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Posts posted by Majickhat55

  1. I doubt it has anything to do with a bug in PKHex since those public codes are one use per save enforced server side.

    One time I made a backup save that was clean with SDF.

    Used a shared public code.

    restored the backup with SDF

    Tried to use the code again and it would not work.

    I never edited the save (never do I only do read only info cheating with PKHeX) and just restored the pre code backup so it shows that they enforce it server side.

    Well I would agree but it works fine with the TUE05PM Xerneas. I delete the WC in the game, then delete it in PkHeX as well as the received list and I can get another one. It's only the Hoopa that seems to keeps flagging the server as "obtained". So I thought it was more of an isolated incident.

    EDIT: Now I'm wondering if it being a re-distribution having anything to do with it. Since these are the only public codes I can test right now, all I can do is see if anyone else has the same issue.

  2. In the latest version of PkHeX, when I delete the WonderCard, as well as the ID in the "received" list, the game still tells me I have already received this gift. It worked normally with this months Jirachi, but it keeps the "Harry Hoopa" flagged even when I clear the entire WonderCard data box in both PkHeX and in game. Anyone else have this problem?

    EDIT: I had to start a new game to get another one. Tried deleting that WC in game, going to PkHeX and deleting the data there as well as the received list (Cleared EVERYTHING) and it still says the same thing.

  3. Does anyone know if it's even possible to edit the FireCore textures on flame bearing Pokémon such as Moltres and Charizard? I have looked everywhere for a solution and have seen a few people claim they have done it, but I have not actually SEEN it. If anyone has any help on this it would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!!! :D

  4. To be honest, I'm also quite disgusted by this developing.

    I know for a fact that pre-release event files lying on that server do change over time (as they're still under development), so all this might and will eventually lead to improper contributions.

    Not to mention the harm to the collecting community as well as business partners of The Pokémon Company by making all this public. Overall I'm quite positive we'll end up with less than we could have gotten.

    I hope not. Granted I know I'm new here and haven't had the chance to contribute before someone else does (I literally just got my NTR etc working the other day but Hoopa/Xerneas have already been added), however, I admire the hard work of the contributors/moderators here. At the very least I feel like it undermines the efforts of the community to collect legit WC files and share them. I'm anxious to see how this turns out.

  5. Not sure then. They are all .pgt/.pcd files, I just drag and dropped onto PkHex. They aren't .wc6 files, is there another way to import them besides just opening them in PokeGen or PkHex? Everytime I tried it was the same nature, other events that have set natures were fine like the JEREMY pokemon. Just a little confused Lol

    Nevermind. I figured out the problem, thank you :D Apologies for the mistake.

  6. There's nothing wrong with the files. It seems more that the natures got broken by whatever method you had used to inject them.

    Not sure then. They are all .pgt/.pcd files, I just drag and dropped onto PkHex. They aren't .wc6 files, is there another way to import them besides just opening them in PokeGen or PkHex? Everytime I tried it was the same nature, other events that have set natures were fine like the JEREMY pokemon. Just a little confused Lol

  7. Regarding the Johto Beasts from Gen 4. The Suicune files are set to the wrong nature. The event (All regions) have a relaxed set nature. The .Pgt/.Pcd files are set to a Hardy nature and renders the pokemon "Un-tradeable". All three have set natures, I have yet to check Raikou and Entei but their natures should be Rash and Adamant respectively. I hope this is the right place to report this. :D

  8. Interesting. I was getting the "Pokémon in your party can't be traded" message. I guess I'll try again later. Maybe the trade system was updated since I first attempted to trade?

    And no, it wasn't via GTS. Just a regular Wi-Fi friend trade. Thanks for the feedback.

    That's just really odd. I used the same WC files that were uploaded here, both the ENG and JPN ones and they went through Wi-Fi trades with no issue. There hasn't been a game update since he was released either. I'm playing on Alpha Sapphire if that makes a difference. Maybe Barrier isn't allowed on XY since the participate in the Kanto Classic you had to use OR/AS. I'm guessing Dragonite can't learn Barrier in XY since the event was only for OR/AS.

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