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About Jowlbood

  • Birthday 03/02/1992
  1. I have too many problems when I use pk3ds. First of all, when I launch it with Pokémon X (USA) romfs and exefs, I have this error message : "Could not get the GARC : System.IO.EndOfStreamException : Impossible de lire au-delà de la fin du flux.* à System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes) à System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadUInt32() à pk3DS.ARC.Unpack(String garcPath, String outPath, Boolean skipDecompression, ProgressBar pBar1, Label label, Boolean supress, Boolean bypassExt) à pk3DS.Main.getGARC(String infile, String outfolder, Boolean PB, Boolean bypassExt) (Yes I'm french, it's why there's a part of french. * The french message says "Impossible to read beyond the end of the flow.") I used the text editors, without problem. Otherwise, when I use the the Wild Editor and the Trainer Editor it crashes, either with the .exe or with the project opened with Visual Studio. It displayed me "DirectoryNotFoundException was unhandled An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException' occured in System.Windows.Forms.dll" Additional information : Impossible de trouver une partie du chemin d'accès (= Impossible to find a part of the path) 'C: \Usern\[...]pk3DS-master\pK3DS\bin\Debiug\personal'." It redirected me to this part of the main.cs in the project "Invoke((Action)(() => new RSTE().ShowDialog()));". I did it in other computer, I got the same thing. Howhever, I launched XYWE and XYTE, there was no problem. I extracted the GARC, and I could edit the files. But the tools are not up to date : there's no randomizer. So : - What is my ecountered problem ? What's the solution ? - Is it possible to update the XYWE and XYTE seperately from the pk3DS please ? Thank for your help (and sorry for my bad english).
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