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Everything posted by THO

  1. Bump
  2. changed from pkmntomVGC to PKMNTOM
  3. ok so first some context: my pokemon were fine and all passed battlespot until I mass edited their OT_Name. Then battlespot flagged them. I have included two boxes of monsters, the one before mass edit(Legal) and one after the edit (Flagged) Can anyone spot the problem with the flagged box? Thanks in advance i Havent a clue why its all strikethrough and i cant get it off legal.bin flagged.bin
  4. Yeah sorry about that. I have posted some photos(Dropbox again) to prove I attended the event... But did not think to record myself receiving it. Alas I am a bit noobish but I will make sure my future contributions are more... complete?!
  5. Actually it does have a ribbon... And it's met data is Battle Resort. The event is a clone of one of last years competitors, senior winner I believe, hence OT IVs and Met location...
  6. Yay! I know you have to be sure but I have nothing to gain by uploading a fake wondercard. I just wanted to help by contributing seen as PP has sorted me right out over the last year
  7. Sorry I'm a total noob at this, I didn't edit it at all so its untouched, also it is a copy of one off the competitors pokemon so maybe thats why is 6IV? Also i have some pictures form the event to prove my attendance (drop box link again) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t4qn3otrcqq69tw/AABQp88DEMjFvuczD-mNckgDa?dl=0 please let me know if there is anything else I can do to validate it.
  8. I attended the UK Nationals and have the Machamp! Im so glad i can finally contribute! Not sure ho to upload it so here is a dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/s/fs9nb74wqflxvmj/580%20-%20Let%20Shiny%20Machamp%20give%20you%20a%20lift.wc6?dl=0 Hope this helps!
  9. i can also confirm BlackSharks file is legit
  10. That should work fine as long as it is just pcdata.bin I used the same pcdata.bin for Omega Ruby and Y Some of the items that weren't in Y simply disappeared but that wont be the case with OR to AS
  11. Hi, i have just bought a 2DS running 7.2 I have used smash bros to update to 8.1.0-14e Is there a game that installs firmware between v9 and 9.5.0-22?
  12. Hi there. I have a similar back story to you it just starts 10 years earlier. I got pokemon red in 1999 and my little brother had blue, between us we beat it without cheats and caught all 150 pokemon. We wanted to catch Mew and as there were no official events in England we bought a GameShark which was the original "action replay" type thing. Around the age of 12 I grew out of pokemon but started playing again when XY came out. I learned of the GTS exploit on ealier games so I bought B2 to start genning. Then once the nintendo wifi was stopped I turned to project pokemon to learn the browser exploit and pokehex. It worked beautifully and i started an Instagram page to do giveaways and gen for people. That again has been stopped by nintendo so here I am now a 25 year old playing pokemon without cheats!
  13. This fix worked for me for the last week but today it wouldn't crash the browser. The page loads fine and displays "RUNNING EXPLOIT" but the browser doesn't crash anymore. Deleted history and cookies. Not updated either. Any ideas? I understand I'm one of the lucky ones and have been using this technique a lot longer than most other users. Is this the end of my lucky streak?
  14. Thanks a lot i will be trying these out now! EDIT: the new links for PC IN & OUT work fine. Thanks again!
  15. I have the same problem. I have been using "pc in" for 5 weeks and haven't updated. Last night PC IN stopped working. Checked firmware and it hasn't updated itself. My first guess was the PC IN sever was down. Can anyone help?
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