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Everything posted by cc9

  1. Do we know for certain if the SG codes uses the same wondercard as the Japanese ones?
  2. Is it possible to clarify the CP of mew? the one I downloaded from here has CP 4006. however I traded it and it became CP 7 or 9 I can't remember. the screenshot above shows a CP of 2. what should be the most likely range of mew's CP?
  3. maxsoft hasn't announced the distro method for the SEA codes. ,_, since it's been days since the HKTW OT remains japanese, would GF suddenly change it to Aether, like how they did on the 20TH star mew?
  4. Ah, that made sense. Thanks for answering. Haha
  5. That will mean we will be missing the wondercard of this particular koko variant?
  6. Hello theslayer, would the PAL French wondercard, when imported on a tw console, have OT melemele instead of mele-mele?
  7. Hello, I'm pretty sure I've read before somewhere but I couldn't find it again. I want to import a wc7full with a specific date (I don't want old events to have current dates). When should I be changing my PC date / 3ds date to the date I want? Do I change my PC date before I import with PKHEX, or do I change my 3ds date before I backup the save using JKSM? Thank you.
  8. I might be able to get a ticket to korea over one weekend, but that is depending on how the events will be distributed via infrared. Are there only 1 queue, or multiple queues? How long did the past queues (koko, mew) last? If I have 3 consoles x 6 games (including carts and digital), do I get to redeem on all 3 consoles during one queue, or would I have to queue 3 times? Thanks!
  9. Hello! I was trying to export box data report when I encountered this error. Using the latest version of PKhex (and on Omega Ruby main) and I've also installed the required NET framework files. I think I only encounter it when there's eggs in my box, as my files without eggs seem to load fine. Error dialog uploaded to imgur: Could this be due to me having too many pokemons / having eggs / having JPN & KOR named pokemons? Edit: also added my box data dump with OT removed. somehow, the KOR & JPN names as well as gender cannot save properly. Box Data Dump.csv
  10. Hi! After importing the VC mew from event contribution, it's not able to be traded.
  11. Hello, I just realised we have the birthday pokemons, which are awesome! How did we suddenly get all of them if I may ask? They're available from 2013 - 2016 :3
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