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About Sumilidon

  • Birthday 05/12/1993
  1. Yeah I ended up just decompressing/unpacking the original .bin files when I dumped the rom and it's working perfectly now! One more thing though, when you're editing the trainer's pokemon and opt to randomize them but choose 'Don't Modify' for their movesets, do the randomized pokemon load with the movesets of the original pokemon? Because I've run into trainers with Lairon using bubble lol but I've also run into trainers with randomized pokemon using moves which the original pokemon doesn't even learn either, so I'm not entirely sure. Anyways, thanks for the tip!
  2. Hey Kaphotics, firstly, I would like to say thanks for making such a damn good tool. Everything seems to work fine but whenever I try to randomize my Pokemon X the levels of the trainers' pokemon seem to always be 50% higher. I've turned off the level boost function and even the maximum difficulty function when randomizing. And I have tried randomizing it at least 5 times now and their levels are still so damn high. Like the first rival battle, in the past 5 randomizers I've done, Shauna had sent out like Barboach, Shinx, Tranquill etc but they're all level 10. Do you have maybe some sort of idea as to why it does this? Thanks again!
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