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Posts posted by JHorbach

  1. On 7/5/2017 at 5:18 AM, InsaneNutter said:

    Do you still own the 3DS? that might well be the best console to play all the games on.


    GEN 1 is officially on the Eshop, the games support trading via WiFi

    GEN 2 will be on the Eshop September 22nd, these will also support trading via WiFi. Unofficial CIA's exist which support WiFi trading however.

    (You can import your Pokemon up to GEN 7 if playing the official Eshop releases of GEN 1 and 2)

    GEN 3 is possible to play on the 3DS with custom built CIA's, you wouldn't be able to trade though unless you dumped your save and used an emulator on the PC to trade, then restored the save to the 3DS after.

    GEN 4 and 5 can be played on the 3DS with a cheap $10 flashcard, although i'd say spend $20 and get a good flashcard if your going to invest in one.

    GEN 6 and 7 are obviously 3DS games

    So as you can see it is possible to play every Pokemon GEN on the 3DS, with full trading / link support with the exception of GEN 3.


    TGB Dual for GEN 1-2 (Supports link cable emulation)

    VBA-M for GEN 3 (Supports link cable emulation) This will also play GB / GBC colour games, however i found the link cable emulation to be quite buggy so i'd recommend TGB Dual.

    DeSmuME for GEN 4 to 5, this can link to GBA games, however does not support WiFi emulation, meaning you can't trade.

    melonDS for GEN 4 to 5, this emulator is pretty new and requires quite a powerful PC, however does support WiFi emulation, so in theory trading should be possible. I've not tested this however.

    Citra for GEN 6 and 7, requires a powerful PC, no WiFi emulation so i'd stick to your 3DS for GEN 6 - 7

    I hope that's some help!

    If you can spare the cash at some point I think it's well worth investing in the physical copies of Pokemon games, i've gradually purchased all the core games over the years. Some we're going pretty cheap, for example I got sealed copies of Black / White and Black / White 2 for £7 each. On the other hand Heart Gold / Soul Silver are going for £50 used here which is crazy.

    I can confirm MelonDS support trading.

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  2. So, I get a Moon save file that I transfered my Scyther from yellow to moon, I want to know how I "legit" trade evolve that Scyther to Scizor, I know that I need to change it species(obviulsy), but the "residense thing" is the problem. The "last residence" of my scyther appears as Brazil, because my Yellow is from here (and I live here), now let's say if this "hypothetical trade" for evolution was with someone from Germany, and then change back with me (Brazil, Moon save file), what would the residence be like? I tried to open two PKHEX with a German save file and do the transfer(with drag and drop feature), but the residence has not changed. Someone can help me how the "residence thing" should become in this case? I just want to remember that Scyther is from a Gen 1 Game, and I transfered it from the normal way to Moon.

    And my English isn't so good! Sorry, and Thanks!

  3. Cool! I'm at work now, when I get home will test it! Good work man!

    I have some bugs to report

    - When I transfer my mew from Gen 1 games, to Gen 3 to HP IV becomes 0, Mew's held item is invalid in Gen 2 too.

    - When I transfer my Gen 3 Bulbasaur to Gen 2 and 1, it species is invalid... But I can change it manually.

  4. I mean I'm not opposed to updating it, but I'm also not really sure what there is to add? I'm pretty satisfied with Rhydon.

    Behind the scenes, PKHeX may or may not get Gen I/II support, but I'd bet against it.

    Is it possible to add an item organizator? Organize items in-game is boring and slow, maybe a tool for move up and down, drag and drop, or organize by type, like TM in order.

  5. Fix is live on the website for the ? in the nickname. The name bytes are now written with zeros after the terminator byte 255.

    JHorbach could you try the Bulbasaur again to confirm the nickname is correct when opened in PKHex?

    I've fixed the gen 4 nickname writing too. Gen 5 and 6 should be OK as is.

    Gen 1 and 2 write terminator bytes 255 255 255 at the end, which is what I've seen in-game.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    The Bulbasaur is 100% ok! Nice work Metropolis.

    Edit: I don't know anything about this, if it's a problem or not, but when I load the files in a Hex Editor to compare, there are something different as you can see in this image!


    ... When I load your .pk3 file in PKHeX then save it, the saved file is the same as the original .pkm from PKHeX.

  6. If you really want a legal Bulbasaur and Charmander, you can use PKHeX, just start a Fire Red or Leaf Green save, choose Charmander as the starter, and save, after that, you open two PKHeX instances and load the Fire Red save in one, and the Soul Silver in the another, then just drag and drop the Charmander to Soul Silver instance, the Pokémon will be converted. Don't forget to save the chances, repeat the process with Bulbasaur.

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