrew and its save editor for PKHex when lets go comes out?


    i assume Kaphotics will be making PKHex for Lets go as well correct? so should i pull the trigger half a year early so that i will be able to use it?

  6. On 11/27/2017 at 4:35 PM, umleydie said:

    I'm literally in the exact same boat as you. I'm at Old 3DS.11.4.0-37U use to use soundhax I updated to 11.4 when I needed access to Bank a while back. Finished my living dex in Sun and boom bam updated to throw everything in bank. Now that Ultra games are out I thought i'd try the hack life out again. So after me searching the web all day it seems like I'm gonna have to buy one of these flashcart things. Can you update me on which one you got? The steps? Any guides you have lol. I need help as well.

    yeah i got the flash cart and it worked PERFECTLY

    i used the instructions listed by the mod, however one part was missing during the beginning so i used a youtube video to get the proper files and instructions, then followed the rest of the guide


    now im PKHeXing like crazy! helping out all of my gaiaonline community achieve their dream pokemon

    grab the cart asap cause it takes forever, and they use a SUPER shady method of payment, but the guy is legit.


    good luck


    oh, and i bought the $20 R4i GOLD thing or something like that


  7. 17 minutes ago, Kaphotics said:

    I haven't done this method so I can't recommend anything. Maybe someone else can chime in.

    would you happen to know why suddenly my mega kanga is no longer allowed in online battles. about 8 months ago, after a ton of research, i found out how to make it 100% legal for battles and was WRECKING online with it.... then one day after a few months and an update, i log in, and its not in any of my selected teams, and when i placed it back in a team, i get the "something is wrong with one of your pokemon, message"  


    any ideas what happened?

  8. 3 minutes ago, Kaphotics said:

    There's different methods.


    If the flashcart can load NDS games on the system's current firmware, then you don't need any other system.

    ok awesome


    i want to follow you directly (as you helped me about a year ago get onto soundhax where i was then able to use PKHex to help all of my gaiaonline friends)


    i have an unhacked 3dsxl on 11.6.0-39U


    which flashcart do you suggest i buy? i will follow your lead and grab it then follow the guide!

  9. 5 minutes ago, Kaphotics said:

    you're better off getting a ntrboot compatible flashcart, which will give you more than just homebrew.


    it's less of a hassle once you set up custom firmware, and it's a permanent thing (no need to launch the exploit method manually) so you can help your friends too.

    So following this guide, I will not need to have a second 3DS or any additional Hardware like soldering and stuff correct? I can just follow this guide on my stock old 3DS and have everything up and running?

  10. Hi, I previously use to soundhax in order to use pkhex. Now that that is all patched and over with, I'm considering getting cubic ninja from Amazon for about $50 in order to use ninjhax to access Homebrew. I'm wondering if the Homebrew that I will be using will allow me to edit the saves and access pkhex appropriately? Since the cubic ninja I will be buying is a cartridge, will I be able to take out cubic ninja cartridge once in Homebrew then place in the Pokemon cartridge and load the save? Does that version of Homebrew even come with a save editor?


    Also if I read the instructions properly, for the current version of ninjhax all I need to do is throw the files on my SD card, load into cubic Ninja, scan the QR codes, and I should be good to go from there? No additional work would be needed for my old 3DS on version 11.6 correct?

  11. I know that its legal, it existed in previous generations, but i am trying to spawn a seismic toss kangaskhan and i cant get the correct parameters....


    while they are valid moves, they are invalid re-learn moves.... so should it be set as an egg, found at a specific location?


    and if i put it as transfered from another region, how does one set the trainer as another trainer from that region, or set the parameters to appear as such? (if its needed in order for the kanga to work)

  12. 11 hours ago, Nanashi said:

    when I was trying to catch a Xurkitree with a timid nature I got one with a jolly nature and I save my game after that thinking I got a timid nature by mistake is there someone I can trade with that can just change the nature of it to timid with pkhex? sorry for making this type of request don't trust myself with hacking my game and with myself possible breaking my game for just a one time hack 

    IGN: Mizuki

    FC: 3179-7401-2153

    i can help :]

    my FC is 


    let me know once u add me

  13. (Still looking for help) Hello

    i have a request for any PKHexers out there

    i currently have a powersaves, so im limited on what i can do, however i can offer spawned items if you are unable to spawn them with pkhex

    so i was wondering if someone could assist me in 

    can you spawn these for me All with my Name (Ty) and Trainer ID ( 634894 ),

    1.) lvl 5 FEMALE shiny Fletching All IVs 31, Nature Jolly, With Sword dance & roost. 252 Speed, 252 ATK

    2.) lvl 5 MALE shiny Litten All IVs 31, Nature Adamant, with sword dance. 252 ATK 252 Speed

    3.) lvl 5 MALE Shiny Beldum All IVs 31, Nature Adamant, 252 ATK 252 Speed

    4.) lvl 5 FEMALE Shiny salandit All IVs 31, Nature Modest, with Sludge Wave. 252 SPATK, 252 Speed

    5.) lvl 5 MALE Shiny Dratini All IVs 31, Nature Adamant with Dragon rush. 252 ATK, 128 def, 128 spdef

    6.) lvl 5 FEMALE Shiny Staryu All IVs 31, Nature Timid. 252 SPATK 252 Speed, NATURAL CURE ABILITY

    For all of them can you please make the Country (united states), Sub Region (Georgia), and 3DS Region (Americas (NA/SA)) if possible?


    all to pass the legit test if possible .__. i would really appreciate it <3

    i simply want to have my dream team as i do my play through :3

    IGN: Ty

    FC: 3239-7663-0268

  14. Just now, ReignOfComputer said:

    If you've jumped the gun and is not on 11.2 you're pretty much stuck. You'll have to hardmod or wait for some new exploit.

    i KNEW i shouldnt have updated T___T i knew something was wrong T__T

    o well, thank you reign for your assistance. i will stay posted for new exploits if one arises. please feel free to quote me though if a new one comes out. feel free to close this embarrassing thread T__T

  15. 7 minutes ago, evandixon said:

    Have you tried clearing the browser's cache?



    i think my mishap with not going through step one may have doomed myself

    because i didnt follow through step one, and basically went to step 3, i couldnt access the internet without updating

    it appears that since i updated from  6.1.0-12U  to 11.2.0-35U, that ill have to HARDMOD my 3ds in order to get this to work or have access to one of the games pulled from the eshop

    which i dont, and cant currently do.

    is there a way around hardmodding the device to get this done? i dont have another 3ds, a soldering kit, or the eshop games

  16. 2 minutes ago, ReignOfComputer said:

    The guide's really easy to follow mate, you're welcome to ask more questions here if you hit bumps along the way but there's only so much spoon-feeding we can do :/



    i may have skipped step 1

    im currently sitting at "Decrypt9WIP.dat loading, and nothing is happening

    tbh, based off of a youtube video i saw, i went straight to the page https://3ds.guide/installing-arm9loaderhax and started from there


    but you are saying that i skipped step 2, which is the Decrypt part.... which implies there had to have been a step 1.... which i clearly didnt follow, and must be essensial as i dont see anything happening.

  17. 2 hours ago, Ammako said:

    The guide lists every single detail you may need, I don't know what else you'd want. It's literally a step-by-step that's been made as noob-proof as possible, and tells you everything you need for each step.

    current folder setup for the SD looks as such






    file9 (didnt have one so i had to create one for the step that required moving files to it):










    i must be missing something :\

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